After rejecting the marriage, the head of the Qin family was crushed by me.

Chapter 235 Jiang Qingnian angrily attacked Shi Mulin

"Let her look forward to it." Qianzhe Mian smiled slightly, "Your brother is here, and I am very curious about what his attitude will be towards your biological mother after knowing the truth."

Several people sat in a row, lazily nestled on the sofa. Jiang Qingyao looked like she was waiting for a good show, staring at the reception room with bright eyes: "I'm curious too."

But soon, Jiang Qingnian's reaction exceeded their expectations.

He spoke extremely fast, like a machine gun, and a series of words spewed out of his mouth. The original tension when he pushed the door disappeared, and was replaced by anger.

Please, although he is just a pawn in the hands of the Jiang family master, he is the son with the highest status after all, and he also has a temper, okay!In addition, growing up next to the head of the Jiang family, the education he received destined that his vision and strength were beyond the reach of ordinary people, especially Shi Mulin, who was even more speechless by him at this moment. Word.

She opened her mouth silently and was silent for ten seconds before speaking: "Niannian, I am your mother... How can you talk to your mother like this... It's really rude for you to talk like this... …”

"Not interrupting you is my last respect for you as a human being." Jiang Qingnian spoke coldly after hearing what she said. He stood upright, even when he saw the chair next to him. He didn't even sit down, and his momentum was heightened in an instant, "Don't use the words 'I am your mother, you should listen to me' or 'I am your mother, you should talk to me nicely'. You are not worthy of kidnapping me! I have grown up by my father's side these years, and you have not participated in my growth. You should leave this kind of talk to others, such as my sister. I believe she will be happy to listen to your chatter. Nagging."

He seemed to suddenly think of something and smiled: "Oh, I almost forgot. My sister has been a child who has received various scholarships since she was a child. She has been relying on various scholarships to support herself since she was seven years old. I even had some money left to buy you a gift, but how did you end up talking to my sister?"

Jiang Qingnian sneered, deliberately making a tone, and imitating Shi Mulin's tone in the previous recording: "This family is incomplete without your father and your brother!!"

He paused and added another sentence: "I am approaching my old age, but my son is not around... Qingyao, my mother is very lonely..."

Shi Mulin was angry and raised his palm high, about to slap him down.

"It doesn't matter, you can hit me and let me feel what kind of life my sister has lived in the past 21 years." Jiang Qingnian pointed to his cheek, tilted his head, looking so handsome, "Come on, come to me if you have anything. Aren't you longing for a son? I'll show you how uncomfortable it would be for you if you didn't have a sister all these years and if the child left in your hands was me."

"You..." Shi Mulin suddenly covered her face and started crying, "Niannian... how could you do this..."

"Can you change some words? I'm tired of hearing those same words over and over again." Jiang Qingnian glanced at her with disgust and turned his head away, not bothering to look at her at all.

"Niannian, really let your mother down." Shi Mulin cried and shouted, "Did someone teach you bad things? You go back to your mother and she will teach you, okay? Huh?" "

"So you admit that you have never taught my sister?" Jiang Qingnian leaned against the wall with a cold face.


"It seems like she hasn't been taught before. No wonder my sister is so smart and excellent." Jiang Qingnian sneered, "Remember, I have no obligation to respond to this mother who appeared out of nowhere. Your expectations.”

"You have it, I'm your mother!" Shi Mulin stopped crying instantly and looked at him with bright eyes.

"Then tell me, who is my father? Why did he not want you back then?" Jiang Qingnian smiled coldly and patted her face.

"Your father is the head of the Jiang family...although I don't know what his name is...when you were three years old, he took you back to the Jiang family and left a child support and a settlement fee for our mother. Female..." Shi Mulin fell silent as she spoke.Yes, they, mother and daughter.

She suddenly felt very powerless. The son she had longed for her whole life was now standing in front of her, scolding herself for being unfair to her daughter.

But what's wrong with her?Wasn't it the man who ran away as soon as he fell asleep who was wrong?She doesn't want to get pregnant either?
As for being unfair to my daughter...

She just wanted her son to come back, so what was wrong with her?She is not a judge, how can she make a bowl of water equal?

"Not convinced?" Jiang Qingnian snapped his fingers, "Auntie, I hope you can understand that you and your daughter are dependent on each other. My sister is your only child. You should have given me the money my father gave you. A large part of the money will be spent on my sister, let her go to school, learn talents, learn various things, and take her to eat and drink...instead of watching indifferently while she uses the scholarship to buy you gifts, and you go out and have fun every day comfortable."

Shi Mulin was completely silent.

"It seems that you don't have anything to add about the Jiang family." Jiang Qingnian walked out, "I hope you can face my sister so confidently later."

With that said, he walked out.

He was so arrogant that only Shi Mulin was left with a back figure that, although wearing prison uniform, could not hide the uninhibited and indulgent style of his master.

He walked out for two steps, as if remembering something, walked to the door of the room where Qianzhe Mian and others were, and knocked on the door very politely.

"Excuse me, can I come in?" Jiang Qingnian stood at the door.

"Please come in." Jiang Qingyao stood up and opened the door for him. The moment the door was opened, the brother and sister were stunned.

"Then... that... why is my sister here..." Jiang Qingnian scratched his head in embarrassment, "Well, sister, I didn't scare you just now, did I?"

"No." Jiang Qingyao calmly sat back down and took a sip of coffee, "How does brother know there is someone here?"

"Guess." Jiang Qingnian found a bench and sat down on his own, with an indignant look on his face, "No, she went too far. She said mother on the left and son on the right, as if I owed her something. ...I don’t know who she is, but she still dares to kidnap me morally..."

"Okay, okay, brother, don't be angry with her, it's not worth it." Jiang Qingyao handed him the fruit in her hand, "Eat one?"

"Yeah." Jiang Qingnian took the grape and became angrier as he thought about it, "No, this is really the first time in my life that I hate myself for learning so many polite expressions! I didn't even perform well just now!"

Hold on

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