"No news yet."

When Su Mingchong came in, the first thing he heard Zhong Liyu ask was this.

He shook his head: "It must have gone deep. There has been no signal from that location. Even if the first group of people we sent followed them in, no news came back."

"That mountainous place is already very dangerous, but she ran in so rashly without knowing..." Zhong Liyu was a little angry.

I was annoyed that Xie Lan didn't take his life seriously.

Even more annoyed that she acted alone.

"Let's wait a little longer," Su Mingchong was afraid that he would follow him on impulse.

Seeing Zhong Liyu's attitude towards Xie Lan, Su Mingchong felt relieved.

At least we know that Zhong Liyu is still very different from Xie Lan, so Feng Ying is not very threatening.

Su Mingchong, who realized that he actually worried about this, couldn't help but sigh when he remembered his initial attitude towards Xie Lan.

Sure enough, people's hearts will change.

That is to say, I don’t know if Zhong Liyu’s feelings for Xie Lan will change.

The appearance of Feng Ying is a test.

There was a dark cloud between Zhong Liyu's brows, "Send more people over."

"Our people have..."

"Deploy them from there. The strangers can't be guarded against. There's no need to waste manpower." It's better to focus on looking for Xie Lan.

He always felt that something would happen if Xie Lan entered the forest this time.

  A certain mountainous place.

Xie Lan was treating the wounds of Chen Rong and the others. Just last night, they were attacked in the forest.

They did not expect that strangers and ancient warriors would appear here.

Xie Lan immediately guessed that it was that person who was behind the scenes.

"I'm sorry," Xie Lan said, "I have caused trouble for you."

"What did the boss say? We had already anticipated the danger," Chen Rong said, "If we were afraid of death, we wouldn't have followed."

"Some of them have weird skills. Please be careful. The target is the boss. The most dangerous one now is the boss." Another person said.

Xie Lan said: "The target is me, so it won't pose a threat to you."

"We are with the boss, and they will definitely not let us go easily," Chen Rong said. "When we protect the boss, we are also protecting ourselves."

Xie Lan swallowed back his words about wanting them to leave first and glanced at Chen Rong.

"The abilities they use are the same as what we are learning now," one of them saw some clues and asked Xie Lan with his eyes.

Because those skills were given to them by Xie Lan, Xie Lan must know something about them.

"Actually, these are so-called martial arts, but they have been lost for a long time and can only be seen in TV series."

This was the first time they heard Xie Lan talk about this, and they were stunned for a while.

"It's really martial arts. We had doubts before," Chen Rong touched his head and smiled stupidly: "We can be considered martial arts masters now."

The others laughed too.

Xie Lan also smiled: "It's not that good for martial arts masters, but it's still possible to deal with strangers."

"How dare we think that there are still these things in this world before? First it was aliens, and now it is martial arts. This life is worth it."

"Yes, if I hadn't made this choice in the first place, where would I have had such an opportunity for contact?"

Seeing that they were in good spirits, Xie Lan stood up and came to the front. He looked at the col with the sound of running water and frowned.

"They retreated during the day and only attacked at night. How despicable." Chen Rong stood next to Xie Lan and cursed.

"They are very careful and very strong," Xie Lan looked back at the people he brought, "The longer we stay here, the more people Zhong Liyu will definitely send."

It's not that she looks down on Zhong Liyu, it's that they are now facing a combined team of strangers and ancient warriors. It is more difficult to suppress it.

"The medicine we want to collect hasn't been collected yet, so we are a little reluctant to leave now." Chen Rong knew that she had come out specifically to collect medicine for Zhong Liyu.

Retreating at this time would be a waste of their efforts.

"Leave now," Xie Lan made a quick decision.

"Boss..." Chen Rong was a little depressed, "Is it because of us?"

It dragged Xie Lan down.

Xie Lan patted his shoulder: "What are you talking about? I'm worried about Zhong Liyu's health deteriorating."

"Deterioration? Mr. Zhongli has the Jie family and his own doctor around him. How could it worsen?"

When they came out, Zhong Liyu was fine and looked better than before.

Xie Lan shook his head solemnly, "That's just an illusion. He was affected by the stone tablet under the underground palace, and his body has been stretched to the limit. If there is another burst of power, he will die."

As long as there is a stranger out at this time, forcing him to take action, he will definitely die!
  That's why Xie Lan ran out in such a hurry to find medicinal materials to make medicine for him.

Xie Lan's words surprised Chen Rong: "Does Xie's family know?"

"They can't see it," Xie Lan sighed: "Let's go."

Chen Rong wanted to say something else, but swallowed it back.

They exited the forest quickly in a straight line.

  Xie Lan and the others left quickly and met a group of people entering the forest on the way.

The leader was actually He Xuan.

Seeing He Xuan, Xie Lan's steps suddenly stopped: "He Xuan? Why are you here?"

"Young Master is worried about your situation. Before we came here, we received some bad news. Several experts were sent to the place we have been staring at. The direction is towards your place. We did not inform Young Master about this. Lord, otherwise with the importance he attaches to Miss Xie Er, he will definitely come in person."

As soon as He Xuan saw Xie Lan, he started talking a lot.

Xie Lan realized that the situation was somewhat serious.

"Is he going to move?" Xie Lan looked behind him, "We encountered those people, and now we must leave."


"Zhong Liyu has a serious health problem," Xie Lan said solemnly.

He Xuan and others turned pale: "What do you mean?"

"Something happened before that affected the cells of his body." The doctor."

He Xuan knew what that meant, and his face became even more ugly.

Looking at Xie Lan's eyes again, he said, "How do you know this?"

Chen Rong, who was beside Xie Lan, said hurriedly: "Our boss came here just to collect medicine for Zhong Liyu."

He Xuan didn't know what was going on, but he still wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, "Follow me."

They marked the way in so it would be faster to go out.

Xie Lan nodded and followed He Xuan and others at a faster speed.

However, after running for most of the day, they were blocked by a group of people who had fallen from the treetops.

The leader was wearing black clothes and black trousers, and his eyes were sharp as a warrior's. "I'm sorry, Miss Xie, you have to stay here."

"Did Xiao Liu give you an order?" Xie Lan stood up and asked quietly.

The man in black was stunned and stared at Xie Lan: "It seems that Second Miss Xie knows more than we thought. However, the more we know, the less we can keep Miss Xie."

Xie Lan's eyes flashed slightly: "It seems that my guess is right. Although I don't know what is going on with Xiao Liu. If he is still the same Xiao Liu, I would like to ask why he is not chasing Zhong Liyu. Let go?" (End of Chapter)

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