
Chapter 302 Treasure Offering

Chapter 302 Treasure Offering

Yanfei tilted his head to signal, and Ye Lingxi understood and quietly slipped behind the Qingliang Hall. After a while, Yanfei also came over.

"Brother Yan, have you discovered me a long time ago?"

Yan Fei pretended to be confused and said, "What did you find out about the princess?" Ye Lingxi smiled and said slyly with big eyes, "You found out that I was peeking at Brother Yan." Yan Fei blushed slightly, coughed again, and changed the subject. , "This time the other party brought three treasures to present to the emperor," he paused and hesitated slightly, "and also brought a woman."

Hearing the last two words, Ye Lingxi frowned alertly, "Do you want to bribe your father with your beauty? My father is not such a person." When she said this, she immediately thought of one thing, "By the way, people Where is it? Why didn't I see it just now?" Yan Fei replied, "He is in the embassy and has not entered the palace yet." Ye Lingxi asked again, "Does it look good?" Yan Fei hesitated again, not quite. In order to answer the question directly, she replied tactfully, "I heard she is the most beautiful woman in the clan."

"The most beautiful woman..." Ye Lingxi protracted, as if she was tired of hearing such names, "The most beautiful woman again, why are there so many most beautiful women in the world." At this point, she stared at Yan Fei and asked He asked, "Brother Yan, have you seen this most beautiful woman?" Yan Fei was inexplicably nervous and shook his head no. The next moment, he turned his eyes back and signaled that someone was coming, and Ye Lingxi immediately slipped away.

When Feng Dutou came over, he only saw Yanfei patrolling behind. He asked about the situation, and Yanfei said everything was normal, and then the two left.

At the banquet here, Mingyue presented three rare treasures to Ye Lanchen to express her sincerity in seeking peace.

The first piece is the orb, the second piece is the Moon Clothes, and the third piece is the Divine Iron.

This orb warms the whole body, is as smooth as a pearl, and is as bright as the moonlight. When worn on the body, it has the magical effect of expelling insects, warding off evil spirits, and beautifying the skin. It can prevent sweating and produce fragrance in the summer, and can activate blood circulation and warm the body in the winter. It is very magical.

This moon robe is as thin as cicada wings and extremely light. When it dances under the moon, it is full of light, like a fairy in the moon. Moreover, the silk silk woven into this moon robe is extremely flexible. Ordinary swords, guns, swords and halberds cannot scratch it at all, and the rain It doesn't get wet or get heated by fire. It's more magical than gold-plated soft armor.

This sacred iron is a treasure worshiped by the Yue clan for generations. It is said to have come from outside the world and has been worshiped as a sacred stone. Later, the chief elder of the clan received advice from an expert and found out that this sacred stone is meteorite iron from the sky and is extremely tough.

Yanjiang naturally recognized what this divine iron was, and the dagger he carried was forged from it. This sacred iron is black and is also called black iron. In order to forge this black iron into weapons, in addition to a special iron-making furnace, a special formula is also needed to melt it and then forge it.

There are no skilled craftsmen in the Yue clan who know how to make iron. The weapons they use are either bought or stolen, and then undergo secondary processing to make them into weapons that are suitable for hand use. For this black iron, which requires a special iron-making furnace and a special formula to melt, the clan members Naturally, people cannot make it into a weapon.

In addition, this piece of sacred iron has been worshiped by the clan members for several generations. If it were thrown into the furnace and burned, it would definitely cause quite a disturbance. This time Ming Yue met with opposition from many people when he brought the divine iron. However, the Great Elder overcame all the objections and held another ritual to ask about good or bad luck. The divination result was good, leaving those who objected speechless. .

Ye Lanchen accepted these three rare treasures and also gave three treasures in return to show Da Hui's sincerity. When Ming Yue thanked her, she declined the treasure politely, explained her intention to marry him, spoke Chinese fluently, and claimed to be my subordinate, showing great humility.

"I have always admired the women of the Central Plains for being knowledgeable, sensible, gentle and virtuous. Her Royal Highness the Princess's talent, beauty and conduct are unparalleled. If I can get such a good wife, I will cherish her and love her, and I will never let the princess suffer any injustice."

Ye Lanchen said nothing and tapped his fingers on the table a few times.

Shen Ning walked towards Mingyue with two glasses of wine and said, "His Royal Highness the Moon King is unaware of something. The princess is still young, and we Dahui women have to wait until they have hair extensions to discuss marriage. Your Highness is a talented person, so you don't have to worry about not getting a wife." Shen Ning handed over a glass of wine. Ming Yue took the glass and said, "I'm being rude." Shen Ning toasted, "Your Highness said something serious. I wonder if Your Highness has ever heard of the saying, when you drink with a close friend, a thousand cups are too little, so I'll drink first." Out of respect." After the two of them finished drinking, Ming Yue stopped mentioning the marriage proposal.


The next morning, as soon as Ye Lingxi finished her breakfast, Xiao Anzi came over and revealed a piece of news to her. When she heard the news, her little eyebrows almost knitted together.

Her father left behind the most beautiful woman, Hong Zhu.

The banquet lasted until dark yesterday, and Ming Yue prepared another gift, and this gift was the most beautiful woman. In the evening, the other party quietly entered the palace in a carriage, and then performed a dance in the Qingliang Hall. This Yue clan woman was already good at singing and dancing, and the red bead was even more unmatched by anyone. This carefully choreographed stunning dance shocked everyone. , which made some ministers look straight in the eyes.

After performing the dance, Hongzhu took the initiative to ask to stay in the palace to serve, even if she was a slave, she was willing to do so.

Ye Lanchen thought about it and said that she was a good dancer. Eunuch De agreed. After the banquet, he placed Hongzhu in the palace orchestra.

Then, Ye Lingxi sneaked into the music studio to see who the other party was.

"Master, don't worry. I will definitely win the heart of the emperor. There will be no more wars from now on. Goddess of the Moon bless me." Hongzhu stood behind the window and prayed to the sky, but she didn't know that there was a person hidden under the window. When she opened her eyes, a face suddenly appeared in front of her, which startled her. The next moment, people from outside came in through the window, and they moved very skillfully.

Hongzhu looked at the little girl in front of him in surprise and defensiveness, "Who are you? This is my house, who let you in?"

"This is still my father's palace." Ye Lingxi shot back without showing any weakness.

"You...you're a princess?!" Hongzhu's eyes widened in surprise, and she asked warily, "Are you really a princess?"

Ye Lingxi took out his token and showed it to her, but Hongzhu was still doubtful.

"If you still don't believe it, I'll call someone in right now, but if others misunderstand that this princess was captured by you, that will be troublesome."

"You obviously came in through the window yourself."

"Then I'll call someone."

"No, I believe it. I believe it."

Ye Lingxi walked around Hongzhu, looking at her as he walked. After returning to her, he said seriously: "I heard what you just said, and to tell you the truth, my father doesn't like you. The waist is too thin, the face is too sharp, the mouth is too red, the face is too white, and the words are too rude."

(End of this chapter)

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