In the palace, Concubine Li was stopped by Eunuch Zhuo just outside the palace.

Eunuch Zhuo laughed sarcastically, "Concubine Li, your majesty has two beauties waiting by your side. Why don't you come back later?"

Concubine Li glanced towards the dormitory. Although she couldn't see what was going on inside, she could hear the sweet laughter coming from the dormitory, as well as the voice of Emperor Dongshan.

The palace servants waiting outside the palace lowered their heads, fearing that the favored Concubine Li would lose her temper.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Li just smiled and said very considerately, "Since His Majesty already has a beauty waiting by his side, I won't disturb His Majesty's pleasure with this concubine!"

After speaking, Li Fei turned around and left without any resentment.

Everyone in the palace sighed inwardly at Concubine Li's generosity. Only Eunuch Zhuo looked a little gloomy. He had served His Majesty for many years, but Concubine Li was the woman that Eunuch Zhuo couldn't understand the most.

It seems that he loves His Majesty deeply and has no regrets, but sometimes Eunuch Zhuo feels that Concubine Li doesn't like His Majesty at all, and that Concubine Li is like a monster wearing a beauty's skin.

After Concubine Li turned around and left, the smile on her face became more and more cheerful. Naturally, she was no longer jealous, because she recommended those two beauties to His Majesty in order to drain His Majesty's body.

Even though His Majesty's dragon body seems to be healthy these days, he is actually at the end of his life. Now that the master has asked her to take action, Concubine Li can't wait. She is finally leaving this bad old man.

In the dormitory, Emperor Dongshan was smiling and having fun with two beauties, but suddenly he felt a heavy feeling in his chest. Before Emperor Dongshan could speak, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Bright red blood spurted all over the two beauties. The two beauties had never seen such a posture before, and they screamed in fear.

The Imperial Guards and palace people outside heard the sound and rushed in. They saw Emperor Dongshan, who was only wearing an inner garment and passed out with blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Call the imperial doctor!" Eunuch Zhuo yelled, and everyone in the palace panicked for a moment.

Because Dongshanhuang himself was not in control, his condition relapsed. Now the imperial doctors are shaking their heads, and everyone knows very well that it seems that Dongshanhuang may not be able to survive this time.

Shen Weixun came with all the ministers to visit His Majesty, and even personally attended to His Majesty's illness. He took care of Emperor Dongshan personally, leaving the princes and princesses speechless.

On this day, Emperor Dongshan woke up from a coma and saw Shen Weixun waiting by his side. He felt emotional in his heart. He was old and dying again, and he had a little more kindness than before.

"Wei Xun, you have been taking care of me for many days. Go back and rest quickly. I have an imperial doctor and palace staff here, and you still have to take care of government affairs!" Emperor Dongshan waved his hand.

Shen Weixun said a few words of concern and left the palace. He did not return to the East Palace immediately, but quietly came to the Princess's Mansion.

Because Emperor Dongshan was seriously ill, and this time it was more serious than before, the entire official family in Qingyang City did not dare to make any noise for fear of being punished.

It was getting dark, and the princess's mansion had closed its doors early. Lin Jian Yue was having dinner with her eldest cousin Cheng Yu.

It is still summer, and the main hall has used ice early, and the main hall is refreshing. Now that ice can be used so early, and so much and such large pieces of ice are used, only the princess's palace has the financial resources.

Not to mention the main hall, even the courtyard and the corners of the house were piled with ice.

When Shen Weixun came over, he felt cool as soon as he entered the room.

"Your Highness is here?" Cheng Yu saw Shen Weixun and quickly stood up and saluted, "Your Highness, are you ready for dinner? If you don't mind, we can sit down and have dinner together. This will allow the kitchen to cook more dishes!"

"Okay, I'm hungry! Then I'll lick my face to get some food!" Shen Weixun sat down with a smile. Cheng Yu glanced at his cousin who was sitting without even getting up, and pretended to be gentle and angry, "Cousin, why don't you get up and pay your respects to His Highness?"

Before Lin Jianyue could speak, Shen Weixun quickly waved his hand, "Master Cheng, please don't torment Yueyue. She and I don't need these false gifts. Master Cheng, please don't do this in the future. This ceremony is for outsiders to see." Yes, you don’t have to do this at home!”

Cheng Yu said he didn't dare, but couldn't hide the smile on his face.

His move was intentional, and Shen Weixun's attitude also satisfied Cheng Yu.

After adding a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and asking the kitchen to prepare a few dishes, the three of them chatted while eating, and naturally they all talked about Dongshan Huang's illness in recent days.

"Your Majesty's dragon body is damaged, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive this time!" Shen Weixun took a sip of wine, and although his tone was pity, who would have thought that all this was his handiwork.

Now that Shen Weixun has taken over everything, and there is no objection from inside or outside the court, he naturally wants to send Emperor Dongshan to death.

Therefore, Shen Weixun arranged all this so that Emperor Dongshan's sudden illness would have a legitimate reason, a reason that no one would doubt.

"It's really worrying!" Cheng Yu pretended to be regretful, but his heart was full of joy.

Cheng Yu had not yet started the construction of the palace that Emperor Dongshan had promised. If Emperor Dongshan passed away, the money would not need to be spent.

Lin Jianyue nodded with a smile. She was also looking forward to Dongshan Huang's death. You must know that Dongshan Huang's life was like a time bomb, whether it was for herself or Shen Weixun.

"The fifth prince accidentally broke his head while riding a horse a few days ago. Now he can't even recognize anyone in the mansion!" Shen Weixun suddenly mentioned the fifth prince.

Last time the fifth prince dared to hold Lin Jianyue hostage, Shen Weixun naturally would not let him go. He tortured the person so much and fed him a lot of poison that he was now going crazy.

Shen Weixun kept his life alive to torture him, and also did not want the news of the prince's sudden death to happen before Emperor Dongshan died of illness.

"This ending is quite good!" Lin Jianyue nodded towards Shen Weixun.

She knew that Shen Weixun would not let her down, so she handed the fifth prince to Shen Weixun's people at that time. Fortunately, Shen Weixun did what Lin Jianyue wanted.

The three of them raised their glasses and were about to drink when Shen Weixun's bodyguard suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"Sorry!" Shen Weixun spoke first, and then asked the personal guards to come over. He knew that when the personal guards came, they must have something important to report.

Seeing that Shen Weixun had no intention of avoiding anything, the guard quickly said, "Your Highness, something happened on the border!"

"What?" At this time, Lin Jianyue and the others stood up in shock.

"What's going on!" Shen Weixun put down the wine cup in his hand.

"The enemy is returning from the north. Now General Chen has led all the soldiers to stop the enemy returning from the north!" the guards quickly reported.

Shen Weixun stood up. Both Lin Jianyue and Cheng Yu understood the seriousness of the matter and did not stop him. Shen Weixun stayed up all night and directly summoned the ministers to discuss a good strategy.

At the same time, troubles occurred in the border areas. Due to the intense war, there was insufficient food and grass, and the court needed to supply supplies as soon as possible. (End of chapter)

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