Miss Fortune: Is the regent ready for today?

Chapter 260 The moon is full and the grass is dry

Chapter 260 The moon is full and the grass is dry

Once upon a time, he had been her moon, like this wheel hanging in the sky, quietly shining clean and soft light on her body, brushing away the dark poisonous fog in western Hunan for her.

The corners of Wen Ting'er's eyes were moist, tears welled up in her eyes, but they refused to fall. Like her hand that opened and closed countless times. She still doesn't know that in the past years when they grew up together, during the countless times when she ran to Jiangnan to complain after being beaten by Wen Yi, the young man in white in her memory who would wipe her tears with his own hands would make a special trip for her. What is the intention of the man in white who went to pick Corydalis to make analgesic pills?

She will always remember that one time at the Yingying Banquet, she was surrounded by other Jianghu sects who had enmity with the Wen family. It was the young master in white who drew his sword and blocked all the attacks for her. She was so aggrieved that she threw herself into his arms and cried bitterly. He had hugged her that time, and under his generous arms was the warmth that no one had ever given her. The young man in white said in her ear: "As long as I'm here, I won't let you." They bully you."

The tears eventually flowed down, flowing over that peerless face that was praised by others, and fell on the lines of the crow-green robe, fainting and then fainting.

Also, two years ago, a bottle of power-enhancing medicine was lost in the secret room of the Wen family. Wen Yi suspected that it was stolen by a disciple of the sect. It happened that Wen Ting'er was on duty cleaning at that time, so the crime naturally fell on her. The Wen family's thorn whip is quenched with poison. When hit on the body, blood will immediately appear. The scars will not heal for a long time and can only fade over time.

That day, Wen Yi wielded a thorn whip at her, but it was the silver dragon sword that saved her in time.

Meng Qingyue, a gentle person, became anxious for the first time. The thorn whip snapped in half. In Wen Yi's disbelieving look, he took her wrist and strode out of the Wen family's mansion, saying to her: "Follow me." I'm going back to Jiangnan.

The pain in her chest became more intense, so painful that Wen Ting'er couldn't breathe. She scrawledly opened another pot of wine, swallowed two big mouthfuls of wine as if looking for life-saving medicine, and cried out.


Xiangxi is so big, but it is empty with only the mountains to accompany it. The endless mist became even more blurry at night. When she opened and closed her eyes, she could see ghostly shadows moving towards her. Those human-like figures might be Wen Yi who was killed by her, or those of her peers in the Wen family. Sisters, or perhaps her father and mother, or perhaps those beings who died tragically due to the poison of the Wen family.

She loves obsessively, loves persistently, and loves cowardly. She knows that all this is a foregone conclusion. Excessively delving into Meng Qingyue's past thoughts is just to find an excuse for herself not to let go. Like a big lie, she lied to herself that he had been so good in the past, not because she was his adopted sister, but because at a certain moment, he had loved her as much as she loved him.

Even if it's a tiny bit, even if it's a tiny bit.

The moon would always set, and the lies would be shattered. She lowered her eyes, and the blood in her chest surged so much that a large mouthful of black blood spurted out from her throat.

Still got the backlash.

The girl in crow-green robes sighed slowly. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to see Kang Youkui again.

The woman in the crimson dress smiled beautifully and said to her——

"I am thinking, maybe in the south of the Yangtze River. Why ask the emperor? The two skills have been accomplished. Now you have other minds, and only by destroying and burning can you relieve your hatred. Destroy and burn them, and let the wind blow away their ashes! From now on, don't miss me again , only the joints and bones are broken."

Wen Ting'er trembled and covered her beating heart, asking herself repeatedly, should she do anything in this final hurdle? Should she really let the dark side of her heart ferment and grow? Should she rush to Beijing to kill Ming Fang now? Should she ruin the marriage? Do you want to ruin Mingfang's dream? She is totally capable of this! Why doesn't she do it?

Because she dare not.

She is cowardly.

She didn't want to see Meng Qingyue's disappointed eyes.

He would never have thought that the fourth sister he had cared for for so long would go crazy and kill his lover! What should she do after killing Ming Fang? Let Meng Qingyue see Ming Fang's body with a cold face? Or laugh to the sky and vent your inner resentment and regret?

Wen Ting'er couldn't imagine it.

The girl who often wore a goose-yellow dress once called her with a smile in the pavilion of Baiqi Villa: "Miss Ting'er." No one had ever called her that. There was no fear or dodge in that smile, only a girl treated her like that. The other girl's kindness and friendliness are only matched by Ming Fang's sincerity and warmth and her unbearableness. Ming Fang is a sunflower, how can he be killed by weeds?

She couldn't kill Ming Fang, whom Meng Qingyue had chosen to spend her life with, nor could she kill Ming Fang, who had shown her kindness in the dark years. She thought that her dream was already broken, and she could never break another person's dream. She knew that a beautiful dream was like a mirror. Once it was broken, it could never be put back together, or it could never go back to the beginning.

When they were in Pingdu, Yin Luo looked at her with such strange eyes.

She chose to side with King Yuan Jin. Did she really want to become an enemy of Yin Luo?

No! As long as she Wen Ting'er lives, she will never allow anyone to hurt Yin Luo! She would lurk in the East China Sea, wait for the right time, and use her remaining life to clear away for Yin Luo those people who might endanger her life in the future.

But she would never say these words to anyone again, and she had no chance to say them.

These words should follow everything, whether it is the past or the future, and be packed in dust on this beam, rotting away until they turn into a handful of loess.

The night wind blew over, blowing her hair, and the howls of wild ghosts and wolves in the mountains could be heard in her ears. She drank the last sip of wine while holding on to the wooden pillar, and stood up slowly.

She wanted to go to Beijing again, she wanted to witness the marriage of Meng Qingyue and Ming Fang with her own eyes, she wanted to watch the man she loved most in her life marry the person he truly loved, she wanted them to stay together forever, and she even hoped that after her death , two people can miss her together.

Every time she uses her internal power, her body faces devastation. This is the price of practicing the Wen family's secret method of combining the two techniques.

There isn't much time left, and she doesn't live long, so why ruin the rest of their future lives? She kept telling herself in her heart, let it go, Wen Ting'er, it's time for you to let go. You can't give the stable love like the young man in white, and you can't accompany him to fight for the world.

But Mingfang can. The Mingfang he loves can.

Maybe she should go to the Full Moon Banquet in Shangjing, hear with her own ears that Emperor Chongwen granted marriage, and personally give the life-saving medicine she had refined for five years to Meng Qingyue and Ming Fang.

Oh yes, she practiced a lot, not only for Meng Qingyue, but also for Yin Luo, Yu Ruyi, Wu Zihan and eldest sister Xu Zhichen. Aunt Fanlan cooked for her when she hid in Jiangnan, and Aunt Fanlan should also have a share. The third sister seemed to be in love with the green robe, and he had to give a copy of the green robe. He had to take good care of the third sister for her. After all, the third sister didn't care about her own health when she was impulsive.

Two lines of crystal tears flashed under the moonlight, but fell and were no longer visible. Wen Ting'er raised her eyes, her expression numb and sad, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. That should not appear on her face. It's like a dying old man summarizing his life.

Xiangxi, I grew up here with you. Cangshan, I can see you every day. Miasma, you protect me and trap me. It won’t be long before I have to say goodbye to you.

If there is a next life, we don’t want to see each other again.

Facing the soon-to-be-full moon, the crow-green girl walked forward step by step, dazed but steady. The breeze could not dissipate the smell of alcohol from her body. She took off the brocade bag that once held Corydalis pills from her waist. Without even looking at it, he casually threw it behind him.

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(End of this chapter)

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