Chapter 268 Extra (Sheng Liuming Chapter 15)

"Aren't you in a relationship? Then it seems inappropriate to touch others casually."

"Ha!" Su Muchuan couldn't help laughing when he heard Sheng Liuming say these words. "Sorry, I accidentally laughed out loud."

He actually smiled and seemed to apologize kindly.


Sheng Liuming stared at him and watched him take his hand off Cui Zhiruo's shoulder.

"You kid is quite innocent, but what you said makes sense. We are just ordinary friends. If we have such close contact, it will really not look good to others." Su Muchuan said, slowly turning his head to look at Cui Zhiruo, Without blinking, he said in a serious yet slightly relaxed tone: "So, I think it is necessary to sort out our relationship. In fact, I have been wanting to do this for a long time, but I never had the courage. Today I must muster up the courage to confess."

"Ah!" The shocked person was Cui Zhiruo's classmate. "Su Muchuan, stop joking and confess, your joke is too big."

"I'm not joking. Why do you say I am joking? It seems you don't know that I like Cui Zhiruo. I think I made it very obvious." Su Muchuan's eyes fell on Sheng Liuming. "This little kid is right. It doesn't matter what others think of me, but I can't let others think Cui Zhiruo is a strange and casual girl. Can I go out and chat with Cui Zhiruo now?"

Su Muchuan stood up and looked at Cui Zhiruo.

The other two people's eyes also fell on Cui Zhiruo. They were really helpless and stood up.

"Okay, let's go out and talk."

Cui Zhiruo walked out first.

Before Su Muchuan was about to go out.

"Bill, please!"

He planned to settle the money first.

"Hello, the total cost is 855 yuan."

"Um...mine, I'll pay the bill myself."

Sheng Liuming came over, not wanting to spend Su Muchuan's money.

He took out his wallet from his pocket, but it was empty. There was no money in it. Even the change in his mobile phone was only a pitiful dozen yuan, which was impossible to pay.

"No need, I can still afford this amount of money."

Su Muchuan calmly refused.

"Do you need me to pay you back in installments?"

"No need." Su Muchuan said like an adult, "I know you are sensible, little one, but when others treat you, you kids just accept it."

Sheng Liuming couldn't say a word. He looked at Su Muchuan walking out and held his hands tightly.

"Sorry, am I too late?"

Su Muchuan asked when he got into the car.

"it does not matter."

Cui Zhiruo shook her head.

"I've been struggling with how to tell you what I just meant..." Su Muchuan paused, seeming to still be thinking of words. "Cui Zhiruo, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so willful today. I didn't intend to confess to you so impulsively."


Su Muchuan sighed, "You are my only friend, just like family. I don't know when I started to like you unconsciously. And you are the only one who understands me without any prejudice. People, so I have always dared not say anything, I am afraid that after I confess our relationship, you will get tired of me like this, or you can't stand me, and eventually abandon me."

They were very good friends, Cui Zhiruo knew, but this was the first time he heard someone say that.

She looked at Su Muchuan with some surprise but also some distress, and asked, "Why should I abandon you? As long as you don't abandon me, I will never abandon you, Su Muchuan."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Su Muchuan suddenly laughed, with a nice curve at the corner of his mouth.

"why are you laughing?"

Cui Zhiruo asked puzzledly.

"Because I'm so happy." Su Muchuan smiled, supported his chin with one hand, leaned against the car door, and asked, "Then today is the first day of our relationship, right?"


Cui Zhiruo pursed her lips shyly and lowered her head.

"I feel like I'm in a dream, can you give me a hug?"

"You're crazy, you can't."

She refused without thinking.

"When can that happen?"

"I don't know."Su Muchuan was her first love. She had never been in love before, so naturally she didn't understand anything.

"Then I can wait for you."

Su Muchuan had no intention of forcing him.

the next day.

Sheng Liuming was lying on the table, looking listless.

"The bell rang. Don't you want to go eat?"

asked my deskmate.

"Don't eat."

Answered coldly.

"Then I'm going to eat. Don't cause any trouble in the meantime."


When he was the only one left in the classroom, he stood up and held his hair with one hand.

"So annoying!" He usually wouldn't swear, but this time he couldn't hold it back. "Oh shit."

After cursing these words, my phone suddenly vibrated. I picked it up and saw that it was a call from Cui Zhiruo.


He picked up quickly.

"Sheng Liuming, have you had lunch?"

"Eat, where is sister?"

"I was about to eat it. Let me tell you some super exciting news. I just received an email from the TV station. They said they want you to be on the TV show."


He was stunned.

"Do you want to consider becoming a star?"

"I do not like."

"Wait a minute, someone calls me, I'll answer the phone first."

After saying this, Cui Zhiruo hung up the phone from Sheng Liuming and answered the call from Su Muchuan.


"Are you awake? Don't make an appointment with anyone tonight. Let's have dinner together."

"I know, you can send it to me when the time and place are up."

We've been dating since yesterday.

Su Muchuan has really become her boyfriend.

I'm so happy, I really feel so happy, but why does it feel like a dream?

In the afternoon, when I came out with my classmates.

"Although I dislike Su Muchuan very much, since you have already agreed to date, I have nothing to say. But why did you look so sad when you started dating him? Have you changed your mind?"

"It's just that Su Muchuan suddenly said he wanted to teach me. I'm not sure if he really likes me. To be honest, Su Muchuan is so outstanding. I don't understand why he likes an ordinary girl like me."

"What are you talking about? You are so beautiful, kind, and capable..."

While her classmates were talking, Cui Zhiruo showed her classmates photos of girls Su Muchuan had dated before.

"These are girls who have dated or had affairs with Su Muchuan before, famous Internet celebrity entrepreneurs, popular ballet dancers, and even entertainers. He has just graduated from high school and has already dated so many people, not to mention these Girls pursue Su Muchuan first."


"I always thought that if Su Muchuan could become my boyfriend, I would definitely be very happy, but now that we are actually dating, I can't help but compare myself with other girls. I really don't want to feel stupid like this."


The classmate suddenly stood up.


"Just follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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