"Can you tell me about you and this woman?"

Xiao Hechuan spoke without a tone.

Sheng Liuming raised his eyes and looked at him.

He seemed worried, so he didn't answer.

Xiao Hechuan slowly put down the phone and explained: "It has nothing to do with the company. I'm asking privately. I'm curious. Can you tell me?"

Sheng Liuming lowered his head slowly.

It took a while before he spoke.

"When I was little, my sister and I were playing in the park. We were hungry and saw an older sister passing by with a sausage."

After listening to Sheng Liuming's words, Xiao Hechuan put his arms on the table and moved forward.

Since when did he like to inquire about other people's love history, but for some reason, he wanted to know about Sheng Liuming's love story.

Maybe it's because Sheng Liuming confessed his love to Tang Tang not long ago.

"My sister and I just stared at the sausage in her hand, and then the eldest sister kindly ordered the sausage and handed it to us. Later, when we got home, we found out that she was a neighbor who had just moved here. Then slowly We got along slowly, because my sister and I both live in my grandma’s house, and grandma is very busy and has no time to take care of us, so my eldest sister will take us home with her and cook us a lot of delicious food.”

"I understand, so you like Tang Tang because she is like a sister and takes good care of you."


Sheng Liuming lowered his eyes and answered.

"You are having an Oedipus complex."

"No." Sheng Liuming raised his head excitedly and retorted. "I just like her, whether she's older or younger than me, I just like her."

The corner of Xiao Hechuan's mouth curled up into a smile.

"You liked Tang Tang in the first place because you looked like her?"


To be honest, just like Xiao Hechuan said just now, she took care of him like a sister, as if she saw the big sister who took care of him back then.

Xiao Hechuan thought he would never meet her again.

Unexpectedly, they met after a while.

This time, I will never let go.

"I have no objection to your relationship. Of course, I'm not qualified to speak to others. After all, proposing in public is enough to give him a headache for a while."

"Is it really okay?"


After Xiao Hechuan said this, he received a call from Tang Tang.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

As he spoke, he walked out of the office.

Sheng Liuming was the only one left in the entire office.

He was sitting alone on the sofa, as if he was sinking into it.

He didn't know what the conversation between the boss and Miss Cui was like. He was just a little worried, but more of a contemplative person.

He remembered what had happened.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

It was my sister's voice, which seemed to echo in my ears, and the previous scenes seemed to be in my mind.

The feeling of being ten years ago.

Sister Cui was only sixteen years old. She shook her head, gently stroked her sister's hair, and said with a smile: "It's nothing. I just think you are strong and kind, and I like you very much."

"Sister doesn't like brother?"

Sheng Liuming's eyes slowly fell on Sister Cui.

"Of course my sister also likes your brother."

Sister Cui reached out to touch Sheng Liuming, but he defensively knocked her hand away.

It hurts.

The back of my hand quickly turned red.

But instead of getting angry, she apologized: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have touched you."

Another time.

After school, my parents grabbed me and refused to let me leave. "How can you, a little guy, hit someone? Apologize quickly, do you understand? Don't do this again in the future."


Sheng Liuming was grabbed by the collar, did not speak, and lowered his head.

"Are you listening to what adults say? How did your parents educate you? Where are they now?"


He faced the adult in front of him without any fear.

"Why are your clothes still dirty? Aren't you mute? Can't you speak? Doesn't he have a brain problem?"

"No, Dad, it seems that he didn't speak because he was angry."

Sheng Liuming's classmate and parent's child explained next to him.

"It's so annoying in the hot weather. Why are there such disobedient guys?"


However, Sheng Liuming did not say a word from beginning to end.

But his eyes seemed to be filled with words.

Very dirty words.

"Uncle." Suddenly a voice came, and everyone looked over. They saw Sister Cui coming to them in high school uniform, and the adults let go of Sheng Liuming. Immediately afterwards, I heard Sister Cui introduce herself: "I am Sheng Liuming's sister. Did my Sheng Liuming do anything wrong?"

Although speaking of it, she is just the neighbor's sister.

Even after passing by a few times, he didn't say anything.

"I heard that he kicked my child on the back. This is no joke. When will your parents come back?"

"Really? Sheng Liuming, tell your sister honestly that it's okay. Did you really kick him?"


Sheng Liuming nodded without thinking too much.

"Sheng Liuming is not the kind of kid who hits people for no reason, right? Can you tell my sister why?"

He bit his lip, paused for a while, and then said: "He said that I have no mother, that I have no father or mother, like a beggar, that I am dirty like a beggar, that's why my parents left me and left. .”

Sister Cui frowned when she heard this.

"You kid, is what he said true?"

The parents seemed to realize that it was their son who was wrong first and said something he shouldn't have said.

"So that's it." When she said this, Sister Cui's tone was cold, but when facing Sheng Liuming, she smiled and said in a comforting tone: "We Sheng Liuming should be very sad. You may be very angry, but no matter how sad or angry you are, you can’t do anything to your friends, you know this.”


Sheng Liuming nodded obediently.

"Can you apologize to your friends now?"

He obeyed again and apologized: "I'm sorry."

"Okay, your sister is really sensible, please be more careful in the future."

The parents planned to end it like this.

"Then why don't you apologize, kid?"

Sister Cui looked at the child with a smile, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was like a knife.


The child was stunned for a moment, his cheeks slightly red.

"Yes, didn't you laugh at him? If your parents passed away and other friends laughed at you like a beggar, how would you feel in your heart? Would you be very sad and angry?"

"Will do."

"Then should you apologize too?"

"I'm sorry, Sheng Liuming, I will never do that again."

"My Sheng Liuming is very well-behaved. We need to get along well with him in the future. Do you understand?"


Although he recalled this incident in his mind, the image that emerged was the scene of Sister Cui lying next to him covered in blood.

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