The old man in a white coat is Dean Zhang of Guangming Research Institute.

After a heavy rain, crystal nuclei appeared among the zombies.

At that time, the Guangming Base had not yet been built. Dean Zhang and a group of researchers went into a randomly built house and began to study crystal nuclei.

However, due to the shortage of equipment, they could only confirm that the crystal core contained energy that could allow the superpowers to upgrade and evolve their abilities, but they were unable to extract this energy at all.

Later, the base was almost built and the environment became better, but they could only extract a part of it.

Not to mention wasting the crystal core, this part is also full of impurities, which will cause serious side effects to people with superpowers.

After learning that the colorful base contained pure evolutionary fluid, Dean Zhang could no longer sit still.

I can't wait to follow Ma Anguo to the colorful base in person.

Now that the evolutionary fluid has finally been retrieved, why don't Chief He take it out quickly and show it to him!
He is dying of anxiety!
There is such a big broken truck compartment, so don’t break the test tube of the evolutionary fluid!
"Old Ma, bring the evolutionary fluid down to Dean Wen." Chief He looked at Old Man Zhang who couldn't help but roll his eyes secretly. He was not angry and ordered Ma Anguo with a smile.

"Yes! Chief!" Ma Anguo responded respectfully, but the next second he felt a little embarrassed: "Chief, can you ask someone to help us? The three of us may not be able to move it."

The evolutionary fluid they received was packed in large water storage tanks.

A water storage tank contains two tons of evolution fluid.

When it came, Si Xia directly used the space to put it in the carriage.

The light military trucks they drove brought back a total of eight tons of evolutionary fluid.

Ma Anguo and three people really couldn't move so much evolutionary fluid.

After hearing Ma Anguo's words, Chief He didn't think much and directly asked people to help.

But Dean Zhang was a little stunned.

What this old horse means is that they brought back a lot of evolutionary fluid this time?

Isn't it packed in a test tube?
After spending a lot of effort, a group of people moved four large barrels of evolutionary fluid out of the carriage.

Looking at the water storage bucket that was thicker than him, Dean Zhang was even more stunned: "???"

Can a good thing like evolution fluid just be packed in this kind of barrel?
Will Lao Ma be deceived?

Chief He was also a little excited when he looked at the evolutionary fluid placed on the ground.

However, compared to the evolutionary fluid, he was more interested in the colorful base that allowed such a big deal at this time.

So he had people carry the evolutionary fluid down and give it to the superpowers. He also left a bucket for the stunned Dean Zhang and said something to him.

Then he took Ma Anguo away.

By the time Dean Zhang reacted, Chief He had already led his people away.


Except for the research institute, everything else in Guangming Base is pretty much the same.

In other words, the conference room and official canteen where meetings are usually held are built to be a little more visible.

Director He did not go to the conference room and took people directly back to the house where he lived.

It's a little better than the mud house of the survivors, but it's just a house made of stone bricks.

There is only an earthen bed, a table, and two chairs inside.

There are two iron jars on the table and a thermos bottle under the table.

This was the first time for Ma Anguo to come to the chief's house, and he was a little sad to see how simple it was.

The chief is old, but he has always been unwilling to do anything special even if he is in a high position.

The room in front of me is not even comparable to the colorful security room in the base.

Chief He didn't care at all. He poured a cup of hot water for Ma Anguo himself, pointed to the chair and said: "Old Ma, come, sit down and tell me about the situation of the colorful base."

Ma Anguo was flattered and took the hot water, sat down and began to report the situation of the colorful base in detail.

But he didn't know much. At most, it was a question of permissions, the scenes he saw, and the food he ate.

Despite this, Chief He still listened with interest.

Especially that authority.

If the survivors of the Bright Base can live here, they won't be afraid of zombies, right?
But thinking about it, he couldn't ask others to accept the survivors of the Bright Base.

It doesn't make sense.


Si Xia didn't know anything about what happened at Guangming Base.

It's getting late.Si Xia had come down from the room long ago and was currently sitting on the sofa, listening to Qin Nian telling her about firearms.

But after listening for a while, she felt a little strange.

Because she seems to have heard of this knowledge.

No, not just heard of it.

It was more like it was engraved in her mind.

I didn't feel the gun when I got it in the afternoon, but now Si Xia touched the gun again.

Just by touching it, you can tell what model the gun is, what its structure is, and how to use it.

Si Xia's mind was filled with questions.

Is her memory confused?

She has never touched a gun!

After thinking for a while and not being able to figure it out, Si Xia's thinking rules were activated again.

Simply do not want to.

Carrying a gun, he pestered Qin Nian and went outside.

The two people came out of the base and saw two lifelike snowmen piled up not far from the base gate.

Only then did Si Xia realize that Qin Nian had not accompanied her back to the base in the afternoon, but had gone to build a snowman.

"The road to Linbei Village is difficult, so I built two snowmen for you." Qin Nian pointed to two snowmen that were almost the same proportion as real people with one hand, and touched Si Xia's head with the other hand: "Xia Xia, Give it a try.”

Si Xia looked at the snowman, then at Qin Nian who was touching her head, and smiled with his peach blossom eyes.

Dog stuff is so good!

She loves dogs so much!
"Thank you brother."

Si Xia thanked him and a pistol appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Just as the gun was pointed at one of the snowmen, that strange feeling came again.

Si Xia thought for a while, then simply closed his eyes and followed the strange feeling.


Gunshots sounded.

Si Xia opened his eyes.

I saw that the snowman's head in the distance had been broken off. A shot with his eyes closed hit the snowman's head.

Si Xia looked at Qin Nian proudly: "Brother, am I powerful?"

She is such a genius!

Complex emotions flashed across Qin Nian's eyes, and he touched Si Xia's head again and praised her: "Xia Xia is so amazing."


The two practiced in the snow for a long time. Qin Nian built snowmen repeatedly, and Si Xia was completely addicted to guns.


Dark night.

There is no snow tonight, the bright moonlight shines on the earth, the snow reflects the light, and it is a little bright outside.

The base has doubled in size again.

The distance from the base gate to the cave now takes almost half an hour by foot.

Si Xia held Qin Nian's hand and walked slowly and leisurely towards the cave.

"Xia Xia." After walking for a while, Qin Nian suddenly stopped and called Si Xia.

He seemed to want to say something and was thinking carefully before speaking.

But he didn't say anything to his boss, Xia, with his bright peach blossom eyes filled with doubts.

a long time.

Qin Nian sighed and only asked: "Xia Xia, will you hate me in the future?"

Si Xia's head was full of questions: "Huh?"

Why is there no beginning and no end?

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