Jian Qiao turned around and took a look. On the big screen, Gu Xingzhou was photographed looking embarrassed, completely different from before.

She just felt happy about it.

It's not that it is not reported, the time has not come.

People like him are destined to have a bad ending.

Gu Yanchuan also noticed the big screen at this time. There was no emotion on his face.

Jian Qiao took his hand and said, "Let's go in."

The boy responded, then held her hand tighter.

The two of them came to a nearby supermarket. Because it was surrounded by high-end villas, almost all the people who came and went in this supermarket were from Nancheng.

Although Jian Qiao was wrapped tightly, Gu Yanchuan was so eye-catching that he attracted the attention of many people as soon as he entered the supermarket.

Jian Qiao had no choice but to greet them one by one. After dealing with them, she remembered that they were here to visit the supermarket.

She rarely goes to the supermarket, so she just takes whatever she sees and likes it. Gu Yanchuan follows behind her, putting back many identical ones.

So when Jian Qiao thought she had selected a whole cart of things, she looked back and saw that the shopping cart was only half full.

And her eyes just happened to fall on the boy's action of putting things back on the shelves.

Seeing her staring at him, the boy explained, "These, these, are actually the same thing, just with different packaging. Just buy the same thing."

Jian Qiao recalled it and found that it was indeed the case, so she didn't blame him.

After visiting the snack area, they went to buy some freshly baked bread and desserts, and then went to check out with satisfaction.

When she arrived at the checkout counter, Jian Qiao's eyes inadvertently fell on the colorful small boxes on the side, but she immediately looked away.

After Gu Yanchuan paid the bill, she pushed him out, but her heartbeat was still hard to calm down.

Gu Yanchuan noticed something strange about her, and only waited until he got in the car before asking.

Jian Qiao hesitated for a long time and couldn't explain why. The young man frowned slightly, obviously very worried.

Jian Qiao could only find an excuse to deal with it, but looking at his appearance, she didn't know if he believed it or not.

After returning home, Jian Qiao took the bread and sat on the sofa to eat it. The boy turned the wheelchair and came to her side.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Jian Qiao thought he wanted to eat too, so she broke some off and gave it to him.

The young man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he couldn't help but ask, "Sister, are you still thinking about Gu Xingzhou?"

Jian Qiao looked confused, "Ah, what happened to Gu Xingzhou?"

But she immediately remembered the news on the big screen and reacted immediately.

"Oh, you said that, what's there to think about? I can only say that his retribution is coming soon."

Her expression was very calm and calm, not like she was lying at all, but it only made Gu Yanchuan's doubts deepen.

Jian Qiao was so heartless that she noticed something strange about him after watching two episodes of the TV series.

She thought about it over and over, but she couldn't say anything.

What should she say?

Just looking at him like this, I'm afraid she won't get better if she doesn't tell the truth.

She remembered that he had said before that he wanted her to have no reservations about him, so she felt cruel, and finally she reached his ears and told him the truth.

The young man's face showed a look of shock at first, but immediately turned into a smile.

"Sister, are you embarrassed?"

Jian Qiao responded in a low voice, but she only heard him laugh.

She was ashamed and annoyed, and just about to ignore him, she saw his fingers slowly inserting into her fingers, interlocking with hers.

"Sister, we will be husband and wife soon. This is normal, but..." "But what?"

Jian Qiao looked at him curiously, but saw him lower his voice and pinch her cheek.

"This is something I should consider, and you don't have to be shy. This is completely normal."

He is not a pure-hearted Buddhist. To be honest, he has really been plotting against her for a long time.

Jian Qiao's face turned red and her head slowly lowered.

It was almost lunch time, but Jian Qiao had eaten too much bread and couldn't eat it at all now.

However, Gu Yanchuan did not let her go, coaxing and persuading her to finish the bowl of soup.

After lunch, Jian Qiao got the puppy's snacks from the servant, and then went outside to look for the puppy.

After a while, the puppy came out of nowhere in the grass. It was dirty. When it saw Jian Qiao, it jumped straight on her.

The servants rushed up to stop it, but they saw Jian Qiao suddenly squatting down, then gently patted the dirty things on it, and fed it snacks.

The puppy waggled its tail happily the whole time and barked from time to time. It was obvious that it really liked Jian Qiao.

But Gu Yanchuan was a little confused.

"If you like it so much, why don't you keep it at home?"

Jian Qiao didn't stop moving for a moment, and didn't even look back.

"I like it, and it is free. I can keep it safe, neither hungry nor cold, and it can enjoy its freedom without being restrained. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

After hearing this, Gu Yanchuan was silent for a long time, and then he said, "You are right."

Food and clothing are important, but freedom is also something worth pursuing. She provides food and clothing without depriving her of freedom. This is true love.

And it was only at this moment that he truly realized that her thoughts were so delicate and could easily move people.

After finishing feeding, Jian Qiao played with it for a while. The puppy waggled its tail happily the whole time, looking very happy.

Jian Qiao touched its head and said, "Okay, go and play by yourself."

The next second, the puppy seemed to understand her words and quickly ran into the grass in the distance.

Gu Yanchuan looked at its happily running back, and for a moment, he felt a little shocked in his heart.

Jian Qiao stood up at this time, clapped her hands, and planted a small cedar tree in the yard on a whim. By the time she finished all this, her body was covered with dirt, and her face had a few rubs on it. Mud idea.

But she was very happy and couldn't hide the smile on her face.

Gu Yanchuan was sincerely happy for her.

In the past, he always felt that she seemed to have something very serious on her mind, but now looking at her like this, it seemed that she had really let go of everything and was completely being herself.

At this time, Jian Qiao turned her head and looked at him arrogantly.

"How is it, am I amazing?"

She looked like a proud little peacock, just waiting for him to praise her.

Gu Yanchuan was not stingy either. He reached out and hooked the tip of her nose and wiped away the dirt.

"Sister is amazing."

Jian Qiao was very proud. Just looking at her dirty hands, she trotted in to wash her hands again.

Just as Gu Yanchuan was about to follow him, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took it out and looked at it and found that it was the old house's phone number.

He reached out and picked it up. After a while, his expression changed slightly. (End of chapter)

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