Jian Qiao didn't even look outside, "Don't worry about him, he will leave when he feels bored."

The servant agreed and ignored the movement at the door.

Everyone had a great time at lunch. Su Xun and Zhao Le were both talkative, and they kept talking to each other about interesting things about their respective companies.

Jian Qiao and Gu Yanchuan were responsible for listening and occasionally giving a few comments.

After lunch, they all stood up to say goodbye.

Jian Qiao escorted them to the door, but found that Gu Xingzhou hadn't left yet.

He stood quietly at the door, staring at her, as if he wanted to see through her heart and find a little bit of unbearability.

Just as Su Xun was about to rush to drive him away, Jian Qiao stopped her.

She walked them to the door, and just as she was about to close the door, Gu Xingzhou stepped forward and stopped her.

"Qiaoqiao, I have something to tell you."

Jian Qiao's face was a little cold, "If you have anything to say, just say it here."

Gu Xingzhou could see her disgust towards him, but he could only pretend not to see it.

"We have been engaged for many years. Have you ever liked me, even a little bit?"

His hand holding the door was a little white, and veins were exposed on his arms. Jian Qiao could tell that he was very nervous at the moment.

But she still didn't relent for a moment.


The man's face suddenly turned pale. He looked at her for a long time and suddenly chuckled.

"So you were lying to me before, right?"

Jian Qiao frowned, obviously losing her patience.

"You have shown heartbreak in front of the public and the media so many times in the past, and everyone has blamed me. I have always felt that I owe you and want to compensate you. If you don't love me at all, then you are Acting all the time, right?”


Jian Qiao responded quickly and watched helplessly as the man's face became more and more ugly.

"You betrayed me and made me and the Jian family the laughing stock of others. This is an indisputable fact. I don't love you, but I have never betrayed you in those years. Gu Xingzhou, this is not your first time. The reason for cheating and betrayal.”

She seemed a little tired, "Gu Xingzhou, you are such a grown-up person. If you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences. If you keep making excuses and reasons for yourself, can you just pretend that it never happened? You are too naive. ."

The man was rare and not hysterical. He just looked at her with a look of reluctance on his face.

"Qiaoqiao, can you really not give me another chance? I really... I really know I was wrong."

He seems to have everything now, but he is not happy.

He missed Jian Qiao being by his side every day, missing the days when he could see her as soon as he turned his head.

He missed her so much that he almost went crazy and couldn't help himself.

Jian Qiao pulled the door through, but the man was unprepared and his hand was pinched.

He didn't cry out in pain, and his expression didn't even change at all.

Jian Qiao closed the door in his face. The door seemed to pull them further away, but Gu Xingzhou vaguely felt that maybe they had never been closer.

His unwillingness seemed so ridiculous, and his pain was unknown to anyone.

For the first time, he knew that what it felt like to truly fall in love with someone was so heartbreaking.

She was right in front of him, but he couldn't touch her, let alone get into her heart. All he could get was her disgust and contempt.

"Gu Xingzhou, please stop doing meaningless things, and please don't bother me again."

After saying that, she left without looking back. Gu Xingzhou looked at her back and wanted to catch up with her.

He was unwilling and heartbroken.

Across the door, he shouted her name, longing for her to look back and for her to look at him again.

But after all, it was his wishful thinking.She left without looking back and slowly walked towards the living room and towards Gu Yanchuan.

He was going crazy with jealousy, but there was nothing he could do.

It was the first time he experienced this feeling, it was so painful.

He finally turned around until her figure disappeared, but when he thought of the company full of intrigues and intrigues, he thought of the empty villa.

His heart seemed to be lost.

Maybe leave it here.

Maybe it had been left to that girl named Jian Qiao many years ago.

But he understood it too late.

He looked up at the sky. The sun was so bright and warm, but he felt cold all over.

He didn't know where to go, or he didn't want to go anywhere. He just stood like a puppet without a soul, like a puppet without a soul.

In the afternoon, the sun suddenly and naughtily hid, replaced by dense clouds.

Not long after, it started to rain in the sky, and the rain fell on Gu Xingzhou drop by drop. He couldn't feel the cold, and he was completely unaware of how embarrassed he was at the moment.

He just hoped that Jian Qiao could look at him again, even just for a moment.

Even if it's just because you pity him.

But he waited and waited, and the rain became heavier and heavier. His vision was completely blurred by the rain, but he still didn't see that familiar figure.

He could imagine that she and Gu Yanchuan must be happily together at this moment, and maybe even doing things that lovers should do.

He had seen the hickeys on her neck early on. Even if he wanted to deceive himself again, he had to admit that Gu Yanchuan was very good to her.

By his side, she smiled more and truly became herself.

That was how he first met her.

Confident, generous, and cheerful, like the hottest red rose blooming, and like the scorching summer sun, it is impossible to ignore.

He remembered in a daze that when he learned that his grandfather wanted him to have a baby kiss with her, he was also very happy in his heart.

Later, he was always proud to have her.

After that, they met often, and he gradually got used to her presence. He seemed to be infected by her and became confident and cheerful.

But the stupidest thing he did was to confidently think that she would never leave him.

Now, he was surrounded by severe pain, and every time he dreamed about her at midnight, he would think of her, which made him regret his stupid behavior even more.

He thought again and again, if he could do it again...

But there is no if.

She hated him to the core now and never wanted to see him again.

He didn't know what to do, but he felt his heart hurt more and more, and it was almost unbearable. Finally, he covered his chest with his hands and knelt down.


His voice was soon drowned out by the heavy rain, but he refused to give in and shouted over and over again.

His heart ached like a knife, and he just begged and looked forward to seeing her again.

At this time, the servant standing at the door of the living room was startled. Worried that something had happened to him at Jian's house, he quickly ran towards him holding an umbrella.

She didn't open the door, but shouted loudly through the door, "Hey, are you okay?"

The man held on to the railing with difficulty and looked at her pleadingly.

"Please, let me see Qiaoqiao again..."

After saying that, he couldn't hold on any longer and fell straight down, with raindrops hitting his face and body.

The man opened his eyes, with a silly smile on his face, and a tear fell quietly from the corner of his eye. It mixed into the rain and made no sound.

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