Lingquan Space, take your cute baby to farm

Chapter 196 I drank the wrong wine and hit my head against a pillar.

Chapter 196 I drank the wrong wine and hit my head against a pillar.
"Mother, are you alright?"

Xiao Shitou looked at Qiao Sheng worriedly.

Shi Jin and the others also looked over.

Qiao Sheng's heart couldn't help but feel warm: "Don't worry about me. The reason why I'm dizzy is because I drank wine. I'll be fine after lying down for a while."

After she left.

Qiao Xuehua stopped asking questions like that.

Lan Yueniang has been a little sleepy recently and now she has to sleep every afternoon. She yawned not long after Simultane Lin and the others chatted.

Let Qiao Hushui settle Shilin and the others.

She went to sleep in the room where they were staying.

Shi Lin drank a lot of wine at noon today, and drank a lot of tea while chatting in the living room.


After lying in the room arranged by Qiao Hushui for a while, Shi Lin felt like relieving himself. He turned over, sat up, put on his shoes and walked out.

Since there are no rooms in other yards.

Qiao Hushui arranged for Shi Lin to live in the same courtyard as Qiao Sheng.

When Shi Lin came out, he saw Qiao Sheng walking towards the latrine. He didn't call her, but walked outside the latrine and waited.

When Qiao Sheng came out, he greeted her coldly, which shocked her.

"Do you know that people are scary? Scary..."

"I know, do you believe me when I say I didn't mean it?"

Shi Lin smelled of alcohol when he spoke.

Seeing that he was so close, Qiao Sheng took a few steps back and said, "If you are drunk, ask An Liu and the others to make you some sobering soup."

"I'm drunk, I'm not."

Shi Lin suddenly thought of what Qiao Xuehua said before. He raised his eyebrows and asked Qiao Sheng, "You don't want your fourth sister to finish her words yet, but guess what she wants to say?"

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Qiao Sheng took a step to leave.

Shi Lin grabbed her: "You must have guessed it. You are afraid, you are afraid of her..."

"shut up!"

Qiao Sheng struggled to free herself a few times, but failed. She glared at Shi Lin and shouted, "Let go of your claws!"

"I don't." Shi Lin was blown away by the wind at this time and was a little drunk from the wine he drank. Seeing her yelling at him and asking him to let her go, he refused without thinking.

Qiao Sheng kicked him.

If ever.

Shi Lin must have easily caught her foot. This time he freed up one hand to grab her, and without saying a word, he pulled her and threw her to the ground.

The two fell into a ball instantly.


Qiao Sheng was about to scold Shi Lin.

Shi Lin's head moved, and then the two of them kissed each other.

"You rascal!"

Qiao Sheng slapped Shi Lin on the face.

Her slap was hard.

After Shi Lin sobered up for a while, he grabbed Qiao Sheng's hand and asked, "Where did I become a gangster? You brought this on yourself. I am even more unjust than Dou E. I..."

"Aren't you being a hooligan? What are you?"

Qiao Sheng asked, staring at his hand.

Shi Lin felt the tenderness in her hands, and couldn't help but think in her heart, how did she maintain such tenderness after doing so much work every day?
Qiao Sheng didn't know what he was thinking, but seeing that he was still holding on to her, he bit him.

Shi Lin didn't even snort and said, "I didn't know you liked me so much and couldn't wait to leave your mark on me. I'll bite you wherever you want."

As he spoke, he raised a hand and pulled open his collar.

"Is it here?"

"Still here..."

He showed off his abdominal muscles.

dog man.

He is in good shape.

Qiao Sheng wanted to reach out and touch it, but she held back.

She said, "Shi Lin, did you drink the wrong wine today? Or did you hit your head on a pillar when you went out?"

(End of this chapter)

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