Jiang Yuan didn't mean to be so exaggerated. In fact, in the end of the world, the last thing to have is emotion and impulsiveness.

It seems that life-saving education must continue.

I went back overnight to find a few movies related to the apocalypse, and planned to show them to my parents during the day tomorrow.

After this tossing, time went by a lot, so I had to take a rest quickly.

There are still things to do during the day, so time cannot be wasted.

Jiang Yuan is making a secret plan. Now that the space is almost cleared, she can just wait to plant some vegetables later.

Besides, this heavy rain is probably going to stop soon.

The wind has been too strong these days, so everyone is staying home and preparing more things at home.

Go back and wait until the rain subsides or just stops, then go out to find some supplies.

They are not short of many things now. They can have enough food for decades. There is also water in the space.

It's just something like gasoline and liquefied gas, but it's enough.

When the extreme cold comes and chaos breaks out outside, it’s hard to say whether this house can be saved.

Later, the survivor base is really completed, and they should also pass by.

Humans are social animals and cannot be together as a family all the time.

It's okay for adults to say that children still need to have their own partners or be with peers.

However, if the initial conditions are not good, she still won't go.

We don’t know how long it will take for the apocalypse to end, and whether there will be any other disasters after the extreme cold.

Thinking about it over and over again made my head hurt, so I simply stopped thinking about it.

But this matter cannot be shelved, everything needs to be planned in advance.

The next day, she still got up at eight o'clock and made breakfast with her mother.

Nowadays, I am afraid of wasting any kind of resources when doing simple things.

The rice is washed a day in advance and soaked in water.

It cooks very quickly, is easy to cook, and saves electricity...

Use the heat from the pot to heat up a few steamed buns, rolls, etc.

I have a lot of pickles at home, and the ones I eat more recently are sweet and sour radish and salty eggplant.

I bought them all before. My mother said that salty eggplants will go bad easily if left uneaten for a long time, so it’s okay in the cold weather.

Once it gets a little warm, you can see it.

"Mom, let my dad take down two gas cans later. Let's make more meat or something.

I looked at the weather forecast before and it was estimated that heavy rains here would last about a month.

It seems to be stronger than usual today, but it may gradually weaken in the future. "

Qin Yue felt happy when she heard what she said.

"This is a good thing, my daughter. The rain has stopped and life will be normal. Why do you still have to make so much food?"

Okay, mom is still naive.

"Mom, don't forget what month it is now.

Once the rain stops, winter will begin.

So much rain cannot be drained out at once, and with the cold air, it will all freeze.

Think about it, it's okay if it's raining right now. Let's make some food and the smell won't come out.

If there really wasn't a heavy rain, wouldn't it be even more troublesome if someone discovered him again? "

When Qin Yue thought about it, what she said made sense.

"Okay, I'll ask your dad to come over later. You can take these over first."


Jiang Yuan didn't know whether the smell would be exposed in this weather. At least the last time they made food, there was no smell at all.

Moreover, the heavy rain and strong wind were very loud. Even if they were pinging and pinging, no one would care.

In short, it is safe.

Moreover, she can also take advantage of this rare opportunity to cook more meat and put it in the space.It doesn’t necessarily mean what will happen later. It’s definitely good to be more prepared.

After a simple breakfast, the family got into action. Qin Yue took Xiao Nuan to pack the refrigerator and freezer.

Jiang Xingzhi went to get the liquefied gas tank and prepared to make more food.

"By the way, my daughter, why don't you come into the kitchen?"


"If someone comes over to buy something during the day and you smell like meat, wouldn't that expose you?"

After all the calculations, I actually forgot about this. I am really speechless.

However, in comparison, the temptation of cash is obviously greater.

Jiang Yuan had no choice but to respond with tears in her eyes, but she emphasized again and again that she would not give up until it was ready and let her taste it.

Jiang Xingzhi was indeed right. Several waves of people came during the day, two of which came in groups.

One wave is from Building 12 next door, and the other wave is from Building 10 opposite.

These are all relatively close to Building 13. Clothes and other items have been sold for [-] or [-] yuan, and tobacco and alcohol are also sold well.

The rest are just daily necessities.

Jiang Yuan also has a lot of cash in hand. In the past few days, she has made at least 50 yuan.

The time in space has also increased to 726 hours, 53 minutes and 28 seconds.

It’s full of hope, and it’s already been available for a month, which is great.

Around six o'clock, it got dark, earlier than normal weather conditions.

She planned to collect the things and take them all back, and not sell them out tomorrow.

"Sister Yuan, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, he turned around and looked at Kai Yang. He bared his teeth and looked very happy.

"Pack your things, why are you here?"

"It's nothing. Let's go down and have a look at the excitement. I haven't seen you and Brother Song for a few days. Come on, come to my house for a while!"

Jiang Yuan looked at his careless look and was a little confused.

"There was indeed a sound downstairs just now, what happened?"

She was on the top floor, so she couldn't hear it clearly. If she were inside, she probably wouldn't be able to hear it at all.

"There's a quarrel on the eighth floor. Let's go. Say hello to Brother Song. I'll go down first. Ye Mianmian is waiting at home."


Jiang Yuan agreed, just as she could discuss her plan with these people.

After sending her things home and telling her parents, she knocked on Song Yi's door.

He didn't want to go at first, but Jiang Yuan came to see him, so he didn't say anything more.

On the 20th floor, Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian actually prepared a lot of snacks.

It's not difficult to see that they were basically all searched for before.

"Sit down quickly, Brother Song, Sister Yuan..."

Zhang Kaiyang greeted, and Ye Mianmian brought hot water to the two of them.

"You didn't even go down just now. The eighth floor was so exciting."

"What's going on? Hurry up and tell me."

Ye Mianmian was also curious, but this guy said that they had to wait until the two of them came down to discuss it together.

“The water level in our building has reached the fifth floor, and now everyone is moving upstairs.

There are people in the corridor. They occasionally knock on the door when they need to use the toilet or something.

It was fine before, but now there is no water and it is difficult to go to the toilet by myself, let alone let others come over.

Do you remember the man on the second floor before? "

"It's not the same one we met the first time we went out, right?"

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