Chapter 134 Battle Royale (5)


Hiding in a dark and narrow storage room, after hearing that there was no movement outside, the bald head relaxed and took a big breath.

After he calmed down a bit, he asked Zhang Yuan angrily: "Why is there such a terrifying thing here?"

Zhang Yuan is not much better than him.

She almost died several times trying to protect Wu Shang.

Her long hair was shaved off like a dog, and there were wounds on her face, legs, and hands.Fortunately, there are very few viruses in the mutated advanced zombies and cannot be infected by humans.So she can still hold on.

However, this will not work.

The three of them will die here!
Zhang Yuan couldn't help but scolded the dead Xiaozhen again.

Why not tell her earlier that she would be punished by attracting zombies if she died?If she had known earlier, she would have definitely let her live.

Damn the Aboriginals!

Zhang Yuan listened outside for a while, and it was quiet. This silence seemed a bit abnormal.

She pushed Wu Shang to the bald head: "You take care of him, I'll go out and take a look."

The bald man stretched out his hand to help Wu Shang to his side.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan made a big gesture, quietly opened a crack in the door and looked out. There was no one in the corridor.

She quickly opened the door and went out.


A deafening roar sounded from the other end of the corridor.

Zhang Yuan was stiff all over and almost died of anger.

What bad luck was she, the high-level zombie was about to leave, but she came out and was smelled and discovered.

Fortunately, there is still some distance.

After the general paralysis caused by the roar disappeared, Zhang Yuan sprinkled a handful of red beans.

These little beans are an explosive prop.

A single explosion will cause only a small amount of numbness, but there will be an explosion stacking effect.

When you hit the first one, there is only one bomb. When you hit the 100th one, the effects of 1-100 small bombs burst out at the same time.

Zhang Yuan didn't expect to blow up the high-level zombies. After all, her skin was invulnerable. She just hoped to delay it for a while so that she could escape to a safer place.

It's still too close.

It would only take five seconds, no, three seconds, before she would be caught.

Zhang Yuan ran away after the spill, but while running, she turned back to see the effect.

Unexpectedly, it had no effect at all!

There were crackling and explosion sounds one after another, but the high-level zombies came over unharmed.The speed is getting faster and faster.


Zhang Yuan's eyes narrowed, and his pupils turned into pinpoint-sized dots.

She's going to use her life-saving moves at the bottom of the box.

Suddenly, a clear voice came to my ears: "Is there an explosion? There is someone upstairs!"

Zhang Yuan narrowed his eyes and immediately jumped to the side, grabbing the railing with both hands and flipping down with a flexible posture.

After falling from the third floor to the second floor, even though he was a superpower but did not have the relevant jumping ability, Zhang Yuan still fell hard and broke one of his legs.

She did not use the healing tools. Instead, she looked pitifully at the leader of the new group: "Help..."

"Ah! Here he comes!"

Zhang Yuan saw a black shadow falling from the sky, screaming and running towards Murong.

Mu Rong ducked out of the way, but Zhang Yuan did not catch Mu Rong, only the mistress.

Zhang Yuan panicked and hid behind the mistress: "Help me..."

The mistress had just hit a wall with Shi Zhen, and now there was a petite beauty begging him, and he suddenly felt infinite pride.Mainly because I want to show my strength.

He took a step forward and squeezed out the last bit of his superpower to disguise himself as a zombie, preparing to fool the tall man who had just jumped down from the building.

The mistress and the others did not think of this zombie as a high-level mutation.

Mainly because he was in tatters and looked no different from an ordinary zombie.

The mistress walked over and waved around twice.

As expected, the zombie hesitated, smelling the scent of the same kind, and the human scent was gone.

Seeing that this zombie was about to turn around and wander somewhere else, the mistress couldn't help but look proudly at the crowd.

He first saw the adoring and grateful smile of the petite beauty, and then looked at Wang Dahua, wanting to see what her expression was like at this moment. "Ho!"

The mistress groaned in pain.

The blue-black hand clawed its way through his chest, just shy of his heart.

It was the zombie who suddenly took action.

But none of them reacted.


One person reacted.

An Qin grabbed Xiao Sanzi's shoulders and moved him a little to the side, thus escaping the fatal blow.

An Qin then pressed Xiaosanzi's shoulders and shouted: "Catch it."

He pushed the mistress towards Murong while he fought with the zombie.


An Qin punched the zombie in the face, but unexpectedly his finger bones were cracked.

So fucking hard.

An Qin quickly took out his pistol and fired two shots while keeping the distance away.

The bullets are special energy bombs that penetrate directly into the zombie's body.

The zombies slowed down.

Just when Anqin thought there was a chance and was about to kill the zombie again, the zombie suddenly rose from the ground and rushed towards him.

The speed was so fast that he only saw the afterimage.

Let alone hiding, he couldn't even catch the zombies.


An Qin was knocked out, hit the wall and fell down.

The zombie appeared in front of him again, its long nails about to pierce his throat and crush his throat bone. A small lavender sickle was suspended above the zombie's head.

Anqin's face quickly turned gray.

His vitality is constantly being absorbed by the scythe.

An Qin wanted to scold Potian in his heart.

Damn it, no one said that the cost of using Death's sickle is life.If Nima had told him earlier, he would rather not take action.

But it's too late to regret now. Once the prop is activated, it cannot be stopped unless...

"Don't be afraid, brother, I'm here to save you!"

Murong shouted loudly, and she took out a small jade-colored basin. There seemed to be an endless supply of water in the basin.

After pouring out, it formed waves of powerful water and rushed towards the zombies.

All the items accidentally washed away by the water waves along the way were shattered, which shows the power of the water waves.

An Qin heard Murong's shout, cheered up, and tried to cut off the input to the sickle.

Unexpectedly, this behavior angered the sickle, and with a sharp breath, Anqin suddenly lost half of his life force, his hair turned snow-white, his body was wrinkled, and there were even age spots on his arms.

Fortunately, Murong's wave of water arrived first and had already washed up on the zombies.

This water wave is still very powerful, at least the zombies temporarily left Anqin to fight with the water wave.

Murong struggled to control it, and she felt as if the jade basin was about to lose control and break away from her hands.

what happened?

Just when Murong couldn't hold it anymore, the jade basin was released, and the water waves suddenly increased, the inexplicable suction force suddenly stopped.

The jade basin lost its support and fell to the ground.

The water gushes out and soon reaches everyone's waist.

The third son was short, so he was flooded up to his chest. He jumped up and down anxiously: "Boss, turn off the water, turn off the water!"

Murong wanted to pick it up as soon as the jade basin fell.

But she squatted down and pulled around a few times, but found nothing.

The jade basin was washed away!

Murong was also panicking now.

The biggest support for superpowers is all kinds of powerful props.

If she couldn't retrieve the jade basin, she would die here!

(End of this chapter)

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