Chapter 113 Counterattack
In a room filled with high-end instruments, a creature with a mechanical skeleton and human internal organs stood in the center, rapidly controlling something.

Data streams formed a beautiful arch and crossed over her head.

A series of characters were originally scrolling on the large screens around him. Suddenly, those characters combined and changed, and a somewhat realistic scene began to take shape.

Ma Meier stopped her movements, looked at the changes taking place with satisfaction, and hummed proudly: "Bitch! Let me make you happy for two days. When I finish preparing, I will peel off that beautiful skin. I will put it on, It must be beautiful.”

Ma Meier couldn't help but raise her hand to touch her face, and when she touched the hard and cold mechanical shell, she was so angry that she scratched it hard.

It stings and sparks fly.

A piece of her left cheek was missing, and the broken mechanical stump looked even more ferocious and ugly.

Ma Meier is also very dissatisfied with her current image.

She raised her eyes and found that the scene was forming slower and slower, and was even about to stop.The scene was only less than one-tenth complete.

How could this be?
Ma Meier frowned and prepared to return to the console to check what went wrong.

A ghostly group photo appeared in front of her.

" it you?"

Ma Meier was so surprised that her voice changed when she recognized the person.

This is a core confidential space.

If she hadn't shown her ability, let alone come in, she wouldn't even know this position.

Shi Zhen came in so quickly!

After experiencing being pulled and thrown away by invisible forces, Ma Meier no longer dared to regard Shi Zhen as a beautiful and brainless person.

She thought she had overestimated Shi Zhen, but the strength Shi Zhen showed at this moment made her realize that she still thought too little.

Ma Mei'er didn't talk nonsense. She jumped sideways to press the alarm bell.

As long as the emergency device is activated, she will be protected by safety bubbles.

At that time, she could see how Shi Zhen was arrested.

Ma Meier thought this was a very simple thing to accomplish. She was only one step away from the alarm bell, and she reacted very quickly without talking nonsense to Shi Zhen.However, when her finger touched the alarm bell, her whole body froze.

Her fingertips couldn't press hard enough.

At this time, she didn't know what would happen, until a black energy penetrated between her eyebrows, and her hidden secrets, everything about her, were revealed at a glance.


Ma Meier's eyes widened, her whole body stiffened, and she fell to the ground on her back.

Until her death, she didn't know what happened.

Black energy floated out from Ma Meier's eyebrows and fell to the ground, transforming into Shi Zhen's appearance.

Shi Zhen looked a little ugly and wanted to vomit but couldn't.

She looked at the lifeless Ma Mei'er on the ground with disgust, walked to the console, tapped her fingers deftly, and a virtual Ma Mei'er appeared on the large screen.

At the same time, this image appeared on all screens in the base.

Many people were unprepared and were frightened by the process of losing their hair and skin, and losing their Sam value by the process of the enchanting beauty turning into a mechanical frame and then back to a man.

But after watching it twice more and getting used to it, I felt nothing but nausea.

They began to notice that someone was behind Ma Meier's transformation from a low-self-esteem and cynical man to a woman, and then to a scientist.

Unfortunately, every time Ma Meier received an order, the character appeared as a shadow, and it was impossible to determine the approximate range through height and figure comparison.

But it's not all fruitless.

At least who Ma Zhongzheng traded his beauty skin body to after becoming Ma Mei'er were all shown.

There is no mosaic at all.

There was even a manager from the special department among them.

There is nothing more important than a traitor in a state department!

Report the report, contain the containment.

In the base, everyone except those in special training took action.

The manager who used his power to manipulate Ma Meier to continue working as a scientist didn't know what was going on. He was confused when he was blocked in the office.

Only when he was taken to the special interrogation room did he realize that something serious had happened.He remained silent and determined not to reveal who was instructing him.

When the interrogators reported the matter and the superiors decided to use special soul-searching tools on him, he died suddenly in the interrogation room.

All the bones and flesh turned into water, leaving only one piece of skin intact, lying limply on the ground.

The interrogators who returned vomited all over the floor and were so frightened that they had nightmares for several nights.

The country's top leaders were outraged that they had the power to kill people in a special interrogation room at the base. This was undoubtedly a provocation.A thorough investigation was ordered.

Qin Hai, who was manipulated by some forces to take the position of minister and replaced Zhou Yaoming, is a man who is incapable of being a camper.

He immediately asked special adviser Jian Zhiheng for his thoughts.

Jian Zhiheng's words were unclear, but he gave him a direction of suspicion. There was only one person in the base who had the ability and ability to do this - Shi Zhen.

Qin Hai immediately characterized Shi Zhen as a traitor.

A nationwide arrest warrant was issued.

Zhou Yaoming, who strongly recommended Shi Zhen, also became a target of suspicion and was arrested.

Fortunately, after Zhou Yaoming picked up Han Mingli and the others, he arranged for them to leave through a secret passage.Han Mingli and Tang Qianya are fine for the time being.

With the special department's search capabilities, we can catch them sooner or later.

Jian Zhiheng went to see Zhou Yaoming under the guise of persuasion, but in fact he kept suppressing Zhou Yaoming without asking a word.Having vented enough, he reported full of malice. Zhou Yaoming admitted to colluding with external forces in an attempt to subvert the country.

The leader who was optimistic about Zhou Yaoming and recruited him was no longer there.

On the contrary, it was the faction of Jian Zhiheng's family who was on the line.

A punishment decision was made immediately, Zhou Yaoming was deprived of all his duties, all his props were taken back, and his powers were stripped away.

Power stripping is an idea that has been shelved because it is too cruel.

This time Zhou Yaoming made a mistake and became the first test subject.

Zhou Yaoming was secretly transferred away.

The pursuit of Shi Zhen can be found in everything from reality to virtual space forums.

Jian Zhiheng was very satisfied with the effect and waited for Shi Zhen to be unable to escape after rescuing Zhao Yang from the scene.

That's when he appeared.

"Didi-di-di", the communication terminal on his wrist suddenly rang, interrupting Jian Zhiheng's thoughts.

A hint of impatience appeared on his brow, but it was smoothed away by the time he got through. With a dignified, elegant and polite smile on his face, he greeted, "Mr. Hong, what do you want me to do?"

The half-length body of an energetic old man appeared on the virtual screen.

The old man had a sullen face and was furious: "Zhiheng, is this how you betrayed my trust and dug a hole for me?"

"Mr. Hong, I don't understand what you are saying. Did something happen?"

"look by youself!"

A video played behind Mr. Hong.

Jian Zhiheng's pupils immediately narrowed: Shi Zhen? !

Did she come out so soon?


If the scene is cleared, he will definitely receive the message.

So Shi Zhen didn't go at all?

Jian Zhiheng's mood was ups and downs.For a moment, Shi Zhen was happy that she ignored Zhao Yang, but for a moment, she regretted that she had chosen the wrong chess piece.

But he quickly controlled his emotions.

He never wastes energy on things that have already happened.

Jian Zhiheng concentrated on staring at Shi Zhen in the video.

"...I suspect that enemies from outer space have invaded and are trying to control the game. So I decided to publish all the information. As for the pursuit of me, I think anyone with a brain can see that whoever jumps in a hurry is the real one. A traitor."

(End of this chapter)

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