After being exiled, I led my whole family to rebel.

Chapter 186 Catching the Strong Man

There were so many people, but they couldn't bear the instigation. One person said that Ma Qiang should be beaten to death, and then a cry of beating Ma Qiang to death resounded throughout the mountains and fields.

Those who caused the trouble naturally wanted to put the blame on Ma Qiang. The refugees hated Ma Qiang for almost burning the food, while the people in the Xu family became murderous because Ma Qiang said he wanted to usurp the throne.

A cry filled with the thoughts of all kinds of people.

Ming Xiaoshuang took Xu Zhenying's signal and drew the knife again.

Zhou Bo and Lu Fei pushed Ma Qiang down to his knees. At this moment, Ma Qiang realized that Xu Zhenying was serious, and his lips trembled with fear. Before he could even utter his begging for mercy, Ming Xiaoshuang stabbed his heart and lungs with a sword.

The crowd burst into loud cheers.

But some people couldn't bear the bloody scene and took half a step back, as if they were afraid of blood splattering on themselves.

Everyone in the Xu family listened to the roaring mountains and the tsunami, and looked at the motionless figure sitting in the middle. Everyone was a little frightened.

Xu Zhenying's methods... are getting more and more cruel.

Even Xu Degui and Miao were a little scared looking at Xu Zhenying now.

That daughter seems to be getting further and further away from them——

Qian Zhenniang, Fang Ningmo and others showed unbearable expressions, but Xu Yinxi shouted: "Good kill!"

Xu Zhenying's voice was cold and stern, like a heavy drum beating in the hearts of everyone, "Ma Qiang is not only responsible for what happened tonight, you are also responsible. Ming Xiaoshuang!"

When his name was called, Ming Xiaoshuang tensed up, put away his long knife, and stood submissively.

He was such a majestic person, but at this moment he was standing next to Xu Zhenying like a quail.

"You are responsible for allocating the fields in the demonstration village. Something big happened to your subordinates, but you didn't know about it. You deserve to be punished!"

Ming Xiaoshuang's face turned red, but he said willingly, "I accept the punishment!"

"Immediately remove the position of village chief of Ming Xiaoshuang Demonstration Village, suspend all work at hand for at least two months, and will not consider returning to the post until after attending junior and advanced literacy classes."

Everyone gasped!

Xu Zhenying actually dismissed Ming Xiaoshuang from his post!

This punishment is not too severe!

But Xu Zhenying has always had prestige. Even though Xu Yinxi and Qian Zhenniang wanted to plead for mercy, they knew that now was not the time.

And Ming Xiaoshuang clasped his fists, with no hint of dissatisfaction on his face, "I'm humble and obey orders!"

"These dozen or so troublemakers will be deducted one year's work points! The team leaders responsible for each will be deducted half a year's work points, and the team members will be deducted one month's work points!"

Wang Xingye immediately said: "City Lord, they are making trouble, but the other team members don't know about it! This work score is related to the subsequent farm division, which is very important to them. City Lord, please think twice!"

"You don't know? There are only twenty people in a team, eating and drinking together, but you turn a blind eye to the abnormalities of the people around you. Do you think this is an oversight or an accomplice?"

Those who were also preparing to plead fell silent.

Xu Zhenying looked around at the dozen or so trembling and troublemaking men in front of him, and said coldly: "To me, it seems to me that you are so ungrateful and have no ability to judge right from wrong. You can be instigated by others to charge into battle with just a few words. Idiot, I definitely don’t want to stay! But since this is your first offender and you are ignorant and uncivilized, I will spare you once! Teacher Anping!”

A petite girl emerged from the crowd. She hurriedly walked out, "City Lord, I'm here."

"These dozen or so people focus on education. Don't let them go farming yet. Let's focus on culture first. Also, I will write down the names of those who are in front tonight and drag them all to class with the children! When did you learn the four words of propriety, justice and shame before letting them go!"

Xu Anping said quickly: "Remember the city lord!"

"As for the new village chief..." Xu Zhenying glanced at the people around him, and now he really frowned. Almost everyone in the Xu family had dispersed, most of them were working in the logistics, and a small number were working on dividing the fields and city defense. One brother and sister of the Fang family work in agriculture and the other works in education. At the moment, employment is really hard to come by.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and landed on Wang Xingye. She smiled and said: "Wang Xingye, it's up to you. I'll leave the work of the demonstration village to you. Do it well and don't let me down!"

There were muffled sounds of joy from the crowd.

It can be seen that Wang Xingye is quite prestigious among the refugees.

Wang Xingye was stunned for a moment, as if he felt a little unbelievable. It wasn't until someone bumped into him that he came back to his senses. Then he clasped his fists without hesitation: "Thank you City Lord!"

"In that case, let's break up the meeting!"

Xu Zhenying waved his hand, and tens of thousands of people in the square slowly dispersed. Everyone was discussing what had just happened with lingering fear. However, Zhou Bo and others had already led people to clean up the corpses on the ground and washed the ground. After a while, everything that happened here was gone. Unrecognizable.

Everyone in the Xu family sat on the public carriage going back.

There were no lights in the mountains and fields, so they walked very slowly when they went back.

Xu Zhenying took this opportunity to sound the alarm to the insiders, and asked, "Do you have any thoughts about what happened tonight?"

Xu Yinxi said quietly: "Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. Most of the people are ignorant, they can't stand provocation, and they can't tell right from wrong. When you can give them benefits, you are the city lord. If the benefits are not enough, I can drive you away at any time. Let’s go. It doesn’t matter who the city lord is, the real thing is who can give them enough benefits.”

Xu Zhenying raised his eyebrows slightly.

She seems to have recently discovered that Xu Yinxi has gone too far. This girl has an indescribable anger hidden in her heart.

Qian Zhenniang said: "You can't say that. Most refugees still know in their hearts who is good to them. After all, there are only a few who are making trouble tonight. But we should also be prepared for danger in times of peace. On the surface, what happened today seems to be caused by refugees, but in fact, behind the scenes But it is Ma Qiang who wants to usurp the throne. This shows that our work has not been done well——"

Remembering that there was Ming Xiaoshuang in the car who had just been punished, Qian Zhenniang felt a little embarrassed, "Brother Xiaoshuang, I didn't mean anything against you. I was just discussing the matter."

Ming Xiaoshuang didn't have the face to argue at this moment, and even said "dare not".

Qian Zhenniang just continued: "We still have loopholes in the process of managing them. For example, so many of them don't want to grow sweet potatoes and think they are poisonous. Some people even secretly threw away the sweet potatoes, but we didn't even notice. It shows that firstly, our publicity work is not in place, secondly, the relationship with the refugees is not close enough, and thirdly, the refugees do not fully trust us. This is indeed a mistake in our work."

Ming Xiaoshuang was so talked about that he couldn't even lift his head. Ever since the incident tonight, he had been feeling frightened, as if he had fallen from the clouds. He didn't even dare to look into Xu Zhenying's eyes. At this moment, he was even more submissive: "City Lord , it’s my fault, I didn’t manage them well.”

"As the general person in charge of the model village, you indeed have an unshirkable responsibility." Xu Zhenying did not shy away from it until he understood Xiaoshuang's pain point. "However, it is an indisputable fact that there are too many refugees and a lack of management personnel. We are now in the early stages of starting a business. If there is a shortage of manpower, there will naturally be loopholes in management, and it is not entirely your fault. When this batch of people from the intermediate literacy class graduates, the burden on everyone's shoulders will be lighter."

Xu Zhenying patted Ming Xiaoshuang again and said, "Management is a very profound knowledge. You should study hard and do better things for me in the future."

Ming Xiaoshuang also knew that if there was such a big mistake tonight, punishment would be inevitable, but he didn't expect that Xu Zhenying would give him a chance.

Ming Xiaoshuang thought of how carefree she had been during this period, and felt more and more guilty, and said sincerely: "City Lord, I will study hard and learn again when I enter the literacy class, and I will never make trouble for you again! I swear!"

Xu Zhenying has been thinking about refining her positions in the past few days. Now she and the Xu family all have multiple jobs. Not only do they get tired easily, but there are always areas that cannot be taken care of. There is also Ye County, which has a large population. She must choose an effective person to suppress it.

However, if she details her responsibilities and functions, it will inevitably make people suspect that she has ambitions to compete in the world.

Although she had this plan, when she was not strong enough in the early stage, she could only develop slowly.

The carriage walked slowly through the mountains and fields. The people in the carriage were still very energetic after experiencing tonight's riot.

While passing by the research institute, Xu Zhenying saw what seemed to be lights in the yard.

She couldn't help but be curious and ordered the carriage to stop, "Who is still staying in the institute so late?"

No one knows.

Xu Zhenying said: "You all go back, I will go see who is so diligent."

Maybe we can catch a wave of strong men.

She likes King Juan so much.

Xu Zhenying dismounted, followed by Xu Yinxi and Qian Zhenniang, and then Xu Degui also got off the horse and said, "I'll go with you. I'm afraid it's not safe for you girls at home in the middle of the night."

Xu Zhenying smiled: "Dad, there is no safer place than Lan County now."

"That's different. You just killed two people. What if there are some daring ones among the refugees who harbor evil intentions?"

When Xu Zhenying heard that it made sense, Mo Jinchun had already got off the carriage, "Mr. Xu, I will accompany the city lord."

Xu Degui also knew that Mo Jinchun was very skilled, "Now you are in charge of the daily training in the military camp?"

Mo Jinchun nodded, "Since the land distribution in Ye County, I have been training soldiers in the military camp."

Xu Degui patted him on the shoulder and said, "Do a good job. This time the refugees will recruit new people. The military camp will be expanded several times by then. You must select some people as soon as possible to intensify training and train a team of personal guards specifically to protect the safety of the city lord. "

Mo Jinchun couldn't hide his excitement and performed a standard military salute, "Yes!"

Xu Zhenying did not refuse.

It would be good to take this opportunity to train a group of special forces. Besides, they can also change careers. Trained soldiers are all good green leeks, and they must be good at other jobs.

"Anping, what are you doing down here?" Seeing Xu Anping, the fourth sister-in-law also got off the carriage, "Don't delay the city lord's business."

Xu Anping said: "Mom and Dad, most of the people in the institute are my students. I also want to see what they are doing so late at night."

"Okay, then remember to follow the city lord back and don't stay outside for too long."

Huang Cui'e was now able to look at her eyes. The only people she saw were Xu Zhenying's confidants, so she immediately kicked Xu Huijia. Xu Huijia was suddenly kicked off her horse by her mother. When she was about to get angry, she heard Huang Cui'e's somewhat flattering voice: "City Lord, this is my family too. Come with you, let him not study hard every day, and go see how others study diligently!"

Xu Huijia didn't know what I was thinking.

She felt so sad when she saw that even Xu Anping was being held in such high regard, so she used every opportunity to squeeze herself in front of Xu Zhenying's eyes.

It's also good to brush your face more often so that Xu Zhenying always remembers that you still have such a big cousin.

Xu Huijia actually envied Xu Anping herself. He did not envy Xu Anping's salary of fifty taels a month, but he envied her that no matter where she went, people would recognize her and call her "Mr. Xu" affectionately.

So he just followed the trend and said, "Okay, then I'll go and see how hard these people work."

Others couldn't bear it, Miao said with a tired look: "Come back early, don't stay too long."

When Xu Huijia got off the car, she met Qian Zhenniang walking at the back. The two had almost never met in private since they broke off their engagement.

Xu Huijia looked at those clear eyes and felt uncomfortable all over. Qian Zhenniang, on the other hand, was generous, took half a step back, and said without being humble or overbearing: "Please."

Xu Huijia didn't know what to say, so she could only run away to keep up with their team.

Qian Zhenniang looked at the back and shook her head with a smile.

Looking back at her past self now, she really doesn't understand why she wanted to marry into the Xu family with all her might at that time.

Xu Zhenying had only a few people with her. Xu Anping had the key in her hand. When she gently pushed the people inside, she discovered that the lights were brightly lit in the classroom on her right, and there was a young man sitting inside. He was holding a pencil in his hand, and the floor was covered with pencils. They are all manuscript papers for experimental records.

Xu Zhenying quietly picked it up and took a look, feeling a little shocked.

Good guy, this experimental record looks to be comparable to what she had back then.

He even took into consideration the experimental time, hand temperature, weight of materials added to each link, product quality comparison, and even the control variables!

Chinese chives!

Fresh leeks!

Xu Zhenying’s eyes lit up!

"Luo Qingzhou?" Xu Anping seemed a little unsure.

The man turned around and seemed to be withdrawn from his own world. When he saw so many people standing behind him, he felt a little awkward in speaking, "Teacher Xiao Xu?"

Then he seemed to see Xu Zhenying, his face turned red, he seemed a little excited, and he pretended to salute: "City Lord!"

Because Xu Yinxi had taught everyone a lesson before, people in Lan County all called Xu Yinxi Teacher Da Xu and Xu Anping called Teacher Xiao Xu to show their distinction.

"It's so late, why are you still here?"

"I...I...was just thinking about the cement that we have been studying for two months, but we have not been able to find it. The main reason is that the calcination temperature has never been reached, so I want to look for previous experimental records to see if I can find any inspiration."

But Xu Zhenying was reading his manuscript, fascinated all the time.

The person Luo Qingzhou admires the most is not Xu Anping or Xu Yinxi, but Xu Zhenying!

Especially when he knew that the textbooks for the literacy class were all written by Xu Zhenying, he almost blindly worshiped her.

Xu Anping looked at Luo Qingzhou's fiery gaze and couldn't help but laugh: "Ronald, your idol is here. If you don't hurry up and communicate with your idol, it may be more effective than searching for experimental records."

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