There was a lot of joy at the gate of the county government office. When Xu Zhenying went back, he happened to bump into the village chiefs who were assigning female teachers.

Qian Zhenniang was holding a few female teachers beside her, seeming to be doing ideological work or giving instructions before departure.

Xu Zhenying had no choice but to turn a corner and enter the county government office through the back door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got Feng'er's letter, he heard a commotion in the front yard. Xu Zhenying pressed the letter on the desk, then raised his eyes and saw Zhou Bo and others coming in.

Now Xu Zhenying has delegated power to the instructors of both male and female soldiers. For the female soldiers, Wang Sanniang is in charge, while for the male soldiers, Mo Jinchun is in charge of this year's recruitment work.

The people who came in were Zhou Bo, Lu Fei and others. When they came in, they were unusually aggressive, especially Lu Fei. Because he was tall and strong, his dark face made people afraid to approach them.

Lu Fei is brave, but lacks a bit of strategy, so he has never been able to hide things. As soon as he entered the door, he said: "City Lord, if we find someone spreading rumors about you behind your back, what should you do?"

"Rumor?" Xu Zhenying was startled, then laughed, "Are you saying that I am a woman? Why, even you know it?"

Lu Fei suddenly became anxious, "City Lord, this matter is of great importance, how can you still laugh?!"

Xu Zhenying frowned slightly, "Why, woman is not an insulting word. Why should I be angry because of other people's words?"

"That's not what you said!" Zhou Bo also retorted, "City Lord, someone has been spreading rumors about you for the past month. As the Lord of a city, how can you just sit back and ignore it? Now this rumor has spread Everyone knows it, and the brothers in the barracks are all angry. They just want to kill the person behind it with their own hands. A few brothers and I have been investigating this matter for the past few days——"

"Wait a minute..." Xu Zhenying came back to his senses, "Didn't I ask you to help the refugees in the demonstration village divide their fields these days? How come you still have time to check on me?"

Several people looked embarrassed, but Lu Fei was still thick-skinned. He raised his hand and said quite confidently: "Someone dares to call the city lord a woman. I can't swallow it! Why divide the land? Let's get down to business first! "

Xu Zhenying lowered his face and slapped the table, "You are soldiers. What is the bounden duty of a soldier?! It is to obey, obey, and obey again! How many times have I emphasized discipline? If you leave the team without permission, you are disobeying my military order! Today If you dare to leave your post, will you dare to leave your post on the battlefield tomorrow?"

It was rare for Xu Zhenying to lose her temper. She was short in stature, but her aura was astonishing. She made everyone in the room blush and feel ashamed.

"Let me ask you, are you still a soldier? Look at what you are wearing? Is that the military uniform I issued to you?! What am I going to do with unorganized, undisciplined, and disobedient soldiers like you? ?!”

No matter what situation Xu Zhenying encountered in the past, she always treated people politely. Even when she was teaching them, no matter how stupid the students were, she would never see any impatience on her face.

But now the man had a sullen face, showed no anger, and asked questions one after another, making everyone's hearts sink and they actually felt scared.

"Also, I have repeatedly asked you, male and female soldiers, to be as close as one family, and soldiers and civilians to be as close as one family. I want to use you to make the common people change their previous views on soldiers and Liuzi, and encourage the common people to be proud of joining the army. You can do well and help me with my hard work." The glorious image of being a soldier that Ku Li raised has been trampled to pieces. I asked you to help organize the land distribution, but you leave your posts without permission and don't take the common people seriously. I suggest you just take off your military uniform and go back to farming. Forget it!"

These words were so serious that even Zhou Bo's eyelids jumped.

Kneeling was not allowed in the military camp, so Zhou Bo and the others wanted to kneel but did not dare, so they had to clasp their fists and raise their hands: "City Lord, please calm down. We are also concerned about chaos. We don't want anyone to bully the City Lord like this behind his back. We do not take the common people seriously." , we ourselves were once refugees, how could we not see ourselves clearly? Please forgive me, the city lord, we will never leave our posts without authorization again, and we will never disobey military orders!"

Lu Fei was also frightened and begged for mercy repeatedly, "City Lord, I was wrong. I really shouldn't have left my post without authorization. Please punish me!"

"Okay, I'll punish you by running around the city wall twice today, doing three hundred push-ups, and cleaning the latrines for a month!"

Everyone could only accept it with a shrug.

Seeing that he was almost shocked, Xu Zhenying's face softened a little, "In that case, have you found any clues? I see that you all walked in very aggressively, so you must have found the person behind it?"

This time no one spoke.

The faces of the group became even uglier than before.

It even revealed some unspeakable meaning.

Xu Zhenying made some guesses in his mind and roughly understood, "Now I want you to say it, and you won't say it, okay, let me guess, right?"

Zhou Bo and others were still silent.

"Looking at the way you are hesitating, you must know the person behind this. This person should have a close relationship with me, otherwise you wouldn't be so hesitant to talk."

Zhou Bo’s eyelids jumped!

"Oh, are they the Xu family?"

Lu Fei's eyes widened.

Xu Zhenying understood everything now, and the name was ready to come out. She smiled coldly, "Okay, I know who it is."

Apart from Xu Lezhi, who else could be the one who had a grudge against her, and who also liked to shoot cold arrows in the back?

Lu Fei said blankly: "City Lord, how did you know this?"

Xu Zhenying sneered, "You all can't hide anything on your face. Whatever is in your heart is written all over your face. I can't even guess it! Where are you?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Don't tell me who you found out but didn't dare to arrest?"

Zhou Bo immediately said: "City Lord, please calm down. Miss Xu Qi is the City Lord's cousin after all. If we take action rashly, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid I'll be angry?" Xu Zhenying smiled faintly, "That's not the case. Well, that little girl has quite a few tricks up her sleeve. Go ask Xu Yinxi to take her away, and tell her by the way, this is the last time. If she can't solve it yet Then I will help her solve this matter."

Several people looked at each other, seemingly unable to figure out why the city lord held it high and let it go.

Lu Fei couldn't bear his violent temper, "City Lord, that little girl talks bad things about the City Lord all day long, and also says that the City Lord is a woman. This is unbearable. Even if she is your cousin, you can't do this. She's indifferent! If you ask me, we brothers should just go and beat her up. That little girl is so frightened that she won't dare to say anything!"

The corner of Xu Zhenying's lips curled up, and she stared straight at them. Her lips were bright red, and there were two shallow pear dimples at the corners of her lips. She suddenly felt indistinguishable between male and female.

Her voice was faint, and she said slowly: "Who told you that she was talking nonsense? I am a woman, so I guarantee it is true."

As soon as he said this, the whole room fell silent.

These people were obviously shocked and were speechless for a moment!

"I have never deliberately concealed my identity. People around me should know it more or less. It is convenient for me to wear men's clothing on weekdays, so I like men's clothing. Since you ask, I don't mind telling the truth. Those who look down on women feel that they are inferior to women. It is humiliation, humiliation, and unwillingness. You can take off this military uniform and leave, and I will not stop you. But if you stay, you must serve me as the master, Xu Zhenying, and listen to my orders." Xu Zhenying said After finishing, ignoring the shock of the people below, he took out Feng'er's letter and slowly tore it open.

The girl raised her eyebrows, and her tone was not aggressive, but somehow it made people breathless, as if a mountain was weighing them down.

"I'll give you a stick of incense and time to think. Leave or stay."

Zhou Bo raised his eyes and saw the man in the high position reading the letter slowly, looking calm and relaxed.

This woman seemed to be born to be in power.

Calm, indifferent, wise and bold!

Zhou Bo came from among the refugees, followed him all the way, and had been practicing in the military. In addition, he had attended many meetings of the Xu family's political affairs team, so he naturally knew Xu Zhenying's abilities.

This woman is very capable and ambitious.

It can settle tens of thousands of refugees overnight, it can turn the demonstration base into an impressive one in a few months, it can keep close to 100,000 people in Lan County and Ye County from going hungry——

The greatest official Zhou Bo has ever seen in his life is the county magistrate.

Therefore, he actually does not know what it is like to be an official. But he knew that the woman in front of him was probably more powerful than those high-ranking officials in the court!

Who are you not following?

What's more, Xu Zhenying still pays them monthly wages. If he just thinks that she is a female boss, won't it be over?

Thinking of this, Zhou Bo felt a little relieved. He quickly softened his expression and expressed his loyalty first: "City Lord, although you are a woman, you are far more capable than other men in the world. I, Zhou Bo, am convinced and willing to follow you."

This tone was neither salty nor bland, but rather perfunctory.

Compared with Ming Xiaoshuang's surrender with his head, Zhou Bo's intention was a little too weak.

But Xu Zhenying was already prepared.

As the saying goes, it is useless to blindly demand loyalty from others. When she conquers the entire Jinzhou and Qianzhou, there must be many people to show their loyalty.

Compared with Zhou Bo's speculation, Lu Fei seemed much more sincere. This man was an honest man. He laughed at this moment and said, "City Lord, don't worry about whether you are a man or a woman. Pay me wages, teach me how to read and write, and... Teach me the art of war, and you will be my boss and benefactor, Lao Lu! What’s more, you also gave me Lao Lu a piece of land. Anyway, I will obey you, and I will do whatever you want me, Lao Lu! Don’t say you are a woman. Even if you are neither a man nor a woman, I am still willing to follow you!"

Xu Zhenying was speechless.

That's about it for this kid's emotional intelligence.

What a fool, what a fool.

Isn't this an extra penalty of two laps and 500 push-ups to show appreciation?

Xu Zhenying covered her chest and stopped Lu Fei from speaking, "Okay, I have received your loyalty."

Several other people also immediately expressed their loyalty.

Xu Zhenying waved his hand and motioned for them all to go out.

The loyalty of these people is just a cloud. The key is to see what kind of achievements she can make and what kind of investment value she has.

Therefore, instead of doubting the loyalty of others all day long, it is better to improve yourself so that others can only rely on you and be loyal to yourself.

Xu Zhenying sighed.

Xu Lezhi's matter is really tricky.

This girl is like a mosquito, not harmful but very annoying. If you want to get rid of it once and for all, you can naturally kill her.

But what happens after killing someone?

Xu Yinxi has a high emotional intelligence and a smart mind. She is a good prospect. She also plans to entrust him with important tasks in the future.

Lian also helped Miao a lot in the field of logistics.

If Xu Lezhi is killed, she and her second wife may really be incompatible with each other. Not only that, it will also easily shake up her administrative team, unless she can find someone to replace their mother and daughter in a short time, or It completely kicked Xu Yinxi out.

These are things that cannot be accomplished overnight.

Xu Zhenying hated this feeling of being coerced.

Isn't she working so hard just to create a fair society? But now that Xu Lezhi made a mistake, she was forced to forgive her?

How is this different from the arrogant and domineering people in ancient times who made mistakes and walked away?

If it weren't for the fact that Xu Lezhi didn't cause any serious trouble, that is, he was just showing off, Xu Zhenying would have really wanted to crush the fly to death.

However, Xu Zhenying also wanted to test Xu Yinxi this time to see if Xu Yinxi could get rid of the influence of her original family and handle Xu Lezhi's affairs well.

If she is unable to handle housework well, she will still be dragged down in the future. She can also consider cultivating a replacement as soon as possible.

Talents... Universal education has been popularized for so long. Talents who can take charge of their own business should be springing up like mushrooms after a rain, right?

Xu Zhenying calmed down and picked up Feng'er's letter again.

Feng'er, this girl, actually changed her name. She is now called Xu Feng. She pretends to be brother and sister with Xu Huiming. The two of them work together in a tacit understanding, one in the open and the other in the dark.

Xu Huiming is responsible for the fair and honest business. His main business is sugar, which is sold all over the country.

Feng'er is in charge of salt, also known as a private salt dealer.

From the tone of Feng'er's letter, Xu Zhenying read a kind of briskness and ease. It seemed that since Feng'er knew that they were going to rebel, she became more courageous. She summoned hundreds of private salt dealers to sell private salt. While taking this opportunity to build his own intelligence network, he will gradually expand his contacts to Gwangju and Shouzhou, and gradually expand the intelligence network. It is estimated that it will grow to tens of thousands of people by the end of the year.

She also explained why her side might not have any profits for a few years. One reason was that she bought a mountain top, which mainly produces iron ore, so that in the future, she could directly bypass the court and produce ironware on her own to meet Lan County's demand for weapons. . The second is that she is secretly opening up internal channels in the court to see if she can bribe some officials to work for her. Thirdly, money is needed to train intelligence personnel and hidden stakes. In the past few years, the market has been very large, and money is used everywhere. Even if private salt is very profitable, it cannot be fed back to Lan County.

Feng'er also laughed at Xu Huiming in her letter, saying that Xu Huiming always asked her why there was no big profit from the private salt business. She had to say that private salt was a shady business. There were too many areas that needed to be cleared secretly, and the money could not be recovered in the short term. I don’t know if he believed it or not.

When Xu Zhenying saw this, the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

Feng'er really didn't disappoint her.

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