Soon another question came: "Where does your mind for practicing cultivation come from?"

"Seven years ago, Wan'er accidentally entered a secret realm in Minling. By chance, she got this cultivation method from an expert."

"What's that expert's name?"

"The master has already attained Taoism and became an immortal. The master's divine beast is called Fu Meng. It is said that its master is Pingdu Ling, and his mind was passed down to Wan'er by the divine beast."

"Why does the divine beast want to teach you the secret of your mind?"

"The mythical beast said that Wan'er has a pure nature and has few worldly prejudices, so she has this opportunity."

Bai Wan'er didn't have any intention of boasting, so she just said Fu Meng's words exactly. Because the other party is too scary.

Bai Wan'er lowered her head and didn't hear the other party ask any more questions for a long time, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

"The female cultivator of Qing'e Sect was born in a brothel and joined the master's sect since she was a child. You were in the master's sect seven years ago and never left. Why do you behave so differently? Where did you learn these?"

Bai Wan'er's eyes turned sharply: "Wan'er has always been law-abiding and strictly adhered to the way of cultivation. She has not done anything shocking. What do you mean by the difference?"

"You know how to cook and love delicious food."

"Seven years ago, Wan'er didn't live up to her old age, so she was very playful. Seeing that there are countless treasures in Piaomiao Peak, she liked to study some of them."

"You like fancy clothes."

"Wan'er's heart in cultivation is not strong enough. She has seen a lot of gorgeous clothes in the brothel since she was a child. The Qing'e family is all female cultivators, and they are good at singing and dancing. Wan'er feels that fairy songs and dances are even better when paired with colorful clothes."

"These reasons are quite sufficient." There was already a hint of smile in the other party's words.

Bai Wan'er kowtowed: "Wan'er really did this because of what she thought. I don't dare to lie."

"There are only ten disciples in the Qing'e sect. You have been a disciple since you were a child, and you only came down from the mountain for the first time seven years ago. How come you know so many worldly ways, and how can you interact with mortals like a fish in water and understand people's hearts?"

At this moment, Bai Wan'er's nails had dug into the palm of her hand, and her heart could not stop trembling. The other party's previous question seemed casual, but in fact it was peeled off step by step, and now it points directly to the center.

"Qing'e sect is a small sect that is clearly understood by others. Everything Wan'er went down the mountain seven years ago has made Wan'er pay more attention to the way to interact with others, and she should carefully explore and understand other people's thoughts so as not to be bullied. "

"Haha, as expected, he is very alert and can deal with it easily. However, there are so many differences between a cultivator who lives in the mountains, and these reasons cannot explain it."

Even when she heard the other party's loud laughter, Bai Wan'er didn't dare to raise her head and answer. There are already deep nail marks on the palms of the hands, and sweat has begun to form on the forehead.

"Bai Waner"

Hearing the other party suddenly calling her name, Bai Wan'er looked up blankly, and there was only a silver light in front of her eyes.

"My lord, please give me your orders. Don't dare disobey me." Bai Waner could not hold back anything else except these words. She was frightened.

"Can you really do it?"

"Yes!" Bai Wan'er deserved it unequivocally, and there was no way out.

"Okay, Bai Wan'er, listen, it's good for you to be like this. Don't ever change like this again. If in the future..."

Bai Wan'er lowered her head, cold sweat dripping from her forehead. If the other party says something that you don’t even understand what it means, how will you do it then? Moreover, the other party is the first person in the world who has definite doubts about his true identity.

"Sir, what you just said if you encounter..." Bai Wan'er still wanted to ask clearly.

"You don't have to think too much. You will understand later. Just remember your original intention." As the other party's words disappeared, the surrounding silver light gradually faded and the pressure disappeared.

Bai Wan'er stood up, and the fluorescent curtain in front of her faded away. He took one step forward and stood on the street. Turn around and the fluorescent curtain of the city gate is behind you.

I entered Langya City by myself!

Bai Wan'er saw another person walking out of the fluorescent curtain. This female cultivator had been lined up behind her when she first entered the city.

Bai Wan'er rolled her eyes and came over: "Hello, fellow Taoist, I'm Bai Wan'er of Qing'emen. I just passed the light curtain test, which is really shocking."

The female cultivator glanced at Bai Wan'er and smiled disdainfully: "As long as you come to Langya City openly, you can cross the light curtain in one step. Didn't fellow Taoists pass quickly? Why are you scared? Are you feeling guilty?"

Bai Wan'er's heart twitched.

You can cross it in one step and pass it quickly?

If the pain in her knees hadn't reminded her that she had been kneeling for a long time, Bai Chuwan'er would have thought she was dreaming.

Seeing Bai Wan'er's face look strange, the female cultivator asked curiously, "What's wrong with Fellow Daoist Bai?"

"No, this is my first time in Langya City. I just saw the male cultivator being thrown out at the gate of the city. Did you think you had to undergo a trial after passing through this light curtain?" Bai Wan'er quickly concealed her expression and said with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist, you are overthinking. The light curtain only detects people who have used magic to hide their identities and blasts them out of Langya City. I will wait for those who come in in a dignified manner and pass by in one step."

After the female cultivator finished speaking, she handed over her hand and left.

Bai Wan'er stood there blankly, the clothes on her back were soaked. As the female cultivator said, the light curtain only screened the cultivators who used the transformation technique, so what kind of interrogation did she encounter?

If that person is not from Langya City, who is he? Why is he so familiar with me? What does he mean by what he said? How should I deal with it in the future...

Bai Wan'er's heart was in turmoil for a while, and she was immersed in her thoughts for a long time. When I regained my senses and looked up, it was already too late, and I realized that there was no one around.

The monks who lined up to enter the city had already disappeared to go about their own business. No one stood there for more than an hour like Bai Wan'er.

Seeing a figure not far away, Bai Wan'er was about to say hello and ask for directions, but the figure had disappeared into countless winding paths.

Bai Wan'er looked around the deserted surroundings, seeing countless paths leading in different directions.

The raised roofs of houses could be seen vaguely in the mist, but unfortunately there was no sound of people around. If the spiritual power wasn't stronger than in other places, Bai Wan'er would have thought she was at a supernatural scene.

Spiritual power cannot be used easily in Langya City. The monks act in the city like ordinary people. It can neither fly nor use spells.

Bai Wan'er was confused. It was my first time here, so I didn’t know how to deal with them, and I had never come into contact with monks who practiced magic weapons.

Bai Wan'er gritted her teeth and chose a path to move forward, hoping that the blind cat would have better luck running into a dead mouse.

Not far away, she saw a male cultivator in front of her walking forward. Bai Wan'er hurriedly followed him. First, she wanted to see how people found people who made weapons, and then she could follow suit.

The male cultivator walked straight ahead without squinting. Bai Wan'er was secretly happy. He seemed to be a person with clear goals, so he could waste less time.

The male cultivator turned left and right and came to the end of an alley. There was a store. Although the store was small and covered with thick curtains, Bai Wan'er could hear the voices inside from a distance.

Bai Wan'er was overjoyed. She had seen the trading market in Jubaozhai. The monks are quite low-key, and the entire market is quieter than the examination room. When Ding Qitong bought a flute, she didn't even say a word from beginning to end, just paid the bill and inspected the product and left.

Now I can hear voices inside the store, which means there are many people inside. You can definitely get a lot of information, and you can learn a lot just by looking at it.

Seeing the male cultivator lift the door curtain and go in, Bai Wan'er quickly took a few steps to follow, opened the door curtain and stepped into the store, looking up and smiling. The corners of his raised mouth were frozen there. (End of chapter)

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