Chapter 173: Little knowledge
The river meanders around, and there are countless mountains on both sides of the river.The scope of this search is still a bit large.

Bai Wan'er lowered her head and thought for a while, then said: "The scope is too big, we have to narrow it down a bit. Find someone to inquire about it at dawn."

"Are you looking for someone to ask about the Devil's Heart Grass?" Leng Zijiao looked at Bai Wan'er as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Am I such a stupid person? You are really stupid for asking such a question!"

Bai Wan'er flicked her sleeves and leaped forward, not even bothering to pay attention to Leng Zijiao.

"Who are you going to ask about the Devil's Heart Grass? Most of the people who know about the Devil's Heart Grass are demon cultivators, and few of you righteous people know about it." Leng Zijiao was full of curiosity.

Bai Wan'er ignored him and observed her surroundings while walking.Seeing a village not far from the river bank, I flew towards it.

When I arrived at the village, I found a place outside, took out a soft cushion and started meditating.

Leng Zijiao shook his head when he saw the exquisitely embroidered cushions.

No wonder the people with the best cultivation in the world today are demons.They all love to enjoy themselves so much like Bai Wan'er, even needing a mat when meditating.Don’t even think about the cultivation of the righteous path surpassing that of the demonic path.

Seeing the moon sinking in the west, Leng Zijiao sat on the stone and said boredly: "Hey, fellow Taoist, how can you achieve righteousness with such practice?"

Bai Wan'er didn't even open her eyes: "Why can't this practice be successful?"

"You are so greedy for comfort in your practice that you have to sit on a soft cushion even for the most basic meditation. How can you succeed in practicing with such enjoyment!"

Bai Wan'er's lips twitched: "According to Taoist friends, one must endure hardships to succeed in cultivation, right?"

"The path of cultivation is extremely difficult. You need to have a mind that is different from ordinary people, so that you can have a firm mind and achieve success." Leng Zijiao couldn't help but teach Bai Wan'er.

Bai Wan'er finally opened her eyes and glanced at Leng Zijiao.

"The Demonic Dao Emperor Ye Zhetian has the highest cultivation level in the world. According to Taoist friends, when Ye Zhetian practices, he will not be able to eat well, wear warm clothes, sleep well, and will be too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. To be able to have such a high level Cultivation."

"I...I didn't mean that, I meant..." Leng Zijiao couldn't sit still and stood up.

"I meditate and practice. I just sit on a cushion. It does not hinder any way of practice. Why do fellow Taoists say that my practice is unsuccessful?"

Bai Wan'er closed her eyes again and continued to meditate.

Knowing that Leng Zijiao would never speak again.Because I was so shocked that I was speechless.

Leng Zijiao thought for a long time but didn't understand.Obviously what he said was correct, how could he be refuted by Bai Wan'er?
By the time the cockcrow came from the village, Bai Wan'er had already gotten up and headed to the river.Leng Zijiao also quickly followed.

Bai Wan'er stood in a hidden corner, quietly watching the villagers go to the river to do their work.

There are those who wash, those who carry water, those who starch clothes... The villagers come and go, talking and laughing.

"What are you waiting for, fellow Taoist?" Leng Zijiao couldn't help but ask.

"Waiting for the fishermen."

"Why wait for the fishermen?"

"Devil's Heart Grass is a poisonous thing that can turn resentment into evil spirits. What will happen if it comes into contact with a living creature? It will definitely die."

"I understand. If a large number of fish died here half a year ago, it means that the devil's heart grass has entered the water here. The place where it grows is upstream. If not, it means the place where it grows is downstream. We can determine which section it is."

Bai Wan'er looked at Leng Zijiao and nodded, "It's pretty good, not very stupid."

"Fellow Taoist is really smart, I admire you... I'm sorry."

Leng Zijiao quickly took back his hand, and just now he was so excited that he slapped his hand on Bai Wan'er's shoulder.

Bai Wan'er's mouth curved and she didn't care.

The two men inquired about the villages along the river bank.After asking around several villages, I narrowed down the area to a mountain range on the river bank.

"Let's go in and have a look."

Leng Zijiao took the lead into the mountains.

Bai Wan'er has completed her mission, and now she has to take the lead.After all, where the Devil's Heart Grass grows, there are evil things.I am more familiar with it and better at dealing with it.

Bai Wan'er followed behind and watched Leng Zijiao keep shuttling between the mountains. He seemed to be following a certain method, rather than running around all over the mountains.

"How do fellow Taoists find the Devil's Heart Grass?" Bai Wan'er humbly asked for advice.

When it's time to be low-key and humble, Bai Wan'er is still very self-aware.

"Wherever the devil's heart grass grows, there are always evil spirits. The smell of evil spirits can make people dizzy; the pungent smell of evil spirits can make people feel violent; the cold ghost energy can make people feel timid. So I cast a spell below, Enhance your sense of smell and determine your route based on smell.”

Bai Wan'er understood.

Leng Zijiao installed a dog nose for himself and found his way by smell.

Soon, the two of them walked into the depths of the mountains, where trees blocked the sky and the sun was covered with bushes.Go over the ridge and down to a col.

The surrounding sounds disappeared strangely.The chirping of birds, the chirping of insects in the mountains, and the sound of mountain rats jumping in the forest disappeared in an instant.

It was as if all the animals in the forest no longer existed, even the flapping sounds of insects disappeared.

There was a vague smell permeating the air.

Leng Zijiao stopped and waved to Bai Wan'er behind him.

Bai Wan'er quickly armed herself, putting the pills on her lips and preparing them, ready to put on her exquisite shirt and run away at any time.

Leng Zijiao raised his hand to signal, and Bai Wan'er immediately ran to the tree.

The two of them cooperated tacitly and did not need to communicate verbally.

Leng Zijiao hid behind a tree and touched the ground lightly with his finger.

A green dark light quickly spread and disappeared in all directions.

Soon there was a rustling sound outside the bush, and a pair of long, pointed tentacles emerged, followed by a black body segmented one by one, and countless legs advancing in waves.

Looking at the three-meter-long giant centipede, Bai Wan'er's heart was as calm as water and her eyes were calm.

In the world of cultivating immortals, we have seen too many animals with extraordinary sizes.I've seen it a lot, and I'm used to it.

The giant centipede raised its head and searched its surroundings, weaving back and forth around the bushes, and stopped in front of a big tree.

The centipede raised its body and lay on the tree trunk, with a group of tentacles on its head constantly adjusting the angle.A pair of crab-shaped sharp claws stretched out from its head and pinched the tree trunk.The sharp claws dug deep into the tree trunk.

The trunk of the tree changes from dark brown to light brown, earthy yellow, goose yellow, off-white at a speed visible to the naked eye...

The leaves change color, dry up and wither.

In the blink of an eye, a towering tree reached the end of its life and fell to the ground.

The centipede climbed up the branches along the fallen tree trunk.There is a bird's nest on it with several eggs in it.

If ostriches could fly, the eggs on the trees would have been laid by ostriches.Dozens of times larger than ordinary bird eggs.

The two crab legs of the centipede were pinched gently, and the shell cracked and the yolk flowed across.The centipede ate the bird egg custard beautifully.

Bai Wan'er raised her eyebrows towards Leng Zijiao who was not far away.

Centipedes are so poisonous that a big tree was poisoned to death in an instant.All the evil and poisonous things have appeared, why don't you go out and kill them to find the Devil's Heart Grass.

Leng Zijiao stood there motionless.

Isn't this guy timid in the face of battle? Although this centipede is a bit bigger and more poisonous.

Bai Wan'er glared fiercely, and before she could express her dissatisfaction, she stared at the ground with wide eyes.

At this time, the ground trembled, and then the soil arched upward.

(End of this chapter)

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