Although the team has grown several times, the speed of the journey has not changed, or even become faster.

Jiang Kangming and others knew some small roads. Although they were bumpier than the official roads, they were not difficult to walk. The original plan to reach Jiangnan was at most one month, and it was also several days ahead of schedule.

Outside the boundaries of Jiangnan, Gu Yuzhi and his party took a rest in the woods, while Jiang Kangming took one or two guards as scouts to inquire about Jiangzhou.

Mr. Huo and Xie Changshi looked at each other with solemn expressions.

After Gu Yuzhi got off the carriage, Xie Changshi asked: "How is the young master's health?"

Because the road was bumpy, Gu Yuzhi was swaying in and out of the carriage and bumped into the carriage several times. So after being able to ride a horse, Gu Yuzhi couldn't wait to ride.

Although the root of his thigh was worn out again, due to the attention of Judge Qin and others, the injury did not worsen this time. He gritted his teeth and persevered all the way.

He came down late just now because the Qin Court was examining him.

Judge Qin had a faint smile on his face: "It's okay, the scabs have formed. I've also replaced the medicine powder. It will be fine after the scabs fall off in two days."

We have already arrived at the border of Jiangnan, and there is no need to travel day and night like before. His Highness can really rest for his leg injury.

Only then did Xie Changshi smile.

Standing halfway up the mountain, looking down at the empty official road, the smile on Xie Changshi's face fell again: "Young master, you see, we have been standing here for almost half an hour, but on this official road But no one passed by.”

Gu Yuzhi looked down in the direction of Xie Changshi's finger, thinking about the official roads of Mobei.

Before going to Mobei, his impression of Mobei was that it was barren and desolate. Like Lingnan, it was a sparsely populated place.

But even in such a desolate and barren place, there are often people walking around on the official road.

The area south of the Yangtze River was the place with the largest number of merchants in the Sang Dynasty. It was also the place where the Sang Dynasty had the most money and food.

But in such a place, within half an hour, no one passed by on the official road.

There's something weird everywhere.

Gu Yuzhi's little face also fell, and then he puffed up his face and said: "Jiangnan is like this now, just like when the whole state was closed down by Bai Jiwu."

He turned around and looked up at Xie Changshi: "Something must have happened in Jiangnan!"

Maybe the emperor brother has secretly controlled the entire Jiangnan, Huizhou, Qi Shizi...

Gu Yuzhi clenched his fists. Could it be that he was late?

If something happened to Prince Qi, Guard Qi would be so sad.

Although Guard Qi always liked to complain about Prince Qi bullying him every time he talked about him, in fact he envied the way the two brothers got along with each other.

On the other hand, he couldn't imagine the scene of the imperial brother knocking his head and persuading him earnestly.

If he did something wrong, the imperial brother would only be sarcastic!

This is what he concluded after having corresponded with his imperial brother for so long.

Gu Yuzhi pouted, turned around and found a place to sit down: "Xie Changshi, Mr. Huo, please sit down first. We will know when Guard Jiang comes back."

He couldn't help but clench the corners of his clothes with his little hands, hoping nothing would happen to Prince Qi.

This wait lasted until night, and during the few hours of waiting, there was still no one passing on the official road in Jiangnan.

Is Brother Chu Wang no longer hiding his ambition?

Or did he find some legitimate excuse? It wasn't until Jiang Kangming came back that Gu Yuzhi roughly knew what the current situation was in the Jiangnan states.

There was no war, no loss of life, and even the King of Chu did not order the city to be closed.

Gu Yuzhi blinked and said in confusion: "Guard Jiang, what do you mean is that the gates of Jiangzhou City are wide open, but no one comes out or enters the city?"

Guard Jiang nodded in response: "It is precisely because of this that we wasted some time."

Although there are only three people, if it were normal, they would be inconspicuous at all.

But the city gate is empty today, and if the three of them get close, they will definitely be eye-catching.

Therefore, Jiang Kangming and the others did not dare to approach the city gate like this. Instead, they carefully walked around the city wall and entered Jiangzhou City using the little gap between defenses.

There is no one outside the city. Although there are people walking around in the city, it can be clearly seen that the people are walking in a hurry, the shops have closed early, and there are more guards patrolling the streets than in the capital.

Jiang Kangming whispered: "They seem to be guarding against something."

"I wanted to inquire more clearly, but it was getting dark and the patrols on the streets doubled. I didn't dare to go to the inn or other places, so I had to come back."

Although Jiang Kangming's expression did not change, his tone sounded a little guilty for not completing the task.

They went out for several hours, and the investigation results they brought back were visible to everyone...

Gu Yuzhi didn't take it seriously, patted Jiang Kangming's shoulder gently, and turned to look at Xie Changshi.

Now they still don't know the situation in Jiangnan, what should they do.

You can't go in with three hundred elite soldiers, right?
Brother Chu Wang controls the Jiangnan Navy and has private soldiers. Their three hundred elite soldiers will die even if they are defeated by one against a hundred.

Xie Changshi didn't say anything and turned his attention to Mr. Huo.

Mr. Huo glanced at His Highness and saw his expression as if you have full power to make the decision. Then he said, "Go down and put out all the bonfires. We will eat dry food tonight."

"A quarter of an hour for meal time, and a quarter of an hour later, get ready and set off, heading straight to Huizhou."

As soon as Mr. Huo finished speaking, Guard Zhang and Jiang Kangming hurriedly went to give orders. All the bonfires were extinguished in an instant, and the mountainside that originally had some light fell into darkness.

Mr. Huo then explained to Gu Yuzhi in a low voice: "We are very close to Jiangzhou City. Although there are woods blocking it, there is no guarantee that the patrolling guards will not see the fire."

Gu Yuzhi nodded his head. Mr. Huo had told him this before, so Gu Yuzhi could understand.

He slapped his forehead with some annoyance. When he noticed something was wrong in Jiangzhou before, why didn't he think that he couldn't make a fire?

Xie Changshi took out the dry food he had purchased. Gu Yuzhi took two bites and swallowed it with difficulty. He quickly drank some water, stuck out his tongue and complained to Xie Changshi in a low voice: "It's a bit unpalatable."

Strictly speaking, he didn't eat much dry food like this along the way, especially this kind of rice cake with coarse grains, which was really hard to swallow.

But complaining was a complaint, and Gu Yuzhi still took one bite after another and finished it all within the stipulated time.

When he got back on his horse, Gu Yuzhi was still choked. He hit his chest hard and drank two more mouthfuls of water before finally swallowing the last mouthful of rice cake.

He raised his right hand high, took a deep breath, and whispered: "Let's go!"

It’s my kid’s birthday today and I want to take him out to play!

So I worked hard to post early today! (*^▽^*)

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