This thought just happened to cross his mind, but it was firmly grasped by Qi Chengjun.

His eyes were fixed on the map of Houhu, and then he quickly walked out with the map and ordered: "Tian Er."

The guard who was hiding in the dark stood up quietly and whispered: "Master Qi."

Qi Chengjun handed over the map of Houhu: "I ordered you to go down and check the grain stores under the name of the King of Chu. As long as there are granaries that deliver food to the Jiangnan Navy, you must find out how many stones of food are delivered at a time and how often."

"Also, we need to investigate clearly. How many people were there in the Jiangnan navy before King Chu came to fiefdom, how much food was used, and how often they were delivered."

As long as there is comparison in everything, there will be an answer.

The original direction of his investigation was whether there was any unusual food being sold in King Chu's grain store. If not, then it was because he secretly had a grain store that specifically supplied private soldiers.

Qi Chengjun's investigation direction has always been this. Even if there is not much progress, he feels that his direction will never go wrong.

Raising soldiers is just a matter of words and then the soldiers are raised.

These soldiers need to be piled up with money.

But now, thinking in new ways, he realized that his previous thoughts were completely wrong.

Tian Er said softly: "Master Qi, what's so wrong?"

Only then did Qi Chengjun realize that he had said what he said, and waved his hand: "It's nothing."

Of course, if the King of Chu used the name of the navy to secretly hide the food used to feed his private soldiers, without careful inspection, who would have thought that these grains could feed two groups of soldiers?
In the past, all the states in the south of the Yangtze River belonged to the King of Chu, and no one would bother to investigate.

And when I came to Huizhou, even if I felt there was a problem, I wouldn't think about it at all.

Qi Chengjun closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them immediately: "Go and arrange for the owners of all the grain shops in Huizhou to meet me at the Yamen and tell them that I have something important to discuss."

Of course he was not good at marching and fighting, but Qi Chengjun felt that he was still capable of being a rear-line officer who could stabilize the morale of the troops.

Father said that Your Highness and the others are already preparing for the winter war, so they must be stocking up on food.

As for the Jiangnan area, the war will start in another month at most, so he must collect food as soon as possible. He cannot let Huizhou fall into a situation where there is no food available after the war breaks out.

Tianer waited for a while but didn't wait for Xin's instructions, then strode out.

However, as soon as the side door opened, Tian Er was frightened and retracted his feet as soon as he stepped out.

"My dear mother..."

How much time has passed since he opened the door? Why do there seem to be more people outside the house?

He didn't see Master Qi coming out, so he was busy chattering and asking: "Brother, what is Master Qi doing?"

"Have you told Mr. Qi that we are waiting for him outside?"

"Master Qi usually goes to the Yamen very early in the morning. He hasn't gone out yet at this time today. It's really worrying."

"Yes, yes! Mr. Qi is not sick. Brother, guard, would you like to ask a doctor to take a look at Mr. Qi?"

Tian Er's face almost burst from laughter as he kept answering people's questions: "Master Qi is handling official business and will be leaving soon. There is no need for everyone to be crowded like this. To avoid being stampeded, please go back first."

It was impossible to go back first. After all, the King of Chu had just brought troops yesterday to take Master Qi away. They had to keep a close eye on Master Qi.

We must not let Huizhou and other state capitals be in chaos. The other guards also followed suit, but the common people's words were like hundreds of ducks opening their mouths at the same time. Tian Er's throat almost started to smoke when he spoke, but the common people still did not leave.

Tian Er was so crowded that he couldn't get out, so he had to turn around and go back to the house, muttering: "Even if the common people want to take care of Mr. Qi, there is no need to do this."

"If a street is blocked, wouldn't it be more likely for Mr. Qi to get into trouble?"

Tian Er was about to go out from the back door of the mansion, but when he turned around, he saw Qi Chengjun had already dressed and was staring at him leisurely: "Sir."

Qi Chengjun hummed: "What's going on at the front door?"

Tian Er whispered: "It's almost the same as yesterday, the street is full of people, waiting for you to go out."

Qi Chengjun paused as he walked down the steps. He looked through the corridor and seemed to see the commotion outside the door.

He whispered: "Even if you want to take care of me, you don't need so many people, right?"

Do these people have nothing to do?

He always felt a little weird, but the matter did not allow him to think too much. The guard who temporarily acted as the concierge came in again and urged: "Sir, there are more and more people on the street, and they are all asking you when you can go out."

"The people said they would not dare to leave until you were sent to the Yamen safely."

The guard murmured in his heart that with the enthusiasm of the people, he would not leave even if he was sent to the Yamen. After all, Mr. Qi would have to go to the Yamen at night.

Different from the feeling of being protected by the people yesterday, Qi Chengjun today only felt a cold air slowly rising from the soles of his feet, and soon spread to his limbs.

This cold air was telling him that he couldn't go out here today, otherwise he would be in danger.

But the worried noises of the people had already come from above the gate of the mansion.

The guard acting as the concierge whispered: "Sir, there are more and more people. If you don't go out, I'm afraid the door will no longer be able to be guarded."

Tianer was stunned.

"This damn person is not looking after Mr. Qi. He is clearly treating Mr. Qi like a monkey."

Tian Er kept looking at Mr. Qi blankly, and saw that Mr. Qi was silent at first, then dressed neatly, waved his hand towards him, and strode towards the outside of the mansion.

It looked a bit like going to the execution ground.

The vermilion door suddenly opened amidst the noise, and the people on the street fell silent instantly, looking up at Qi Chengjun.

Even though Qi Chengjun was well prepared, he was still frightened by such a scene when he stepped out of the door. People were crowded, shoulder to shoulder, and there was no way to start!
"Master Qi is coming out!"

Someone yelled, and like a drop of water dropped into hot oil, the pot suddenly exploded, and the chirping sounds of concern from the people came again.

"Master Qi, why are you so late today? You've made us worried."

"Let the road come out and let Mr. Qi pass."

"That's right, Mr. Qi has many things to do every day and is very busy..."

Qi Chengjun waited with a smile. After the noise subsided, he kept raising his hands and saying thanks: "Everyone, Qi has come out. Please go back. Thank you for worrying. There is no need to do this in the future."

The crowd next to him had already consciously made way for Qi Chengjun, a very small path that could only be used by one person.

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