Gu Yuzhi's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the knock on the door. He took two steps forward, but suddenly remembered that he was angry with General Lu, so he simply sat back.

He said angrily and silently: "Xie Changshi and the others took so long to persuade me to come here. They definitely don't really want to apologize!"

He crossed his arms across his chest and said extremely arrogantly: "He asked me to wait before, and I will make him wait now!"

After he finished speaking, he tilted his head to one side and snorted heavily.

The person outside the door waited for a while and heard no sound, then knocked again, but this time it was much softer than before, as if he was afraid that he had been waiting for a long time and had fallen asleep.

Gu Yuzhi rolled his eyes and counted silently in his mind, thinking that he would let General Lu in when he counted thirty.

Unexpectedly, he had only counted to five when suddenly the very soft voice of Guard Qi came from outside the door: "Your Highness, are you asleep?"

Gu Yuzhi's whole body seemed to be frozen. His eyes were fixed on the door. After a while, he carefully asked the two clerks for confirmation: "Shopkeeper Wen, Teacher Shu, did I hear you correctly? Is it the voice of Guard Qi?"

Shopkeeper Wen didn't say anything, but he couldn't help but speed up the fan movement. With a slight smile on his face, he nodded towards Gu Yuzhi.

Shu Xiaohan showed an expression that was indeed the case, and clapped her hands suddenly: "Little prince, hurry up! Let the guard Qi come in quickly!"

The young prince has long wanted to gather his guards. Now that someone is here, why don't you hurry up and let them in? Take the time to catch up on old times!
And she herself also missed Qi Wei a little bit.

You know, although the young prince's entourage is not ugly, Guard Qi is the one who suits her best.

Although she is a researcher, she is also someone who knows how to appreciate handsome men and beautiful women!
After being reminded by Shu Xiaohan, Gu Yuzhi finally remembered to let Guard Qi in quickly.

As he trotted towards the door, he shouted: "Guard Qi, come in quickly!"

Guard Qi outside the door was scratching his head and muttering, could it be that His Highness is really asleep?
Just as he was about to turn around and go to the next room, the next moment, he heard the cheerful voice of His Highness.

Guard Qi smiled and opened the door. Gu Yuzhi rushed in front of him like a cannonball and hugged his waist.

Gu Yuzhi raised his head and looked at him: "Guard Qi, it's really you!"

He pouted and said, "I asked Guard Zhao before, and Guard Zhao said that only General Lu came here."

Guard Qi thought for a while, then simply picked up Gu Yuzhi and sat on his arm: "General Lu and I came in batches."

Gu Yuzhi was enjoying the sight of this tall man, but he heard such words the next second, which made him jump down immediately: "Guard Qi, you must have sneaked out of the military camp, right?"

When he thought of this possibility, Gu Yuzhi pushed Guard Qi away: "Go back quickly, don't let General Lu find out."

He thought to himself, no wonder Guard Qi's voice was so low when he called him just now. He must be afraid of alerting General Lu next to him.

Gu Yuzhi suddenly covered his mouth, making his movements softer, and whispered: "Although you have been discovered, I can also plead with General Lu, but we, you are now a member of the Mobei Army, so we have to Listen to the general."

Mr. Huo said that training in the military camp is not a child's play. Guard Qi sneaked out of the military camp and was not punished in the end. How can General Lu convince the public in the future?

Although he knew that Guard Qi would go out of the military camp privately just to see him, he was very moved.

But such behavior is really not worth promoting! But Gu Yuzhi pushed hard, but Guard Qi remained motionless, and even laughed out loud in the end.

I haven’t seen you for a while, but His Highness is still so cute!
He knelt down and explained patiently: "General Lu told me after receiving the news from Magistrate Ke that I would meet you after training."

He held out four fingers and said, "General Lu specially granted me a four-day rest, and asked me to follow you to Jingxiang."

It's just that this time after taking four consecutive days off, there will be no holidays this month.

During the training of the Mobei Army, he naturally heard about the events in Jingxiang, and he fully supported His Highness's desire to restore these white fortresses.

This winter, if they are lucky, they will go out and kill all the people in Beidi. If they are not lucky, they will have to use these things.

Gu Yuzhi blinked and took a while to react. He tightly grasped the four fingers of Guard Qi with his little hand and said in surprise: "You didn't lie to me? You can really come out and stay with me for four days?"

Guard Qi nodded solemnly, and then Gu Yuzhi suddenly let go, turned around and jumped up: "Okay, okay!"

After Gu Yuzhi turned around in a circle, he turned around and pulled Guard Qi to sit down: "Sit down, sit down."

He held his face in his hands and looked at Guard Qi with his big eyes without blinking, with a curious look on his face: "I'm really curious, Guard Qi, what did you study in the military camp?"

Before the guards could speak, he continued: "Should we learn how to recognize flags first? Or learn how to use a sword again with General Lu?"

Mr. Huo said that General Lu's ability to win the title of No. 1 master in Ouchi in one fell swoop had a lot to do with his way of practicing swordsmanship.

Guards like Guard Qi who carry swords in the palace not only have very little time to wield their swords, but the situations they face are not very urgent. After all, if all the enemies are killed in the capital, it means that the entire army has failed.

Therefore, the martial arts learned by the sword-carrying guards in the capital are more often to subdue than to kill the enemy.

If Qi Weiwei wants to truly integrate into the Mobei Army, he must change his previous way of practicing swordsmanship and throw away those useless moves. He must make every move a killing move. He can kill the enemy with one move and never waste energy with a second move. knife.

He rolled his eyes and lowered his voice: "If you want to change the way you practice swordsmanship, how did General Lu teach you?"

If he taught it himself, wouldn't Guard Qi's self-esteem be frustrated?

Guard Qi said: "It's going on at the same time. In the morning, we will read the flags and in the afternoon we will fight with General Lu."

He touched the back of his head, his eyes a little dodgy, and he felt a little embarrassed, thinking to himself that he had really embarrassed His Highness.

He originally thought that General Lu would take office in Beijing over the years, and his skills might have deteriorated. Who knew that when people got serious, he would lose faster than before!

This simply made Weiwei Qi doubt his ranking on the Ouchi master list!
The most important thing is that General Lu taught him a lesson while fighting back. This action was redundant and that action was inappropriate, which made him forget how to use his sword many times.

Therefore, the praise he received for recognizing the flag language in the morning was shattered when he practiced with General Lu in the afternoon.

Guard Qi spent every day in a cycle of double confidence and various blows.

But these things must not be known to His Highness!

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