Judge Qin and others were still discussing what to do next, when Gu Yuzhi suddenly made a movement on the bed.

First, he curled up into a ball, squeezed into the quilt, and muttered: "Concubine, I'm so cold..."

"Xie Changshi, Marshal Huo, don't abandon me..."

Then his whole body stiffened and he was covered in sweat. In a short while, the quilt was soaked. When Nanny Xu came in to change his clothes and quilt, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Gu Yuzhi was actually a little confused. Because he could not see with his eyes, he could not tell what time it was. He only knew that he was being held in someone's arms, and the smell of the person holding him was particularly familiar.

He rested his head on the man's shoulder and said in a hoarse voice: "Mother Xu."

Nanny Xu trembled all over. She obviously didn't expect him to wake up at this time. Before she could say anything, tears fell down her face. Her voice was so trembling that she could hardly hear her: "Your Highness?"

When Chen Dianyi and the other three heard this, they stood up and came over, surrounding the two of them.

Judge Qin stretched out his hand to feel Gu Yuzhi's pulse when he heard him hum. He raised his arm and rubbed his eyes with difficulty: "What time is it? Why aren't there any candles in the room?"

Judge Qin's hands froze in place, and he subconsciously raised his head and looked out the window.

The sun is very bright today, and the sunlight reflects on the snow, making the room a lot brighter.

But His Highness said, why don't you light a candle?

Several people were so shocked by Gu Yuzhi's words that they froze in place, and even their eyes could not move.

It was Nanny Xu who slowly placed Gu Yuzhi on the bed, stepped forward with trembling hands and waved them gently in front of his eyes.

His originally agile eyes were now unfocused, staring blankly ahead.

Aunt Xu suddenly pulled her collar with one hand, gasping for air. Her face turned red instantly, her hands and feet became weak, and she collapsed on the ground with a thud.

She couldn't make any sound from her throat. She just stiffened her neck and turned her head to look at Judge Qin. Her mouth opened and closed, and tears kept falling.

Judge Qin closed his eyes and didn't open them for a long time.

He thought that the worst outcome would be that His Highness would be in a coma for a long time, but he didn't expect that His Highness would wake up, but he would not be able to see!
  The entire room seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. Except for Nanny Xu whose tears were falling, no one else made any move, including Gu Yuzhi.

Gu Yuzhi actually noticed something was wrong. After a while, he tilted his head and remembered what happened before he fell into coma. Yes, in fact, he couldn't see at that time.

He subconsciously wanted to grab the hem of his clothes, but realized that his hand had been bandaged again. But what was different from before was that if he moved even a little bit, he would feel a thin pain in his palm, so he had to behave. Put it on your lap.

Even as he breathed, his chest still hurt, but he didn't know if it was because he couldn't see or something else. He could tell that besides Nanny Xu, there were other people in the room.

He lowered his head. In fact, he really wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn't cry, so he could only hold back and purse his mouth.

It is already a happy thing that he can come back alive!

Gu Yuzhi suddenly raised his head, swaying his head randomly and not knowing which direction he was looking in: "Mother Xu, who else is here? Is it the Qin court? Where are Xie Changshi and Mr. Huo, are they okay? And Those city guards?"

Judge Qin hurriedly took two steps forward, half-knelt in front of Gu Yuzhi, and gently touched his arm to let him know his direction: "Yes, I am here. Xie Changshi and Mr. Huo are still in a coma, and the rest The city guards..." He paused for a long time: "All sacrificed."

These city guard troops were basically selected from the people who moved to Xinliang. They had been trained by Qi Chenglang or Zhang Yuankai before. They were trained according to the army's training after the Huo family army entered Xinliang.

They had not practiced martial arts since they were young, so their level was naturally not high, but no one expected that none of them surrendered when facing the killer, and they all fought hard to kill him to the end.

The people who cleaned up the battlefield came back and reported that the guards of Xinliang City had killed seventy or eighty people with a huge gap of twenty to one hundred.

Judge Qin glanced at Gu Yuzhi and naturally knew that His Highness had killed people with bows, arrows and daggers.

The injury on his palm was caused by stretching the bow string too tightly.

Gu Yuzhi made a soft sound. He wanted to hold his hands hard, but at the moment he could only stack them together, which made him feel like he couldn't find a point to exert force. It was very uncomfortable. After a while, he said with red eyes: "Then Have you told their families? Have you paid any pensions?"

Chen Dianyi took two steps forward at the right time, half-kneeling like the Qin court judge, touching the other side of Gu Yuzhi, and whispered: "Your Highness, Chen Rong. The pension has been paid, and the family members have been comforted. Yes, they all understand and think that these city guards have protected His Highness, which is something that makes the family proud."

Gu Yuzhi said oh and just sat there without saying anything.

Everyone in the room deliberately slowed down their breathing, and no one dared to mention things that Gu Yuzhi couldn't see, as if the matter didn't exist as long as it wasn't mentioned.

After a while, Gu Yuzhi said, as if he suddenly realized it, and tilted his head slightly towards Chen Dianyi: "The person who ambushed us is Li Yanping. I heard someone calling him the boss. I asked him, and he didn't deny it."

When he thought of what happened that day, Gu Yuzhi's body trembled unconsciously. He touched his hand to the side and felt the body temperature of Chen Dianyi and Qin Yuanpan, and then he felt a lot more at ease.

He pursed his lips and raised his chin slightly for a while, with a arrogant expression on his face: "After Xue Ye comes, I will kill Li Yanping with my own hands!"

Judge Qin and Chen Dianyi looked at each other, then looked at Gu Yuzhi, feeling sad for no reason in their hearts.

When His Highness made such an expression in the past, his eyes were as bright as stars, making people feel better just by looking at them.

But now...

However, Gu Yuzhi was unable to detect the emotional changes between the two of them. He only turned his head and stared at Chen Dianyi, and said in a hoarse voice: "Chen Dianyi, Xie Changshi hasn't woken up yet, and you need to come forward to communicate with Magistrate Qi."

Chen Dianyi raised his eyes and looked up, and then Liu Dianyi stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, this is Liu Ying. Chen Dianyi is familiar with Xinliang's affairs. It is up to me to take part in communicating with the Qi Prefect."

They had suspected Li Ji Trading Company before, but they didn't expect that Li Yanping would take action himself.

Gu Yuzhi's head immediately turned in the direction of Liu Dianyi, and a smile suddenly appeared on his little face: "Is Liu Dianyi here too? It's freezing cold, are you okay for your trip?"

Liu Dianyi's face turned pale. Seeing Gu Yuzhi's throat tightening, he could not speak for a long time...

Happy Winter Solstice!

Little cuties, remember to eat dumplings~
  Also, please remember to comment, vote, and light up the little stars for Xiao Wu~
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