Ever since he came to Mobei, with great intelligence like Xie Changshi and Chen Dianyi around, Qi Chenglang couldn't use his brain as much as he could.

But now, Xie Changshi is no longer as smart as he is, so he has to use his brain to think while directing everyone to save people.

Now that the iron mines have been hollowed out, what are these people doing in the mines?
Also, why are most of the missing people official officials?
Is there some conspiracy here?
Qi Chenglang's eagle eyes fell on each survivor. After a while, he pointed at one of them and said, "Come here with me."

The man nodded, reassured the people around him, and followed Qi Chenglang towards the dense forest.

Qi Chenglang didn't notice anyone was there before he asked in a low voice: "Can you tell me what happened when the iron mine collapsed?"

The man looked at Qi Chenglang, and soon his eyes turned red: "My father notified us at noon to evacuate quickly. Not long after I took them out, the iron mine collapsed. My father and those people didn't come out... "

The man clenched his fists, veins popped out on his neck, and tears flowed freely on his face, but he suppressed them tightly and did not dare to let himself cry.

His father is gone, the family's blood feud, and the people working in the iron mines all bear the burden on him.

The soft sobs were the most uncomfortable.

Qi Chenglang sighed silently, patted his shoulder, and whispered: "No matter what, we must rescue those who should be rescued, just in case..."

The man's head was raised instantly, his eyes sparkling: "You mean, my father might still be alive."

Qi Chenglang glanced in the direction of the iron mine.

He didn't know what this iron mine looked like before, but now it has almost turned into a small hill. The people trapped inside have almost no chance of living.

But Qi Chenglang didn't dare to say that, scratched his head and said: "I can't say for sure. Your father is so good at martial arts and well prepared, so he should have left a way out for himself!"

He just gave a few words of comfort, and the man's clenched hands suddenly loosened, and he raised a smile that was uglier than crying: "You're right, I can't give up like this, I..."

Qi Chenglang suddenly hissed: "Silence."

The two of them were back to back for an instant, their eyes were burning, and they were on guard.

At this moment, Xue Ye walked out with Gu Yuzhi on his back, shook off the dead branches and leaves on his body, tilted his head and looked at the two men, grinning at Qi Chenglang.

Gu Yuzhi jumped off Xue Ye and tilted his head like Xue Ye: "Guard Qi, why are you here? How is the situation over there?"

He blinked and looked at the person next to Qi Chenglang, but it was too dark and he couldn't see clearly who this person was, but he instinctively realized that this person was not his guard, and asked curiously: "Who are you?"

Qi Chenglang hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted: "Your Highness, this is a service member in Xinliang. I called him here alone because I want to ask about the situation of the iron mine collapse."

The man knelt down when he heard Qi Chenglang mention the word "His Highness": "The guilty minister Huo Liangyao, please see His Highness King Wen."


Gu Yuzhi only thought that this man's voice was loud and different from the prisoner he saw in Xinliang last time.

He was a little curious, but he also knew what was the most important thing now: "Guard Qi, how is the situation? How many people are injured? I brought Xue Ye over, Xue Ye can help with the rescue."

Qi Chenglang secretly gestured to Huo Liangyao, and Huo Liangyao quickly and quietly retreated: "Your Highness, the entire iron mine has collapsed, and the possibility of the people buried inside surviving is very small."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yuzhi couldn't help but exclaimed: "What should we do?"

He listened carefully and saw the sound of conversation not far ahead, but it was strange. It was also the scene of a disaster. Why were there no injured people wailing here?It seems that except for the collapse of the mountain, this place is no different from other places.

"Your Highness has reasonable suspicion that this collapse was man-made. Therefore, as long as the buried people hid in the mine, there should be a possibility of survival."

Why did Huo Liangyao's father ask him to take these people to evacuate urgently? He was afraid that some secrets had been discovered, and the officials who were buried there were the evidence.

The Huo family is still burdened with a blood feud. Huo Liangyao's father will definitely be reluctant to lose his life before his revenge is avenged!

Qi Chenglang looked in the direction of the iron mine. This iron mine must have hidden many secrets.

He looked back at Xue Ye and thought to himself, it would be best if Xue Ye's mother came.

That big wolf always gave him the feeling of being something other than an ordinary thing.

Looking into Xue Ye's glowing green eyes, Qi Chenglang whispered: "Xue Ye, do you remember the smell of that person just now? If so, I will take you around the iron mine and help you find it. Look for a breakthrough."

Xue Ye screamed and drove Gu Yuzhi towards the iron mine.

It walked and smelled, until it reached the back of the hill, then it stopped, sniffed carefully again, and began to dig at the ground with its paws.

The meaning was obvious, he smelled the same scent as that person here.

Qi Chenglang hurriedly called everyone over and started digging down from where he dug the soil on the snowy night.

Then Qi Chenglang found Huo Liangyao again, obtained a floor plan from him, and carried out rescue operations in other places based on the underground conditions shown on the floor plan.

After completing his mission, Xue Ye withdrew from the crowd and hid in the woods, looking up from time to time.

Gu Yuzhi stayed here.

When Xie Changshi and Gu Yuzhi said they wanted to submit a petition for amnesty for service members in the iron mine, Gu Yuzhi looked at the current list of service personnel in the iron mine.

He finally realized at this moment that Huo Liangyao's father was Huo Qiyuan, the former Mobei Army.

As for Huo Qiyuan, he was sentenced to be beheaded by his father because he was involved in the Mobei Army corruption case. However, due to his father's death and the emperor's brother coming to power, hundreds of members of the Huo family were changed from beheading to exile.

Gu Yuzhi squatted on the ground, supporting his chin with his hands, blinking his big eyes and looking at the rescue ahead.

He originally thought that the big bad guy who did such things as embezzling military pay should be more hateful than Qian Kang and Huang Fu, but just now, he vaguely felt that Huo Liangyao didn't seem to be a big bad guy?

Gu Yuzhi whispered to Wen Shu about the doubts in his heart, and saw Wen Xiuzhu put away his fan with disdain on his face: "Your Highness, you must know that the word "bad guy" will never be written on the face of a bad person."

He slowly climbed up from a small businessman to become an imperial businessman, and along the way he met the true faces of countless dignitaries.

It's just a marshal's corruption, what's so strange about it?

Shu Xiaohan held a different opinion: "Young prince, I think that the Huo family may have been wronged. The way the captain of the guard spoke to Huo Liangyao did not sound like he was treating prisoners."

In those plot dramas, the generalissimo guarding one side is the easiest to be plotted against! (End of chapter)

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