An atmosphere of silence and embarrassment spread between Su Fuqing and Abt.

In the end, it was Abt who spoke first:

"Have you seen Lou Shuang since we came down?"

Su Fuqing shook his head: "No."

Abt said oh, and then stopped talking.

Su Fuqing: Continue to be embarrassed.

After resting for a few minutes, Su Fuqing continued walking forward silently, followed closely by Abt.

Okay, let's go together and we'll have someone to take care of us.

[It’s a bit embarrassing. ]
[The two of them had absolutely nothing to say. ]
[Abut is taciturn to begin with, and Su Fuqing is not a very proactive person. ]
[The society is afraid of pupil earthquakes. ]
[It’s not social fear, it’s just that I don’t like to talk by nature. ]
[Hahahahaha. ]
[I still hope they can meet Sister Shuang. ]
[They seem to be taking different paths, so they may not meet each other. ]
[Sister Shuang is still running for her life. ]
Su Fuqing and Abte didn't encounter other people or vines for a long time. They only encountered some small monsters, which the two of them solved easily.

After discovering that Aibute was killing monsters very quickly, Su Fuqing was too lazy to do anything and let him kill him.

Anyway, killing these little monsters will not drop supplies.

The caves extend in all directions, like a maze, and Su Fuqing has lost count of how many forks they have walked through.

And each road is almost the same length.

I don’t know if there is an exit here, or do they have to stay in there until the dungeon ends?

People were getting dizzy after going around so much that Su Fuqing started to mark the route.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, she was surprised to find that she had circled back to the place she had been before.

Su Fuqing was actually very reluctant to admit this, but the marks on the wall of the cave clearly reminded her.

Su Lingling said: "If you didn't mark it, I wouldn't have discovered that this place had been here before."

"We've been to this place before," she told Abbot.

"Have you been here?" A blank expression appeared on Abt's face for the first time.

Su Fuqing pointed to a black mark on the cave wall: "This is the mark I made before."

"I don't feel like we're coming back," Abbot said.

Su Fuqing thought for a while and said, "I didn't feel it either. Maybe there is something wrong here."

If it was a normal maze, it would be impossible for the three of them not to notice that they had gone back to the original path.

Maybe they've been around it countless times before.

[Have you been here before? ]
[It’s a bit evil. ]
[That’s strange. Isn’t it possible that other people have been taking detours like this? ]
[have no idea. ]
[It feels like every place looks exactly the same, and I can’t tell them apart at all. ]
[Me too. ]
Su Fuqing had an even worse guess: "We're not actually going around in circles, are we?"

But she quickly overturned it herself: "No, no, if that were true, we would have been overtaken by that vine before."

"Keep walking ahead and take a look." Abt suggested.

"Okay." The two walked for a while, and then found a familiar mark in a familiar place.

They come around again.

"It's even worse." Su Fuqing said.

At this time, Su Linling said: "We may have entered a place like a ghost beating a wall."

Just now, she noticed an abnormal fluctuation in the air.

That breath is not a ghost, but it is somewhat similar to a ghost.

"So, maybe we have been spinning in circles for a long time?" Su Fuqing guessed.

Su Linling: "It's possible."

She didn't know when they were tricked, and she didn't even notice.

"What a ghost." Su Fuqing complained.

But it shouldn't be a ghost, but some kind of monster with special abilities.

"Turning around a few more times, I'll try to find out what's behind the scenes," Su Linling said.

Su Fuqing nodded slightly, and then said to Abt nonchalantly: "It seems to have turned around again."

"Yeah." Abt glanced at her. "No, I don't believe in this evil, let's continue," Su Fuqing said again.

Abt agreed.

The two continued walking, and when they returned to the same place for the third time, Su Linling appeared in front of them, holding a monster that looked like a monkey in his hand.

"This guy is the one behind it," Su Linling said.

"So ugly." Su Fuqing commented.

The monster seemed to understand these two words and bared its teeth at Su Fuqing, before being slapped by Su Linling.

"Kill it and you should be able to get out." Su Linling said again.

"You'll know after you try it." After saying that, Su Fuqing was about to take action.

The monster struggled hard in Su Lingling's hands, but was quickly suppressed by her.

Su Fuqing moved his hands neatly.

After the monster died, they suddenly felt that their eyes were clear.

As expected, I had been tricked before without realizing it.

Fortunately, those vines did not come over during this period of time.

Su Fuqing didn't know that someone was carrying the burden for them.

She beckoned Abt to continue on his way.

This time, they never went back.

Then the two actually met Su An.

Su An waved wildly at Su Fuqing from a distance: "Sister Qingqing, it's me."

I know it is you.

Su Fuqing didn't want to pay attention to him.

Su An ran over directly and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, I bumped into you..."

Finally found.

It's all because of that old man who wasted his time, otherwise he would have come here long ago.

Abt said nothing.

Anyway, it wasn't him that Su An wanted to see.

"It's quite a coincidence." Su Fuqing said.

Su An smiled even happier: "It means we are destined."

Su Fuqing was noncommittal.

[This man is here again. ]
[Start again. ]
[He is actually not dead yet. ]
[Good luck. ]
[I thought he was already cold. ]
[I also. ]
[To be able to survive until now, this newcomer is not simple. ]
[Maybe it’s just luck. ]
Su Fuqing pretended to be concerned: "Did you encounter any danger after falling?"

Su An said: "Yes, I encountered a few monsters, but I ran very fast."

Su Fuqing asked again: "Didn't you meet anyone else?"

Didn't he encounter those vines?

Su An shook his head: "No. What happened? Did you encounter any danger?"

Su Fuqing said deliberately: "I met a very big vine..."

"So scary?" Su An looked very scared, "Sister Qingqing, then you have to protect me."

Su Fuqing: "...just follow us."

With the addition of Su An, their small team was finally no longer silent, because Su An kept pestering Su Fuqing to talk.

Su Fuqing never got anything out of his mouth, but his suspicion of Su An never diminished.

However, she always felt that this person gave her an inexplicable feeling of familiarity. (End of chapter)

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