Soon the team set off again, the speed was much slower than during the day, but it was better to be on the road than to stop in place.

Yin Ling stared at the road uneasily at first, but later saw that Wang Xuan was indeed driving steadily and calmed down for a while.

I woke up several times in a daze along the way, and finally woke up when the car suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong!" Yin Ling jumped up and immediately grabbed the seat belt. When she turned around and saw that her grandma was fine, she looked forward.

"I don't know. Just stay in the car and I'll go down and take a look." Wang Xuan said and drove down.

Soon he jogged back, "The driver of a private car got sleepy and swerved the steering wheel and hit the guardrail and almost rolled over. Rescue is already underway. He will be fine soon."

"Isn't there someone from the rescue team driving?"

"There are so many people in the family, and no one wants to squeeze into the truck. I refused the help of the rescue team, and now everyone may have to squeeze into the truck." Wang Xuan's tone was relaxed, and it was obvious that he was used to it. He must have been in his profession. I have encountered all kinds of weird situations in my career.

Yin Ling was also glad that he didn't show off.

He looked at the time and saw that it was less than three o'clock in the morning. "Let me drive. You have been driving for seven or eight hours since last night."

Taking some lessons from the past, Yin Ling took over the position of driver and took out snacks from the storage box next to Wang Xuan, taking advantage of this gap to replenish energy.

Wang Xuan just declined, but his stomach growled unsatisfactorily. His young face suddenly showed embarrassment, so he had to cough lightly to cover up, and took two small breads and two ham sausages.

The grandma in the back seat was also awake, but she had no appetite. She drank some hot water and leaned against the window to look at the situation outside.

Under the white light of the car lights, snowflakes and cotton balls were falling down.

"The snow is so heavy!" Li Xiu'e couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"Yes, it's bigger than expected." Wang Xuan responded vaguely while eating.

The convoy stopped for half an hour and set off again. The distance between the cars was widened again. The car that passed by was hit. The front of the car had been deformed and parked quietly on the side of the road. It was no longer usable.

"The car was originally rescued from the ruins. It's good to be able to use it. Your car is relatively complete and has not suffered much damage. Our team also found a lot of cars in some 4S stores, some of which were seriously damaged. Some are better preserved." Wang Xuan may have felt refreshed after eating, and maybe he was worried that Yin Ling would be sleepy while driving, so he was looking for something to say to her.

"What about the car you found? What did you do with it?" Yin Ling was a little curious when he heard him mention this.

"We keep some of it ourselves and sell some to wealthy people."


"Sell it for money?"

"It's not money, it's supplies."

Wang Xuan looked at Yin Ling and pointed at the box where she had just taken the snacks.

Yin Ling understood.

It's like the rescue team will organize the masses to collect supplies, but what they collect are all dug out of the rubble without anyone to claim and manage them after the accident.

However, there are still some materials in factory warehouses that will definitely be rescued by someone. Whether you organize people to rescue them yourself or ask the authorities to move them, in a world where the law has not collapsed, they will not be confiscated directly from you.

Even if it is a small county town, it is still a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Those who should be rich still have money, large and small supermarkets, warehouses, factory supplies, and every boss, even if they encounter this kind of earthquake that has not happened in a century, as long as they are still alive, As long as supplies can be salvaged, you are still rich.

Therefore, some of the materials they received were donated by external parties, supported by the government, and collected locally, and some were 'donations' from their bosses for various reasons.

"The rescue team actually brought a very large amount of various materials with them when they set out this time."

Wang Xuan didn't speak, but silence meant everything.

What they couldn't see at the end of the team was vehicles loaded with supplies. When the sky was getting slightly brighter in the morning, Yin Ling passed by a half-downed sign and suddenly realized that they had left the province and were now in the next province, and were about to leave the next province.

The highway is surrounded by withered tree trunks, and there is no trace of any living thing on the ground covered with heavy white snow.

"Have everyone here moved away too?"

"This place is relatively close to you and has been affected by the earthquake to varying degrees. Most of them have moved to the next door province, Lake Province."

Yin Ling was talking to herself, but she didn't expect that the co-pilot Wang Xuan had already woken up and answered her questions.

"The government really spent a lot of money and a lot of manpower and material resources." Yin Ling couldn't help but sigh.

Their route was heading west-south. The snow had gradually stopped overnight, and the temperature had also risen, but it still remained at about minus ten degrees. Such a temperature should not have occurred at this time and place.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the convoy stopped for repairs. This time, hot water was boiled but there was no breakfast. Everyone ate something casually with the hot water and then started back on the road.

Yin Ling dozed off in the passenger seat, and the motorcade moved forward in an orderly manner. From time to time, children crying and adults yelling could be heard from the front and rear carriages.

After being cooped up in the carriage for so long, I couldn’t lift my hands or stretch my legs. If I moved even a little bit, I would bump into someone else. Everyone was huddled together with their hands covered with quilts. Many younger people had never suffered this kind of pain and were sobbing in the corner. There were quite a few people there, and there were arguments from time to time because of the location. Fortunately, everyone in the car was acquainted as much as possible, so there wasn't much of a conflict.

I don't know how long Yin Ling had been walking when he was woken up by the sound of messy horns.

After waking up, Yin Ling found that the speed of the convoy had obviously slowed down, "What's wrong?"

"We're at the highway intersection in Hu Province." Wang Xuan's voice was hoarse.

Yin Ling checked the time, it was half past ten in the morning.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll drive it later."

"Why is it so noisy outside?"

"It's the fellow villagers from Hu Province who are seeing us off."

When Yin Ling heard this, she looked outside in surprise. The snow outside was obviously much thinner, and the temperature was two or three degrees below zero. However, due to the view of the car in front, she couldn't see what was happening in front of her. "What do you mean? How to send it?" "

"Listen carefully." Wang Xuan pointed outside.

Yin Ling opened the car window, and louder noises came from the front, among which a horn sounded particularly prominent:

"Folks from Hui Province! Have a safe and smooth journey! We are always with you!"

"Our brothers and sisters in Hu Province have prepared meager supplies for everyone. I hope everyone will not dislike it. As long as we follow the country and work together as one, we will definitely be able to overcome this difficulty!"

"Winter will eventually pass after snow and sunny skies. When spring comes and flowers bloom, we welcome everyone to come to Hu Province to play. We will definitely entertain everyone with good wine and good food!"

Yin Ling looked out the window and then at Wang Xuan, still a little confused, "Aren't we going to stay here?"

"Don't stop, there are too many people, just go on the expressway. When you get to the Hu Province Expressway, you can pick up the speed. It's already later than expected."

"The snow in Lake Province is much lighter, and the earthquake does not seem to have a great impact." Yin Ling came to the conclusion after observing the surrounding trees and buildings.

"Yes, the further to the southwest, the better. Lake Province has also been affected by snowstorms and cold air, but apart from the loss of crops, the other effects are not significant, but the temperature has also been slowly dropping recently."

Wang Xuan knew far more than Yin Ling expected. What else did she want to ask, but she was stunned by the lively scene in front of her.

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