The grandfather and grandson chatted for a long time before Yin Ling gave up the idea of ​​grandma going to find her uncles. But when she went to get hot water after dinner, she met an unexpected acquaintance.


Yin Ling looked at the strange yet familiar woman in front of him and called tentatively, "Sister?"

"It's really you, Lingling, why are you here? Aren't you in the Magic City? When did you come back?" Yin Yun looked at Yin Ling with some surprise.

The eldest cousin Yin Yun, the uncle's eldest daughter, is six or seven years older than Yin Ling. After getting married, she took care of her two children in her hometown without going out to work. Yin Ling vaguely remembered that we would still contact each other during holidays, and occasionally the eldest sister would send math questions. Give it to her and ask her to help tell the story to her eldest nephew.

It is normal to meet them here. They are all from the same county, and it is normal for them to be assigned to the same shelter.

The two chatted for a while, and Yin Ling learned that the new house their family bought in the county was on the second floor. When the earthquake happened, the family happened to be eating and ran very fast. They were all lucky.

But talking about her younger brother and parents who live in the countryside, Yin Yun's eyes were still red. It turned out that her uncle had a bad back because he had been working on construction sites all year round. During the earthquake, he happened to be lying in bed to rest because of the cold weather. He was a step too slow and was crushed. After one night underground, everyone will be gone.

Yin Ling was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and a vague figure of his uncle, tall and thin, vaguely appeared in his mind. He was the mainstay of the family, and he had saved up the car and house little by little. His son failed to live up to expectations, and he joined the society after graduating from junior high school. After being in prison for three years, I couldn't find a job soon after I got out. Finally, I opened a decoration shop with my friends. I couldn't get out of it. I also borrowed a lot of debt online. After my wife gave birth to a daughter, she couldn't bear it and ran away. .

In Yin Ling's eyes, this was a magical ethics drama, but he didn't expect that the honest and capable uncle was gone.

Finally, the eldest sister reported the room number, No. 502, which was in the front row. She came earlier, so no wonder she didn't meet her. Occasionally, she came to the back to get water because there were too many people lining up to get water.

The two said goodbye, and because the temperature was too cold at night, they went back first. Yin Ling lay on the bed, holding the quilt and burning the door. The small window on the door was sandwiched with thick cardboard to expose the gap between two fingers to facilitate ventilation.

The wind whistled in, seeming to be getting stronger and stronger, and the temperature also dropped sharply. Yin Ling stretched her head and looked down. Her grandma had fallen asleep. She was holding two quilts and the cotton-padded jacket, vest and sweater she had taken off looked different on the quilt. It won't be cold.

The loudspeaker at the shelter went to work early the next morning.

"Residents, please note that we will depart at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. Please pack your luggage in advance today to collect the rescue supplies and obey the arrangements of the rescue team. We will leave in a rescue vehicle tomorrow. Residents with cars can follow by themselves. If there is not enough fuel, You can buy them at the tents set up by the rescue team at the entrance of various supermarkets. Please be sure to cooperate with the rescue and transfer."

The loudspeaker kept broadcasting the transfer notes in a loop, and everyone walked out of the room to listen carefully. Soon the village party secretary led people to get the supplies back. Each person is assigned a backpack. The backpacks have different styles and colors, but the contents are the same.

Steamed buns, compressed biscuits, ham sausage, purified water, lighter, cold and fever medicine, band-aids, glucose, tissues, mainly food. The other things are the quilts, clothes and toiletries that were distributed when I first came here, as well as those given by everyone on missions in the past few days and bought with money in the supermarket.

After receiving the supplies, Yin Ling went to the supermarket again. It was overcrowded, but there was basically nothing left, because when everyone received the news yesterday, the supermarket had been basically emptied, and there were not many things in it.

There were piles of fuel for cars at the door of Yin Ling's destination. There were not many cars, but it was not a small number given the large number of people. There was already a queue.

You are limited to one purchase with your ID card, and one portion is 50 liters, which is almost the full capacity of a medium-sized car.

The queue was mostly filled with middle-aged men and some young guys, but there were relatively few women. When it was Yin Ling's turn, she registered her name and ID card, gave her 500 in cash, and picked up a barrel of gasoline. It was still full. I passed by. Upon seeing this, members of the rescue team rushed forward to help. Yin Ling looked up and saw a familiar face, the captain Ye Jin, who was on the mission with him. He greeted him warmly and thanked him quickly.

Under Yin Ling's guidance, she moved the oil drum to her car.

A gray SUV with no license plate that looked new. Ye Jin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and look at Yin Ling.

"The new one I bought hasn't had time to get the license plate yet!" Although there are many loopholes, fortunately the other party has no intention of exploring at this time. Self-driving can reduce the pressure on the rescue team, which they are happy to see. As for the car, as long as it does not kill people or set fire For the time being, no one will pursue what was stolen.

"Is there any gas in the car?"

When Yin Ling saw that the other party didn't ask any questions, she quickly shook her head. The car was from the showroom and had less than a quarter of the fuel. She hadn't remembered to refuel before she came.

"wait for me."

After Ye Jin finished speaking, he walked back to the residential area and returned soon with a simple funnel made of a mineral water bottle.

Yin Ling held the funnel and fixed it. Ye Jin directly lifted the oil barrel and slowly poured the oil into it. At this time, Yin Ling had to admire Ye Jin's magnanimity. In fact, her strength was not that small after being transformed by the spiritual fluid, but I really admire their strength that they have developed bit by bit.

Car owners were coming back one after another carrying gas. When they saw this, they immediately learned to help each other and started filling the mailbox.

There were less than 10 liters of oil left in the car and the 50 liters of oil were just enough to fill up the off-road vehicle's fuel tank.

"Thank you, Captain Ye." Yin Ling said, taking out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handing it over.

When Ye Jin took it, he found that it was a pack of high-end cigarettes, the kind he would never buy.

"If you pick it up, I won't smoke it either. Captain Ye, don't dislike it."

The ones he picked up didn't have such clean packaging, but these are not the point. They are considered as rewards for helping. If he didn't accept them, the little girl would probably feel sorry for herself, so she put them in her pocket.

"You guys will follow our team when the time comes. Just follow your car. Pay attention to safety on slippery roads. If you have any problems, ask the rescue team to solve it. After saying that, he glanced at the anti-skid chains on Yin Ling's wheels and nodded. Indicates good preparation.

The shelter has been noisy all day long. Notices have been sent out. Everyone is packing their things. The rescue team has also distributed two large sacks to each person to pack their belongings. There are not many real things for everyone, so two sacks are more than enough.

Yin Ling packed everything and put it in the car. She just waited for tomorrow morning to put a roll of bedding into a sack and put it on the roof of the car before setting off.

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