When Yin Ling drove her grandma to the meeting point in her car, the whole village, young and old, had already gathered together and started to get in the car with the help of rescue personnel.

We didn't have many things and they were very messy. Everything we could see was taken out from our own homes. We took whatever we found, pots, pans, quilts, and clothes. Although the rescue workers said that the shelter will uniformly distribute temporary supplies including bedding, daily toiletries, etc., everyone is still worried about bringing limited items within their ability.

Xiejiazhuang is a small village with a population of less than a thousand. Excluding those who go out to work and go to school, plus those who died in this disaster, the remaining population is only more than 200 people. At this time, everyone is carrying large and small bags. Two soldiers The card is also more than enough.

The villagers whose family members were killed followed everyone into the car with red and swollen eyes without saying a word. The young children also frowned, and only the very young children looked around with curiosity.

As soon as ten o'clock arrived, the car set off.

The rescue team was very professional and their time management was also very professional. Yin Ling probably calculated the time well. Looking at the military trucks with some open space, someone might get on the bus along the way.

Yin Ling drove behind the military truck. The two military trucks were sealed, but the rear car did not have a door. The outermost row was filled with rescuers.

So Yin Ling drove behind and came face to face with a row of rescue workers at the door of the car in front.

Because the air conditioner was on in the car, Yin Ling took off her mask, hat, and down jacket. She was wearing a black turtleneck sweater. Her very young face made the people in the car in front of her question her age and driving experience.

Yin Ling didn't think there was anything wrong. She only took a few glances. The rescuers were all wrapped up tightly and there was nothing interesting to see. Her attention was all on the road. There was no problem driving the car, but the shockproof performance was a bit poor and it was very bumpy.

The car turned a corner and drove south. It was on the way to the town. Yin Ling had also inquired before. The shelter was near the county seat, where supplies were sufficient and rescue was convenient.

It usually takes an hour to drive to the county, but now the speed and conditions are estimated to be twice that.

None of the houses as far as the eye can see on the roadside is intact, and they are all swaying here and there.

Not long after the car drove, Yin Ling saw military trucks on the left and right roads merging towards the main road. Soon, Yin Ling's car was caught in the middle of a group of military trucks.

Half an hour later, the military truck in front stopped, and the rescuers in the back got off. Then more than a dozen villagers waiting on the roadside got on the truck with the rescuers. They were the unfinished loads left by the rescue team in front.

There were large and small cars joining in along the way. There were badly damaged houses and rescue workers could be seen searching for the remaining victims in the ruins.

There is also a fleet of excavators traveling further on the road.

An hour later, the car drove out of the town and onto the national highway. There were constant cracks on the wide cement road, and a construction team was working to rescue the big cracks.

When we reached the national highway, things suddenly became lively. In addition to the rescue team, there were many private cars on the road. Yin Ling’s pink tram blends in and becomes less obtrusive.

Half an hour later, the car left the national highway, turned east, and soon stopped at its destination.

Yin Ling remembered this place. It was just south of her home, not far from the county seat. It used to be a large field, but now a new town is being planned to build a community. Now it is a good choice to use it as a refuge.

The rooms you enter are all container-style rooms. They are the kind of containers that construction teams often live in. They are very simple and convenient.

Following the instructions, Yin Ling parked the car in the cleared parking space.

After parking the car and unbuckling her grandma's seat belt, Yin Ling got out of the car with her black down jacket.

As soon as he got out of the car, Yin Ling immediately raised his head and looked at the sky. Not far above her head, a drone was hovering.

It might be from the military or brought by the victims. Yin Ling was more inclined to the former. His sharp eyes immediately turned into a smile and he looked at it twice before taking it back.

After putting on her down jacket, Yin Ling walked around the front of the car and went to the other side to open the door for her grandma.

People got off the military truck in front of them one after another. Yin Ling carried a hiking bag and helped her grandma follow the villagers to the arranged place.

Register identity information, arrange accommodation, and receive supplies.

No. 3005, quadruple room, 16 square meters, two beds, bunk beds, two tables and two chairs. We received two beddings, toothbrushes, toothpaste, water cups, thermos kettles, a military coat, and a pair of cotton boots.

Yin Ling was placed with her grandma, Sun Yan, an old widowed woman from the same village, and an old woman from another village. It should be arranged according to family and village first.

As soon as the bed was made, I heard a loudspeaker outside calling for the people in Xiejiazhuang to gather.

When I went out, I saw the village party secretary not far away calling for people, and there were already a dozen villagers standing next to him.

Yin Ling took her grandma on her arm and called her roommate Grandma Sun to go to the open space with her.

The huge shelter, with the villagers who had been resettled earlier, is built with two floors of containers in front of it. There are still workers building the second floor in the back half, which shows how urgent the temporary construction was.

After the village party secretary saw everyone gathered, he asked Feng Mianmian, who was standing next to him, to tell him some things to pay attention to. They just said don't make trouble, don't wander around, and go to the container where the village party secretary is at a fixed time every day to get meals. He also pointed out that there is a supermarket in front where you can buy things. But because the network is not repaired yet, we have to settle in cash.

There are also temporary workers in shelters, those who clean roads, build houses, and participate in rescue and other various tasks. Some have age requirements and some do not.

After a bunch of things were explained, many elderly people couldn't remember many things, but they remembered to go get their meals every morning at 7:00 noon, 12:00 pm, 12:00 pm, and 6:00 pm.

It was just after twelve o'clock, and Yin Ling followed everyone to queue up to receive meals. The meals were collected from the shelter canteen on a village-by-village basis and then distributed among themselves.

Lunch is unlimited steamed buns with a spicy stir-fried cabbage and shredded potatoes and pork. It’s not that rich but it’s better than eating bread.

The bathroom is a public restroom, and there is an open-air faucet for washing. Hot water needs to be fetched from the canteen, which is charged.

Yin Ling spent an hour walking around the base.

The place is indeed large. Not only residents from nearby villages, but also many people from the county seat have been temporarily resettled here. And people keep being sent in.

When Yin Ling went back, she saw several familiar men in the village helping to build the container. The second layer was also being built on the No. 3005 container where Yin Ling and the others were, and people in nearby containers were outside helping.

With the help of the masses, the entire shelter was in full swing and the construction was very fast. At least the victims who come later will have a house to live in.

It was also very lively at night when I went to bed. The sounds of snoring children, adults scolding, and chatter in the same room filled my ears.

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