The long walk and clearing of snow made it feel like there was no end.

Yin Ling took a sip of the hot water from the thermos cup and continued shoveling the snow. At this time, she was wearing a thick hat and mask that covered her whole body tightly. The goggles on her face prevented the wind and snow from attacking.

The further you go, the faster it is cleared, because vehicles are slowly converging from Shiliba Village onto the main road.

Yin Ling also learned from the previous chat that they had contacted all the parents of the students in the past two days to learn about their residential distribution, and then planned the route, and finally gathered it on several main roads to save manpower.

At the same time, we also contacted nearby villagers to help clean up, so now the closer to the school, the faster the road is cleared.

When the two sides were opened and the vehicles were driving slowly, they finally met the first group of students. However, the vehicles that received the students could not turn around and return because there was no room to change directions. Moreover, returning directly now would probably cause confusion with the students who had not arrived behind. The vehicle came to meet him head-on and there was no way to avoid it.

So I could only pick up the children and continue driving forward. Children got on the car one after another.

Yin Ling also picked up the children from the same village, and the grandchildren of Grandma Liu's family next door were also picked up and put on the bus. Then two more children from the same village came up, all wrapped up like balls, sniffing and sniffing.

Yin Ling quickly handed over the tissue and took out chocolates and biscuits from her bag for Xie Siyi to share with everyone.

Unknowingly, it was already noon, and the children had been stumbling around for two hours. Now they were tired, cold, and hungry. They took the snacks and started eating them without even saying thank you.

"Thank you sister, how are you at home?"

Xie Siyi sat in the passenger seat and chatted with Yin Ling while eating.

"It's not bad. There's also a power outage, but the firewood and earthen stoves at home don't have much impact. It's just that the snow is too heavy. In the past two days, the snow has been cleared so that everyone can go out."

As he said this, there was a strong wind whistling and whistling outside the car window, and even the thick car door could not stop the sound from penetrating.

"Eh~ It's so scary. I shared a quilt with my roommate in the dormitory. It was freezing cold at night even with both of us covered with quilts. The wind kept blowing outside the window. It was scary in the middle of the night!"

Xie Siyi recalled the unspeakable fear in her expression as she spoke. Hearing this, the other children also began to talk about the rare experiences they had in school these past few days.

The window in the dormitory was cracked, classes were not in class, there was no meat in the food in the cafeteria, and I had to clear snow inside and outside the school every day.

Everyone was quite excited as they spoke. Perhaps the life of students is too boring, so such unusual things have become a rare spice for the children. They only know that the study life in the past week is very different from usual, and they still cannot understand these things. Serious situation behind the storm.

The motorcade gradually came to a stop. On an east-west main road three or four kilometers away from the school, there were two or three-story self-built small buildings on both sides. At this time, the doors were not closed, but they were all opening their doors to clear snow. This was a short distance from the school. It's nearby and lively. The first floor is full of facade houses. In addition to farming, local farmers open small shops to earn some living expenses.

Hardware stores, shops, restaurants, barber shops, clothing stores, etc. are not big, but they are very complete. However, the doors are half open, and they are not open for business. There are a row of various vehicles parked on the road. It also attracts residents on the roadside to watch from the door or from the second-floor window. Occasionally, close neighbors get together to share the latest news with each other.

Seeing that no shops were open, Yin Ling also gave up the idea of ​​getting out of the car to buy things. However, the sky became increasingly gloomy at noon, and the snow began to slowly fall. After waiting in the car for an hour and a half, the convoy finally moved. Instead of moving forward, it is slowly moving backwards.

Yin Ling followed the convoy and backed up slowly for five minutes, then turned around at an intersection before starting to drive normally.

Maybe it was because the air conditioner in the car was turned on to make it warmer, and the children in the car started to take a nap with their heads tilted. The convoy going back was not very fast, but it was still faster than when it came because the roads had been cleared and there was no need to get off the car to clear the snow, which saved a lot of time.

Half an hour later, Yin Ling looked at the sun outside the car window in a daze, wondering why the sun suddenly came out.

At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a sun appeared in the previously gloomy sky. Although the snow was still falling, the sky was much brighter.

Everyone in the car was very happy to see the sun coming out. Maybe the snow will melt when the temperature rises tomorrow!
  Only Yin Ling felt a little uneasy. The sun was not dazzling. It hung over the head of the south-west. Yin Ling slowed down the car and could even see the gray outline of the sun clearly through the car window, giving people a cold feeling.

After another half hour, Yin Ling braked suddenly, and the sound of tires scraping against the ground was heard on the road, followed by a series of bangs and collisions.

Yin Ling reacted very quickly and braked, but the vehicle behind her did not react as quickly as she did, and directly hit the back of her car. Yin Ling only felt a push on her back, and then the car jumped forward a few meters. Fortunately, she The brakes were still on, and the car stopped quickly without hitting the car in front.

The confused children in the car were immediately woken up by the impact. The three children sitting in the back seat were not wearing seat belts and were knocked forward. The two children on the left and right were directly thrown into the back of the leather seat in the front seat, and the one in the middle was hit. The child was stuck directly in the middle of the seat, but luckily he didn't fly out directly.

The things I fear most are driving in snowy conditions and serial car accidents.

Seeing that the others were fine, Yin Ling quickly gave instructions and unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car to check.

The car in front and behind was hit, but fortunately everyone was slow and the impact was not big. The damage to the vehicle was not serious, and the people in the car were not seriously injured.

Yin Ling looked back and forth. There were about less than twenty cars, and some of them had already turned around halfway. However, seeing thick smoke rising in front of him, Yin Ling had a bad feeling.

Several car owners nearby also got out of the car and couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this.

"There's a car burning in front!"

"Go put out the fire."

As soon as the man finished speaking, Yin Ling had already picked up the portable fire extinguisher from the trunk and rushed over.

There were also car owners running over with fire extinguishers on the road. People in the cars in front got out, and the adults ran back with their children.

When Yin Ling arrived, he found that two cars had crashed into the snowdrift. One of them was more unlucky and hit a telephone pole on the roadside. Not only was there smoke coming out of the front hood, but he saw it when he got closer. Open fire, the fire is not small.

"come out faster!"

Everyone was helping to save people. Yin Ling rushed forward to help put out the fire, but the carriage door could not be opened. Several people started to smash the door with shovels they brought.

Within a minute, the fire in front could no longer be controlled. Yin Ling could already feel the heat of the fire two meters away. People around him who could not help him began to retreat when they saw that the situation was not good.

It's the end of the year. I work overtime and travel a lot. I'm exhausted and have no energy to update. My dear friends, please bear with me, but you won't give up.

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