Thriller copy beating workers

Chapter 210 Island Survival 11

The manager frowned, which meant that there were two uncontrollable factors in the live-action variety show this time.

Something out of control once happened, which not only threw the entire Warcraft feeding work into chaos, but also almost caused the program of this breeding base to collapse.

Therefore, these two uncertain factors must be eliminated.

"Manager, in the real-time feedback from the variety show, they seem to be particularly curious about Liang Xinyi's character. The most vocal people want to see how she ends up?"

In just a short period of time, the ratings have increased a lot, which means that the income has also increased.

A dozen operators looked at the manager expectantly.

The tentacles on the head of the steward moved and said in a vibrating voice: "Don't you forget what is the foundation of all this?"

Everyone looked at each other, but the manager said to himself without waiting for everyone's answer: "It's a breeding base."

"Don't forget that our weekly reality show is just a side job attached to the breeding base. I know those people are tired of watching the same scripts that have been written every day and want to watch something new and exciting, but, Being new means risk. For us, any risk means wasted effort.”

After everyone heard what the manager said, they knew that these two out-of-control variables had to be eliminated.

I still felt a little pity in my heart, not that these two beings, after all, in their eyes, this was just food fed to the monsters.

It's just a pity for the rising ratings and the upcoming bonuses.

But the movements of his hands did not stop, and some of them continued to use data manipulation to try to interfere with the two of them.

The rest began to adjust the entire "sand table" and prepare to kill these two people.

Although everything is a puppet in their hands, they can only control it all through the "strings" in their hands.


Less than an hour after Shu Xin and Liang Xinyi climbed into the tree to rest, the hyenas attacked.

Everyone under the tree hurriedly climbed up the tree, reaching out to Shu and Xin at the top, "Help me, I don't want to die, pull me up quickly..."

It is impossible to pull, and Shu Xin deeply practices the purpose of "not interfering with the destiny of others".

But after all, it was the first time for Liang Xinyi to face such a tragic scene, and she couldn't bear it.

She looked at the hands reaching out to her, and then looked at Shu Xin, with help in her eyes. I can’t make a decision myself and want to seek other people’s opinions.

However, Shu Xin still looked like the old god was present, as if the bloody scenes of screaming and being torn into pieces by hyenas were not in the same space as her.

Liang Xinyi looked at her position: if another person came up, she would be pushed to a more dangerous edge. And if she saves one, she will definitely save the next, and she will have no place to live... Also, what should I do with their injuries? What should they do if they are hungry? Since everyone has been saved, food, water and medicine will definitely be given out.

Even if she doesn't want to, when people are in front of her, she probably won't have the final say.

And the most important point: when she confronted Liu Zhichang just now, the attitudes of these people condescending and moral.

Therefore, when the time comes to save them, there is no chance that they will still be trampled under the feet of morality and justice by these people.

Liang Xinyi closed her eyes. She knew that when she was weighing these things, if she put them in front of the world, she would definitely be criticized for being a selfish and despicable person who didn't care about the lives of others.

At this moment, Liu Zhichang's voice came from under the tree, and he raised his arms.

He said that even if everyone climbed up to this tree, there would not be room for so many people. Instead, all the beasts would be surrounded. When the number of monsters increased, there would be no hope of escape.

In this case, it would be better to let Xinyi and the others stay in the tree while they fight their way out. People have just seen the cold-bloodedness of these two women. Even with central data control, they can see that the hatred between them and Shu Xin is soaring at this time.

Liu Zhichang's words gave everyone hope, and then one person took a piece of tooth or claw from the Tyrannosaurus rex, relying on the trace of the king's aura that still remained on it, the hyena was still a little afraid, and he forced his way out and escaped.

Liang Xinyi watched all this from the tree. After all, it was the first time she had done such a thing, and she was still suffering from herself.

Shu Xin, on the other hand, observed quietly and calmly from beginning to end.

She was keenly aware that the hyenas were not so much afraid of the Tyrannosaurus rex body parts in those people's hands as that their real target was not them, but them.

She guessed from the beginning that those people came for Liang Xinyi. Now, those people escaped and the hyenas were still besieging her, which further confirmed this.

The power behind this island has noticed them and wants to use the power of these monsters to destroy them!

Shu Xin looked at the sky. It had been such a long time, and based on last night's experience, it should be dawn now.

At this moment, the sky was still pitch black, with only the faint light emitted by some unknown luminous plants and animals in the woods.

Therefore, if the power behind it can control any animal, then it can also control when the sun rises.

The night is more favorable to the monsters. I'm afraid the sun won't rise until the monsters eat them.

In that case, let's start the war directly.

Shu Xin turned over and jumped off the tree, landing lightly on the ground.

The hyenas swarmed up.

Shu Xin leaned forward and swept forward. The light of the sword flashed across the arc of a crescent moon, and the hyena within ten meters in front of him fell instantly.

The defense of these hyenas is very low. Just pouring a certain amount of energy into the spirit bone knife and igniting the sword light is enough to cut through their bodies.

Shu Xin's internal energy is limited, and according to the current combat situation, she can probably activate this kind of sword light fifty times.

There are no more points available on the account, but Shu Xin finds a new source of energy - spiritual crystals.

The crystal stones dug out from the monster's head contained huge energy, and Shu Xin put them all into the small black jade gourd.

Let it be slowly refined. Although some energy attributes cannot be purified, most of them can be purified into the purest energy, which is collected into the central container of the small gourd.

Originally, Shu Xin planned to use the energy to restore Su Su, but now that the battle was urgent, she transferred the energy to her body.

In this way, as long as Shu Xin kills more monsters, he will have more energy available, and he will continue to live.

It's just that she killed it happily, but the picket stone was very troublesome.

At this time, Liang Xinyi saw a large open space swept out by Shu Xin below, and thought that the other party seemed to be very interested in the stone in the head of the monster.

If you are a scumbag, then do what you can. '

So he carefully climbed down from the tree, took the Tyrannosaurus Rex tooth, opened the hyena's head one by one, and dug out the crystals one by one while enduring nausea.

While Shu Xin was fighting, he handed it to the other party.

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