The conference room of the machinery factory will become a fairyland, filled with smoke.

Even though the factory director was a big smoker, he couldn't help but cough. "I told you not to just smoke. Think about what you can do about this."

Wherever people dared to show their heads, they all kept their heads down and dared not speak.

The factory director had no choice but to call names. Of course, the first person to call was the head of the technical section. "Tell me, once Li Xu leaves, will you be able to keep up with him?"

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard that it was not them who were named by the leader. The technical section chief knew that there was no way to avoid him.

He sighed helplessly and briefly reviewed the personnel structure of the technical department. The factory director really didn't want to hear this, "Don't tell me this."

"I just want to know when you will release new products once Li Xu leaves."

"I, I..." the technical section chief took a deep breath, "Five or six months?"

In fact, he knew that without Li Xu's research, the others would not be able to count on time.

The factory director closed his eyes and said, "You, you are the head of the technical section. Let me tell you, if spring starts, you won't be able to come up with a new product. It's up to you."

So what if there is a backend?Nowadays, some of the leaders of the machinery factory have no background.

"Can't you let Li Xu change his mind?" The secretary didn't say anything. After all, Li Xu's departure also had an impact on him. He was about to retire and didn't want to go up, but he wanted to support his children and grandchildren so that he could enter the machinery factory in the future. Work gold plated.

The result is now good, Li Xu is about to leave, as for

He really didn't dare to look forward to the rest of the technical department.

If possible, he would like to keep Li Xu even if he pays the price. He thinks so, and he also knows that the factory director thinks so too.

Of course the factory director had thought about this, "The ministry called me and said that Q University had submitted a transfer order, and that time was tight. In order to get Q University's Mechanical Research and Technology Institute on the right track as soon as possible, they hope that if possible, Li Xu Go to work early."

"The ministry has said so. What can I say that Li Xu doesn't want to go?"

"Everyone has already gone over for interviews." The factory director said angrily.

Everyone kept their voices low and did not dare to speak out. No matter when, someone would always stand up.

"Now I know I'm worried. Why didn't you think about it when you took away Liu Xu's results and suppressed him in various ways?"

"When you took away the benefits, you should have thought that such a day would come."

A factory leader who had long been dissatisfied with their behavior said sarcastically.

Of course, everyone will not agree with this and start arguing with each other.

The factory manager, who was already troubled by all kinds of things, was really confused when he heard their arguments, "Okay, what are you arguing about."

"I really don't know why you guys are arguing all day."

"Is it useful to talk about this now?" The factory director glanced at everyone fiercely, "What we want to discuss now is whether our technical capabilities can keep up after Li Xu leaves."

"You didn't expect that we would be the target of everyone's ridicule." The factory director forcefully corrected the topic.

"Think of a solution." The factory director vowed viciously in his heart that if he didn't get promoted this time, or enter a department with real power and become a leader with real power, he would definitely not let go of everyone in front of him.

It's not like he was the only one who got the benefits. Everyone present got the benefits more or less. Why should something happen, he would be the one to take the blame?

In short, it is definitely impossible for him to take the blame. "You also think about it, there is no way for you to rise."

Is he the only one who wants to be promoted?Unless they are older and just want to live a stable life, they all hope to work harder.

Everyone's expressions became serious. If they didn't take it seriously before, they really did now. "Why don't you let the old factory manager persuade you?" Everyone knows that the old factory manager has the greatest kindness to Li Xu. If it weren't for him, Li Xu wouldn't be able to come to the capital.

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet, and no one spoke.

The person who made this suggestion couldn't help but sneer, "Just pretend I didn't say it."

Everyone present looked at the fool who proposed this idea with great contempt. They could go to that person and ask him to come forward.

But if people ask why the good Li Xu left the machinery factory, or if Li Xu directly says it, the old factory director may be angry.

"How about we go to other factories to recruit people?" The technical section chief proposed the most reliable idea in the room.

To poach people?Everyone's eyes lit up, "Yes, if the Q University Research Institute is poaching our people, we can also poach people from other factories."

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, what a great way to solve this problem.

"Poaching people, can you find someone better than Li Xu?" A person looked at the technical section chief, "Since you mentioned it like this, do you have a suitable candidate?"

The technical section chief has no clue, and he is also worried that if he recruits a good technician, whether he will be willing to work for him is a question.

"I, I didn't." The technical section chief couldn't help but sit down.

"Li Xu is the deputy chief of the technical section. Now he is leaving. As the chief, you have an unshirkable responsibility."

Everyone knew that if Li Xu left, there was no way to stop it, and they had to introduce someone who could take full responsibility for this matter.

Since he is a member of the technical department, of course it is the head of the technical department who bears the responsibility.

Everyone quickly swarmed over and accused the head of the technical section. He didn't do his job well, otherwise why would Li Xu leave?

Can the technical section chief be convinced?Of course he is not convinced. Everyone is obviously responsible, but in the end it was him who took the blame. He is definitely not convinced.

But after looking at the people who were looking at him, the section chief sighed helplessly, now he was the culprit being pushed out.

Now he regrets it very much. As long as Li Xu can resist, he will never dare to treat him like this.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. No matter how unwilling you are, you can only bear it.

"I..." The technical section chief sighed deeply again. He wanted to go back to the office now and find someone to ask what to do about this matter.

It would be better if Li Xu could not leave. It was really too much. He did not dare to vent his dissatisfaction in front of these people and put all his hatred on Li Xu.

After the section chief ended the meeting, he was so angry that he didn't even want to go to the cafeteria to eat. He went straight back to the technical section and was surprised to find that Li Xu was not in the office.

He has become accustomed to Li Xu being in the office all the time. "Where is Li Xuren?"

Everyone in the technical department was discussing Li Xu. When they suddenly heard this, they were all worried. Everyone knew that after Li Xu left, the technical department would stretch a lot and the section chief would be happy. There was a problem.

"Go back and rest." One person whispered.

Go back to rest, how can you go back to rest? I wonder if the whole factory is anxious about his resignation?

"Section Chief, Deputy Chief Li, are you really leaving?" Even though Li Xu said that just now, everyone still couldn't believe it.

The section chief hummed, "Yes, in short, if you perform well, whoever does well can become the deputy section chief."

No one said anything about these words. It's not that they don't want to be deputy section chiefs, but they also know their own strength, and they really don't have it. (End of chapter)

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