Chapter 308 Self-Defense Tools
After school started, Zheng Jia drove to and from get off work every day, not because she wanted to show off her wealth, but because she wanted to rush back to solve the problem of feeding her children.

Everyone also went from being uncomfortable at the beginning to getting used to it, and then becoming accustomed to it.

Even if the family conditions are good, the school doesn't have any objections, and they, the students, have no objections even more.

Zheng Jia would occasionally take Li Min back. Every time everyone saw Zheng Jia driving back, they couldn't help but sigh.

"One is married and has children, and the other already has a boyfriend."

"Yes, I met his girlfriend last time. She is quite handsome, and she is also a top student at Q University."

"Yes, how could they meet such a good man."

A man felt very bad when he heard what everyone was discussing. He really didn't understand that he had pursued Li Min, but the girl didn't agree to his pursuit.

The reason is that I don't consider these issues now, but in the end, I turned around, and it was just a summer vacation, and I already had a boyfriend.

They were all liars. He was very angry. It could be said that everything went smoothly along the way, and all the goals he wanted to achieve were achieved. However, Li Min unexpectedly encountered Waterloo.

No, it couldn't be like this. He felt that he had to use some tough measures.

Just how to start, this needs to be carefully considered. He found that Li Min basically did not act alone, there were people around him.

It's not like he never thought that getting along well with those people would make Li Min have a good impression of him.

But before he could impress the other party, Li Min already had a boyfriend.

If you do it, how to bypass them is a big problem. I'm worried, really worried.

He really didn't understand why the other party wouldn't accept his trick, and what was the problem.

Could it be that he thinks his family background is not good and he comes from a small place?
However, according to the information, the Li family also came to the capital from a small place. If the daughter of the Li family, Li Xia, Li Min's aunt, had not been admitted to university and married a native of the capital, it was unknown whether the Li family could enter the capital.

This man was very angry that he dared to look down on him. In short, he had to let the other party know how powerful he was.

Li Min had no idea that the so-called suitor she had never taken seriously actually thought she was someone who disliked poverty and loved wealth.

"Sister-in-law, why are you so late today?" Li Min knew Zheng Jia's class schedule.

If there are no accidents, Zheng Jia will go back soon after class, and occasionally go to the library to borrow books, but it is also the kind of quick work.

"There was something going on with the tutor, and it was delayed." Zheng Jia drove the car out of the campus carefully.

"By the way, I thought I saw that scumbag just now."

"That guy didn't do anything to you, right?" Zheng Jia originally thought that the guy had been dealt with long ago, but he didn't expect that he was still in school.

Of course, someone is much more haggard now than when school started.

Li Min also looked puzzled about this, "I don't know. I asked my brother last time and he said there was no rush."

"Not in a hurry?" Zheng Jia just noticed someone's eyes filled with resentment and dissatisfaction.

That look made her very uneasy, always worried that this person would do something excessive, "Don't go out alone recently."

Although it may not be really safe, it can be a little safer.

Li Min was quite frightened by what she said to Zheng Jia, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean?"

"I just want to remind you that you have seen that boy's file. He is not a good person."

"I'm just guessing. You also know that he approached you with a purpose. But now, you didn't like him and turned around to be with other men. Don't you think he is angry?"

"Once you have a boyfriend, can you still be with him?"

"Aren't all his plans completely in vain? How can he be willing to accept that?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't be willing to give in. I've worked hard for so long and calculated for so long, and the result is like this." For a person who is very calculating, he will never accept such a result.

Zheng Jia nodded, "I know."

She patted her bag and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I have prepared things."

thing? "lime powder?"

"Or chili powder?" Zheng Jia thought for a moment and felt that what Li Min prepared was just the same thing.

Zheng Jia shook his head, "No, Xiaokai got me something, itching powder."

"Xiao Kai said that if the lime powder gets into the other person's eyes, it will cause him to lose sleep. Maybe I will go in too."

"And if it gets in my eyes, I'll be unlucky."

"The tickle powder is a good thing. At least if he wants to do it, he won't be able to scratch me."

Zheng Jia admitted that what Feng Kai thought was quite reasonable, but there was also a problem, "What should you do if you are contaminated with itching powder?"

It's impossible to ensure that all these things float to the other side. What if it floats to Li Min's side.

"Feng Kai got me a launching device." Li Min took out something from his bag and said briefly.

It can still be like this. Zheng Jina was impressed, "Comrade Xiao Feng is really good. He can help you design this thing."

It was great that Li Min met a man who knew the law, had a quick mind, and had excellent hands-on skills.

"That's good, pay attention to safety."

"Also, if someone tells you that I am still Xiaohao looking for you, or someone you know is looking for you, you should ignore it."

"If I really want to see you for something, won't I show up directly?" Zheng Jia was worried that the other party would do this.

"Even if the other person says it's almost like burping, you don't care."

"We are a medical school here. If it really sucks, why won't the old professor show up? Do we still need you, a rookie, to show up?"

Although this is a bit cruel, it is also the truth.

"Even if it's too late, just send him to the affiliated hospital directly."

"If something happens to someone at home, don't panic. Go directly to the office and call home."

Analyze the situation one by one for Li Min, focusing on the fact that a child of his own is not so easy to be fooled.

Li Min could still listen with a smile on his face, but the longer he listened, the smile on his face gradually dimmed.

"No, this is illegal." Li Min felt that the other party would not do such a thing.

"If possible, of course I hope it won't be like this." Zheng Jia saw the red light turn on and slowly braked.

When I first started driving, there were not many cars on the road, but now there are more and more cars on the road.

"But Xiao Min, you have to know that under normal circumstances, girls won't make a fuss when this happens, for fear of causing a second blow to the girl."

"People's words are terrible." Even if the victim is a woman, many people will say how bad girls are and receive more negative comments than men.

"I'm also worried that the other girls in the family will also be criticized in this regard. Many people have no choice but to marry their own girls to each other in order to settle the matter."

"This has happened a lot." Not to mention now, in the next 30 to [-] years, when such things happen, they will often be solved in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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