Zheng Jia took advantage of her free time during her internship and stopped by the obstetrics and gynecology department for a check-up.

Since becoming pregnant, she has done a simple check-up every month. In this era when many pregnant women have no concept of prenatal check-ups, Zheng Jia does one or two physical check-ups every month anyway.

Knowing the growth and development of the child, and of course there is no such thing as nutritional deficiencies, Zheng Jia felt that as long as the pregnant woman eats well and drinks well, the child will be in good health, Zheng Jia felt that it was better to focus on examinations.

The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department was also happy when he saw Zheng Jia, "You girl, your health is very good."

"Monthly inspections are still required." Zheng Jia doesn't just check up, she always registers for inspections. The only convenience is that she can come for inspections when she is free.

"It would be great if every pregnant woman was like you." The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department sighed as he thought of a pregnant woman he received today.

The obstetrics and gynecology department received a pregnant woman with dystocia today. She said that the baby was too heavy and she originally suggested a caesarean section. However, her mother-in-law blocked her in various ways, saying that this would be bad for the baby and would delay her recovery and would delay her going to work.

It is said that it is instinct for women to give birth to children. It is okay for the child to be big, as long as she exerts force, she can give birth to the child.

The result was a difficult delivery for the mother, one dead and two dead. When the mother was pushed out of the operating room, her parents-in-law were crying for their unborn grandson.

As for the daughter-in-law, who was lying on the hospital bed and had no color for a long time, her parents-in-law, including the man, didn't care about her, and kept complaining that women were useless.

"I can only have one child now. It's okay to have a son. My parents-in-law will look better. But if I have a daughter, ugh."

You can really see the true reactions of many people here in the hospital. Many elderly people prefer boys over girls.

"Nowadays, many people will look for connections and come to the hospital for X-rays to find out the gender of the child. If it is a girl, many..."

The director of the obstetrics department remembered that many people came to the hospital with bulging bellies and asked to terminate their pregnancies. Basically, they knew that they were pregnant with a daughter, and they simply said not to give birth to the child.

Zheng Jia sighed softly, "Everyone wants to have a son, but they don't want to think about it. All the children born are sons, not girls."

"Where can I find a wife in the future?" Zheng Jia really couldn't understand their thoughts anyway.

The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department really didn't think that much. After hearing this, his face became more serious.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this?"

"Here in the capital, there is still a lot of preference for boys over girls, and they don't want girls to be born in those remote places."

"If there are rural areas..." The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department really didn't dare to think about how many girls would lose the opportunity to be born neatly in a few years.

"In ten or twenty years, the ratio of male to female births will be seriously unbalanced. There will be more boys and fewer girls. How will we continue the family lineage?"

Zheng Jia said a few words casually. As for the subsequent development of the matter, it has nothing to do with her.

After the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department went home at night, he had been thinking about this matter. After thinking for a long time, he finally had some idea.

Just how to operate it when it arrives is not something that a young obstetrics and gynecology director like her can worry about.

Zheng Jia thought that the director of obstetrics and gynecology would take action, but he didn't think too much. Don't say it's the 80s. Even in another 30 or [-] years, the preference for boys over girls will still exist.

Although Zhou Yi is busy doing experiments now, he still cares a lot about Zheng Jia.

Every night I would help Zheng Jia massage her cramped legs. I had heard people say before that pregnant women often get cramps as the months go by.

He checked medical books, asked doctors, and experienced mothers, and came to the conclusion that pregnant women are very deficient in calcium and can just take more calcium.

He bought calcium tablets through connections and asked Zheng Jia to take calcium tablets and drink bone soup. He originally thought it would not be a big problem.Unexpectedly, her legs would still cramp, so she carefully squeezed Zheng Jia's legs, "I originally wanted to go to the hospital today, but before departure, I had something urgent."

Whenever time permits, Zhou Yi will accompany Zheng Jia for prenatal check-ups.

"It's okay, I'll do the check-up over there."

"I'll go there anytime I'm free." Zheng Jia has now graduated from college, but has not yet started graduate school, so she works at the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University.

If nothing unexpected happens in the future, graduate students will also practice here.

Originally, Zheng Jia wanted to live in the house at University Q. She thought it was just a place to stay, but as she lived there, she bought more things.

By now, it feels more and more like home, if she hadn't been pregnant, or if her situation hadn't been special.

Zheng Jia is actually quite willing to live in Q University, as it is the only space for them to be alone after they get married.

It's a pity that she is now pregnant with two children and is really unable to do what she wants.

After knowing that she had two children in her belly, Zheng Jia's expression was not very good. After all, being pregnant with two children is really not an ordinary hardship.

Generally, pregnant women begin to have leg cramps within a few months. Zheng Jia didn't know very well, but her legs had already started to cramp when she was more than two months old.

Now that she is five months pregnant, she just wants to say that it is really too hard. This is before her belly is ridiculously big. Otherwise, by that time, she will be really worried and unable to turn over.

Now I can’t even see my feet when I stand. “The director said, the child is a little bit bigger.”

When a mother hears that her baby is a bit big, she doesn't take it too seriously. Instead, she feels that her baby has absorbed nutrients well and is a healthy baby.

But when he said that he was a little bigger, Zhou Yi couldn't help but become vigilant and worried, "The doctor told me what to do."

When you are a pregnant woman, you can buy whatever you want, but when it is Zheng Jia's turn to be a pregnant woman, you can say that she pays attention to everything and keeps saying things like not to eat too much.

"Exercise more appropriately and don't sit still all the time."

"It also suits me to have multiple meals a day, but there is a bit too much food in it."

Everyone followed the doctor's instructions and ate multiple meals a day, but the portions were a bit too much. Zheng Jia felt very full every time she ate.

"There is no way, you need to absorb it now." Zhou Yi comforted Zheng Jia angrily, "Don't go to the hospital tomorrow, I can just have a day off."

"Shall we go for a walk?" Zhou Yi thought that he would have a rest tomorrow and the weather was good, so he took Zheng Jia out for a ride.

Youchehe, in the past, of course Zheng Jia was willing, but look at that person's tired face.

"Forget it, I'll rest at home and just organize some information." Before the child was born, I reviewed what I had learned before and organized the information.

Originally, according to the plan, the child should be born in July, but now if it is twins, the child may be born in June.

"Really not going out?" Zhou Yi asked again, "I'm not that tired. How about we go out in the morning and come back after having a meal outside?"

I haven’t eaten out for a long time, and I don’t know what delicious food is out there.

"Stop by to see if there are any things for the children." Although there are already a lot of things prepared for the two children at home, the two children do not despise too much no matter how much things they have.

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