In the past, she often heard people say that people were encouraged to study medicine, and it was like lightning. At first, she thought this was a bit exaggerated.

In the end, it was his turn to study medicine. Zheng Jia really felt this deeply. As the study progressed, there were a lot of things to remember.

Zheng Jia often breaks down, "How could I ever think of studying medicine in the first place?"

If she could, she would really go back to the person she was when she applied for the application. She couldn't do anything well and had to study medicine.

It would be great to study literature and write novels. Being a writer these days is also very good. You also need to read a lot of books and memorize things. Liberal arts should be easier than memorizing these things.

Li Hao wasn't much better, he just recited the book until his eyes were straight, "It's really not easy."

"Tell me, Xiao Min, why did you think of studying medicine in the first place?" Li Hao really didn't understand.

Obviously this girl had already said that she wanted to study at Q University like Zhou Yi, but later she said she wanted to study at a medical university.

It's not that Zhou Yi doesn't know why Li Min wants to go to a medical university. It's really not easy to go to a medical university.

Li Min rolled her eyes at Li Hao and handed the pear soup she just bought to Zheng Jia, "Sister-in-law, have some pear soup."

Li Hao waited for a long time and found that he didn't have a share. "Ah, Li Min, you really went too far. Why didn't you give it to your brother and me?"

"It's not that you don't like to eat." Li Min said what Li Hao said last time when he ate pear soup, "You said this pear soup is sweet."

"You said you are a man, how can you eat something so sweet? Since you have said yourself that you don't want to eat it, I can always force you to eat it."

What can be done? Li Min feels that something is really wrong with Li Hao now. "They say women are fickle. Brother, it's true. In fact, you are also very fickle."

"That's right." Zheng Jia ate the pear soup. "It's really delicious. In fact, we can also make it ourselves. It's just more troublesome."

The main thing is that people need to keep an eye on it, otherwise, over time, the pot will boil dry.

Don't ask why you know it, just ask because you have done it before.

Li Hao watched them eating happily, "Brother, do you want to eat pear soup?"

What Li Hao was thinking was that Zhou Yi had just come back and could go shopping.

Zhou Yi was still thinking about the experiment he did today. After hearing Li Hao's words, he said, "Go buy it."

"Buy four portions and take a look around to see what else is delicious." Zhou Yi took out the money from his pocket and asked Li Hao to buy it.

Ahhh, Li Hao didn't expect that he would be the most injured in the end. Zheng Jia and Li Min looked at Li Hao's deflated look, so happy.

"Why, you're not going." Zhou Yi found it strange that Li Hao didn't rush to get food.

"I'll go." Li Hao also accepted his fate. He had no choice but to forget about expecting Zhou Yi to go shopping.

It's better to buy it yourself and get delicious food.

Seeing Li Hao rushing out, Zheng Jia and Li Min were both happy.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yi was a little puzzled when he heard their laughter.

Zheng Jia briefly explained what had just happened, and Zhou Yi said, "Are you under a lot of pressure lately?"

Zheng Jia nodded, "It's an internship, writing a thesis, and taking classes."

"We still have to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination." We were already busy enough, but now there are more things to do. Not to mention Li Hao, Zheng Jia is about to collapse.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you pass the exam, take the exam. If you fail, wait until next time." Zhou Yi didn't know how to comfort Zheng Jia.

He was smart, but he didn't study medicine, so he couldn't give him any advice. "We still have to work hard." Mr. Zheng Jia couldn't say that they could only work hard to get into graduate school.

The most embarrassing thing for them now is that their internship results in the hospital are pretty good, and the doctors who took them said that they performed well.

Since knowing that they planned to take the postgraduate entrance examination, Zheng Jiadu could clearly feel that the attitude of the doctor who was taking them had changed a lot.

There are some opportunities for others to try. Thinking about it, there are always so many opportunities. Of course, they hope to leave more opportunities to those medical students who are determined to work in this hospital.

When they have sufficient experience and improve their skills, they can get started quickly when they officially enter the hospital after graduation.

Of course, let her handle some patients who don't have much difficulty or skill, but require a lot of time and energy to deal with.

Although it can also improve his own level of medical treatment, many things change from quantitative to qualitative changes. Zheng Jia understands this truth.

But I can't stand it, I only have so much energy, I spend a lot of energy at work, and I have to go home and read at night, which is really tiring.

But there is no other way. They really have no way out. Of course, it is best to be admitted to graduate school.

If you are not admitted to graduate school and want to go to a better hospital, it can be said that there is not much hope.

It is said that there is a shortage of doctors now, but well-known hospitals have a relatively complete set of doctors, so the number of doctors they need will not be too many.

It is not impossible to go to a general hospital, but the number and condition of patients that can be contacted are still quite different.

"If you fail the exam, stay at home for a year and prepare for the exam with all your strength." Zhou Yi changed his clothes and came out, and saw Zheng Jia's face drooped.

His words shocked Zheng Jia. How could he know? She wanted to prevent Zhou Yi from being distracted, but she repeatedly told Li Hao not to let him know.

"No one told me, but I'm a college student too, so I know."

"No company is willing to train someone who is not sure whether he will come to work in the company."

"When the time comes, you can stay in school as a teaching assistant." Zhou Yi thought of a good job.

"Q University has launched such a position this time, but I don't know if there is such a position in the medical university."

Teaching assistant, Zheng Jia was not sure, "We don't go back to school that often now."

"Even if I go back, I'll just come and go in a hurry." Everyone is interning in different hospitals, and many people leave in a hurry after class.

Either rush to work in the internship unit, go back to rest, or go to the library to read.

It's good to get to know the other person's current situation a little bit. As for some things in school, unless it's brought up by the professor or counselor, I really don't care.

Zheng Jia didn't know, but there was still Li Min in the school. "I know, there is this in the school. Last time I went to the library to read, I heard someone mentioned it. He said that if he can't stay in the hospital where he is currently practicing."

"He just plans to stay in school and work and strive to succeed in the postgraduate entrance examination."

"It seems they are talking about the job of teaching assistant." Li Min just listened and didn't care too much.

In her eyes, neither Zheng Jia nor Li Hao needed this job.

Only now did she realize that they were also under great pressure, and it seemed that no one was relaxed.

"No, I can't leave a way out for myself." Zheng Jia thought for a moment and felt that he still had to rely on his own efforts.

"Once I leave myself a way out, I will definitely not work hard."

After taking a look at the medical book, which even though I had studied it, I still thought it was from heaven, "Forget it, I'm going to start working hard."

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