Chapter 148 Tracking
Zheng Jia felt that Jiang Mingyue had not been admitted to college, even if she did not get a certificate to return to the city, and came back from the north, it was her fault.

What she didn't expect was that the day Jiang Mingyue returned home would be the day their family set off.

This day was really well chosen. One night, there was no telling what kind of trouble Jiang Mingyue could cause.

"I don't know if she will be admitted to university in the college entrance examination in July." Zheng Jia really hopes that Jiang Mingyue can be admitted to university.

Li Hao thought Zheng Jia was sarcastic at first, but looking at her, he said, "Sister-in-law, you don't know how. You actually hope that she can go to college?"

"Yes, she has been admitted to college and her life is getting better. If Jiang Tao and the others have a hard time in the future, who will they pick on?"

Li Hao understood immediately, "I understand, it's also because Jiang Mingyue has a lot of income, Jiang Tao and the others will definitely only look for Jiang Mingyue."

Even if they knew that Zheng Jia was living a good life, but they really didn't dare to find her, they knew that this person would definitely fall out immediately.

"Yes, we still need to let them have a promising person." Li Hao decided to burn incense and pray to Jiang Mingyue before the exam.

"How about asking my brother to give her some test questions." Li Hao always felt that it was definitely Zhou Yi's credit that he was able to get into college.

As long as she works a little harder, she will never have to worry about getting into college, especially if the standards are not too high.

Ask Zhou Yi to give Jiang Mingyue some test questions?Zheng Jia snorted coldly, "That's absolutely impossible. She is so beautiful."

"After this matter spread, I thought we were trying to win over her." Jiang Tao and the others would really think so about this kind of thing.

"If she can get into college, that's her fate. If she doesn't get into college, that's her fate too."

Seeing Zheng Jia's attitude, Li Hao didn't mention it again.

Because they wanted to avoid someone, they hurriedly got on the bus. They later took another bus to get back home, which took a little longer.

Li Hao felt that the weight on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier, and he really regretted why he had agreed to all these things so easily.

This has not yet been loaded with anything. Once it is loaded with sesame paste and other things, I really don’t dare to think how much these things will weigh.

Li Hao made up his mind that he would definitely not help next week. Couldn't they just make a trip on their own?
Zheng Jia suddenly noticed someone hiding. After taking a closer look, he grabbed Li Hao who was still walking forward.

"Look at the ten o'clock direction in front of you, is there someone?" Zheng Jia didn't dare to use his fingers, so he gave a general direction.

Li Hao raised his head and looked over, and suddenly became furious, "Yes, that's her."

"What's wrong with her?" She obviously didn't get on the bus.

How could she come here earlier than them? "She is not from the capital."

The other party was able to inquire about his situation, and of course Li Hao also inquired a little bit. What is certain is that he is definitely not from the capital.

"Then she will never live here. She can find our home without following us..."

Zheng Jia only has one thought in his mind now, and that is, "The other party doesn't think you have a big house in the capital."

After a little inquiry, you can find out that the people living here are all big families. There are no outsiders. There are only a few people living in the big house. In the past, it was used by big families.

Li Hao took a breath, "No way."

"She, when she rarely inquired, didn't she ask who the homeowner was?"

"How do I know?" Li Hao felt very unhappy when he thought that the other party had targeted him early without him knowing.

"I have never seen such a person. If he has the ability, why doesn't he work hard on his own?"

"I actually want to use this method." Humph, I didn't see that my sister-in-law knew that I was worth a lot of money and was working hard on academics.Even learning English is better than him. He said that he should study hard and strive to make more money in the future.

They are both girls and college students, so why is there such a big gap?

“The same rice feeds all kinds of people.”

"It's normal to have such thoughts. Who doesn't want to live a good life easily by doing nothing."

"It's just that your situation is special." Zheng Jia was actually really curious. The other party knew that the house they went back to live in every week was not shared by Li Hao at all, so he didn't know what would happen to her.

"No, I have to explain to her and let her know that I don't have any house in my name."

"I am a poor boy with nothing." It doesn't matter how beautiful a girl like this is, Li Hao will never fall in love with her anyway.

"Looking at her, she has a face that is trying to stir things up." Anyway, he really just saw that the other person had a face that was difficult to get along with and had all kinds of shrewd calculations.

"Once such a wife is married, can she still have a good life?"

"Just like Tong Li." Although Tong Li changed a lot later, Li Hao still had a bad impression of her.

Li Hao just took two steps and happened to see Zhou Yi walking towards him with a schoolbag on his back. Looking at the books on his shoulders, he knew they must all be books.

Although his schoolbag is also full, it only contains a few books. The gap is the gap.

But even if he didn't help his classmates carry things, he wouldn't bring these books back because he didn't have time to read them, so he just brought them back as they were, which made him very tired.

"Brother, I'm sending my sister-in-law back today, and I'll stop by your house to eat and sleep." This person didn't fall in love with him just because he thought he owned a house. Let her know that she took it too much for granted. .

Zhou Yi didn't expect that Li Hao would be so polite today, and was stunned for a moment, "Why are you so polite all of a sudden?"

"Of course you have to be polite. My parents and grandma have always told me that as a person, you should not push yourself too far and know what is yours and what is not."

"Brother, if you allow me to come to your home, you are taking the greatest care of me."

"Of course I want to thank you."

Then he turned to look at Zheng Jia, who was a little uncomfortable, "Of course I have to thank my sister-in-law for pampering my cousin and taking care of me in every way."

Zhou Yi listened for a long time, then looked at Li Hao quietly and thanked him, "You know that your sister-in-law and I will be nice to you."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back and put things away, and then we'll eat Shandong cuisine."

"By the way, you can eat more. I will assess you tonight."

"You know what the consequences will be if you don't do well in the assessment." Although this is already a regular program every Saturday night, Zhou Yi still wants to mention it again.

It's this again. Li Hao sighed helplessly, "Brother, you are still so focused on our results."

"If you do this again, I won't dare to send my sister-in-law back in the future." Li Hao said half seriously and half helplessly.

"You think I won't go to school to find you?"

"I will also tell my uncle and the others that you don't want your dad to call you." Zhou Yi grabbed him and said, "Let's go."

Zheng Jia caught up quickly. When passing a certain place, she glanced at it casually. It was good. The surprised face of the other party made her feel a lot better.

(End of this chapter)

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