After this detailed discussion, Wang Wan realized that his arms could not control his thighs, so he no longer pressed for the system of counties and counties.

Due to the vast territory of the Qin Dynasty, if the system of prefectures and counties was implemented in every place, it would easily lead to problems with administrative orders. Therefore, after many fish petitions, Qin Wangzheng, Wang Wanli Si and others re-planned the Sihaidao map.

At the same time, ditches in various places began to be constructed under the guidance of Li Bing, Zheng Guo and others.

After the meeting of the Great Dynasty, Xianyang and Bashu began to radiate and shake the wind of infrastructure construction, starting the mad journey of infrastructure construction in the Great Qin Dynasty.

Zheng Guo pointed to the "Canal and Road Map of Counties and Counties in the World" at the general meeting of ditches and spoke: "The Marquis of Ding'an said that all industries in the world must be connected by roads to connect them. Canals and roads must be networked and connected. Therefore, our goal this year is After careful exploration and drawings, we can then plan carefully.”

This is a lesson that many fish have learned from later generations.

In later generations, although there was an urban planning bureau, in fact, in the operation process of prefecture-level cities, it was very common for roads to be built and then dug, and then dug again.

Water pipe replacement, cable laying, gas pipeline replacement, etc. Every department that needs to start work will dig out the road and rebuild it.

This is all because they work independently, resulting in great waste.

In later generations, China's national power was strong and could withstand such a great situation.

But Da Qin couldn't do it. Every project required hundreds of thousands of laborers and countless materials, so waste must be avoided as much as possible.

When many fish proposed the overall integration of the infrastructure plan at the court meeting, Zheng Guo actively expressed support.

In Zheng Guo's eyes, there were two major changes in the relationship between rivers and canals in history.

One is that during the well-field system, the roads followed the canals, which was often referred to as Qianmo traffic. But this kind of road only connects within closed fields and does not lead to the outside world. It not only takes up farmland, but is also impractical.

Therefore, Shang Yang proposed to open Qianmo, which meant to break this blockade and open up a new way for people's livelihood. From then on, the roads in the world were separated from the canals and truly became roads with the purpose of passing cars and horses.

But the matters of roads and canals were also separated. Roads are under the jurisdiction of Bang Sikong, and rivers and canals are under the jurisdiction of Datian Order.

The consequence of this is that there are many conflicts between ditches and roads and there is no network.

Zheng Guo's face was serious. He did not boast about Haikou because he wanted to make meritorious deeds. Instead, he said realistically: "To achieve our goal, it will take at least ten years. With the help provided by Ding'an Marquis, it can be shortened to eight years."

Qin Wangzheng rubbed his fingers, and after pondering for a moment, he still delegated power to Zheng Guo: "Okay. What support do you want?"

Zheng Guo's hair has turned gray, and the construction of the Zheng Guo Canal has exhausted his efforts, but he still took on the hard work without hesitation: "It will take Mr. Li Bing and me about a year to explore and draw. In this year's time , the sergeants can dredge the silted river so that the drawings can be completed and construction can begin immediately.”

"Good!" Qin Wangzheng agreed without hesitation and provided Zheng Guo and Li Bing with fast horses, doctors and guards.

After the meeting, as soon as Zheng Guo walked out of the hall, he sent people to Bashu to find Marquis Ding'an for help. In terms of understanding of the world's trade routes and the distribution of ditches, who can compare with the Marquis of Ding'an who owns the Bashu Chamber of Commerce?

Li Bing stroked his sparse beard and sighed to Zheng Guo: "You are already so old, why do you have to run around? Your Majesty is kind and will not embarrass you because of your great achievements."

Zheng Guo held a vernier ruler and couldn't put it down: "The Marquis of Ding'an is not afraid of shocking the master with great achievements for the sake of the dawn of the common people. I am an old man, even if I die for the people, what's the pity?"

Zheng Guo raised his head and said with a smile: "You have already achieved great success in building Dujiangyan, why do you still have to suffer this burden?"

After Li Bing returned to Xianyang, he gained both fame and fortune, and Yu Ze was able to protect his grandchildren.

He looked to the southwest, his eyes flickering: "You haven't been to Bashu County, have you? I always look forward to the prosperous times that all the counties in the world will be if they are even half as good as Bashu County?" Zheng Guo's eyes revealed. Envy: "I have never been there. I only heard that everyone can live and work there in peace and contentment, with children and old people supported. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will always go there. This will make this life worthwhile."

Li Bing laughed loudly: "Then we have to move quickly. Otherwise, Marquis Ding'an will finish everything we need to do and we will not have an excuse to go to Bashu."

Zheng Guo bent his eyes and immediately bent over his desk to work.

While Zheng Guo and Li Bing were exploring, the King of Qin ordered Meng Wu to take charge of clearing the blocked river channels.

Mengwu decided to focus on counties. All counties that benefited were asked to have the county magistrate personally lead the construction work. At the same time, two hydraulic workers were sent to each county, and they had to be completed within one year.

"Mr. Meng, the county magistrates do not dare to neglect, and the people are eager to sign up, but Bashu County..." The official scratched his head.

How to deal with it in Bashu County? Do you want to send someone there?

Meng Wu hesitated and said: "Is there any blocked river in Bashu County?"

"No. When Dujiangyan was built, Marquis Ding'an dug out the silted river channels."

Mengwu continued to ask: "Is there any damaged river embankment in Bashu County?"

"No, Bashu County is plagued by floods. When building Dujiangyan, and taking advantage of the situation, the river embankments in other places were reinforced."

Meng Wu was speechless: "There is nothing going on in Bashu County, why should we care about it?"

The officials were silent, maybe because in the wilderness of the north and south rivers, all the counties in Daqin were vigorously carrying out large-scale infrastructure construction, and the Bashu County, which had been quiet for many years, seemed out of place?

Mengwu stopped the officials who were about to leave: "Go to Bashu County to borrow some plumbers. They have experience."

The big and small officials in Xianyang City all like to use people from Bashu County. I can't tell the difference between the people from Bashu County. Anyway, they are easy to use and have a bright eye.

Meng Wu thought for a while and added: "We provide meals and wages, and Bashu County does not need to bear them."

Although the Marquis of Ding'an was wealthy and would not care about such trivial matters, Meng Wu could not do anything that would require someone else to pay for it out of his own pocket.


Meng Wu sat down and his eyes unconsciously stopped at a city on the map, Daliang!

The princely states built canals and embankments, firstly to divert water for irrigation, and secondly for military purposes.

Daliang City is the most obvious example. When the city was first built, it was spread all over the river to defend the city.

Later, the Marquis of Ding'an used the river to flood Daliang City, causing numerous damage.

Now, in the stable years of great peace in the world, in just a few years, Daliang City, which was originally in ruins, has once again regained new vitality.

Under the guidance of farmers, the people resumed farming and built new houses using the ruins of the past.

"Perhaps this is the meaning of the unification of the world. They no longer have to suffer the pain of war, and the river embankments originally used for military purposes will be turned into helpers for irrigating farmland." Meng Wu murmured softly. (End of chapter)

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