System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 268 The war breaks out 4 times

Chapter 268 War is rising everywhere

As a group of refugees fled to Qin, the conflict between the king of Chu and the feudal lords became increasingly acute.

Under the instigation of caring people, some feudal lords who were far away from the capital took the lead to stand on their own feet. Everyone was waiting for King He Chu's reaction.

Will the King of Chu send troops to attack the self-reliant feudal lord?

At this juncture, the old King Chu passed away! The youngest son ascends the throne!

The feudal lords took the opportunity to stand on their own initiative one after another. Qin Wangzheng and many fish saw the opportunity and divided their troops into two groups, planning to attack Chu State from a flank.

At the beginning of August, the soldiers recruited from various counties in Nanjun gathered in Yan. There were tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in total, and the captain of Nanjun was appointed as the captain.

The entire land force was led by Meng Qian, with Lian Po and others as deputy generals.

As for the navy, Duoyu is the chief general, and Wang Jian and Heidu are deputy generals.

General Meng Yuan always seeks stability in his military use, and Lian Po and others believe that this time, he is likely to slowly advance in confrontation.

Meng Wu held a different opinion: "Not necessarily. The speed of Lord Ding'an's navy is unmatched by anyone, and it is difficult for the Chu fleet division to defeat it. If Lord Ding'an advances too fast and we fail to keep up in time, after Lord Ding'an lands, , I will fight alone and it will be dangerous."

"Therefore, I thought that General Wang's current advance would be to quickly attack the Chu region, trying to quickly capture Huaibei before the snow falls, and then slowly advance to Huainan next year."

Meng Wu said: "Indeed! The Chu State is now divided into pieces and it is difficult to unite."

Meng Tian, ​​who was still young, was brought to see the world: "But this is a battle to destroy the country. The Chu army is far from the point where it can be defeated. I think General Wang will plan it slowly and act cautiously."

Several people were arguing here, but they couldn't come up with any results for a while.

Finally, Meng Zhuan stood up, pointed at the map, and smoothed things over: "No matter how much we argue, it's useless. The general has ordered that Nanjun's soldiers will gather in Wancheng in early September to join forces with Nanyang County soldiers! Wait for the king General’s order!”

The total strength of these troops will be 100,000. In terms of food alone, not counting the consumption on the road, they will eat 200,000 dan a month, which is a huge consumption.

Fortunately, Bashu County is responsible for the navy's provision. Otherwise, Qin would be under too much pressure.

After making military arrangements, General Menghuan stored the food in Nanjun, intending to wait until the army attacked Huainan and then use it when Jiangdong.

Nanjun took in many refugees from Chu State, and this time they were also recruited as civilian husbands. Being a civilian husband can also get food, which is better than being a refugee.

At the same time, Meng Zhuan had also taken two hundred thousand Guanzhong disciples out of Hangu Pass and headed for Yingchuan County.

Yingchuan County was originally a place of the Wei State. After the Wei State was destroyed, the Qin State established Yingchuan County here.

Although the Wei people in Daliang were moved to various parts of the Qin State, the flood of fish in Daliang City caused a great psychological shadow to the Wei people.

When the Wei people saw Qin soldiers crossing the border, they fled one after another and occasionally cast hateful glances.

Meng Zhuang ordered: "When garrisoning, strengthen the security and do not slack off."


Meng Zhuan's heart tightened, Qin's expansion was too fast, and many places opened new battlefields before they had time to digest it.

After going south to attack Chu, he should write to the king to rest for two years before going to attack Zhao.


At this time, the Chu State was also preparing for war.

"The county wants to collect grain?" The village elder was stunned. The grain collector said with difficulty, "Yes. Each household in Luzuo has to pay two shi of grain! The price of a house in Luyou ranges from five to ten shi!"

When the village elder heard this, he immediately jumped up: "Five stones?! Sir, we have no food in the village! Where can we find food here!"

The women in the village fell to the ground and cried: "If we had food, why would so many people starve to death?"

"The feudal lord's granary is full of grain. Isn't that enough for the soldiers?"

"This is the king's world, the princes' world, what does it have to do with us? Whether it's the people of Chu or the people of Qin, we belong to whoever gives us a way to survive!"

"Be careful what you say!" The grain collection official looked livid and shouted angrily, "You don't want your life? Why do you dare to say anything?"

The grain collector tightened his belt, feeling bitter in his heart. The villagers were not the only ones who didn't have enough to eat. Isn't this the case for me?

But what can be done? This is an order from the King of Chu.

The feudal lords refused to provide food, and the army at the front line was in short supply. Why not just plunder the people?

"Really, why are Qin Bing's movements so slow? Why haven't they come over yet?" Some villagers whispered.

The grain requisition officer Quan pretended not to hear, and said comfortingly: "There are your fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons on the front line. They are either soldiers or transporting grain. You pay the grain in time to save their lives."

Qin's attack was so menacing that Chu almost brought one-tenth of its population to the front line.

If we only attack by land, Chu State does not need to recruit so many people, but there are still many fish floating in the sea!

The Chu State had no choice but to recruit 500,000 soldiers and set up defenses on both sides. These people, plus their livestock, eat nearly a million kilos of food every month!

Lord Chun Shen kept his mouth shut and sent thirteen letters to the feudal lords. However, the lords only wanted to keep their own fiefdoms. Once they were forced to do so, they would resolutely stand on their own feet.

What else could Lord Chun Shen do besides forcibly requisition food from the people?

"My old man has been starving to death a long time ago. If I don't have food, I will lose my life!" A lame man broke a jar and said.

"That's right, I think this great Chu country will be finished sooner or later!"

"What benefits does the king give you that are worthy of you working for him like this? You have also seen the current situation. Even if you kill us, you can't squeeze out a grain of food. If you fail to complete the task, you will still have to be punished."

Someone tried to persuade the grain collector: "Even if you spend all your money to make up for the hole here. What is the situation in Chu State now? Can you stop Lord Ding'an? I heard someone said that as soon as Lord Ding'an lands, the territory of Chu State will be flat. How do we fight this?"

"Jun Ding'an was famous for his cavalry in the beginning! Even Lord Xinling's army was killed by her three times in and three out! What do we think? Why should we lose our lives in vain?"

A man who looked like a scholar came close to the ear of the grain collector and whispered like a devil: "If I were you, I would hold him back. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Maybe Lord Ding'an will come tomorrow."

The arrogant young man echoed: "If you are ambitious, you can use your position to get information in advance. Good birds choose trees to roost, sir, you understand..."

The grain collection officer didn't say whether he understood or not. Anyway, he never came to collect grain again.

In mid-October, Xiang Yan, who was in the Huaibei camp, suddenly received the news that the Qin army had invaded, Fengfei had fallen, and Lu and Pengcheng were in danger. His expression changed.

"How could they be so fast? Is it Mengchen's main force attacking?"

Xiang Yan's subordinates were about to cry but had no tears, so they choked and said: "Report to the general, our officials have fled without fighting before the Qin army arrived! The Qin army also had rebellious grain collectors leading the way, and the common people along the way... welcome."

(End of this chapter)

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