System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 261 While talking and laughing, Korea is divided

This cotton wind blows from winter to spring, especially during the Winter Festival and Spring Festival, becoming the first choice for gift giving.

The common people couldn't afford cotton and Shu brocade, so they bought linen made by soldiers.

Shizutao was a natural businessman. He saw that the dark pattern of the sickle flag on Shu brocade was so effective, so he had an idea. He cut the defective linen cloth into small pieces one finger wide and two knuckles long, and printed the sickle flag pattern on it. , sewn on the upper right corner of the cloth.

"Sichuan brocade is the same type of linen, produced by the Bashu Textile Bureau. The quality is guaranteed! In order to repay the support and love of the Chu people, we have a special discount and promotion! You can't buy one for 600 yuan normally, but today you can take it away with only 500 yuan!" "

These words not only flattered the nobles of Chu State, but also lifted the sedan chairs of the common people high. They were very emotionally intelligent!

Then it also deepened the emphasis on the concept of Bashu Textile Bureau and enhanced the brand image.

The businessman was delighted and praised again and again: "Thank you for being born more than ten years later, otherwise what would have happened to me?"

Soldier Tao smiled and shook his head, thankful that he was born at just the right time. If he had been born more than ten years earlier, he would have been like his father, struggling all his life in the mountains without enough food to fill his stomach.

Even if I were lucky enough to meet Mr. Ding'an again, I would have been smoothed out by life at that time. How would I get the opportunity I have today?

Lord Ding'an is still young, and so is he. I can still serve under Lord Ding'an for decades. Isn't this beautiful?

Shizutao's strategy is effective. Branding linen with the Bashu Textile Bureau. Isn't this forcibly linked to cotton and Shu brocade to create the Hermès of linen?

Common people: "When buying linen, of course you have to choose the one from the Bashu Textile Bureau! That is the weaving workshop trusted by the king and the princes! What? Are linen and cotton different? Nonsense, the prices are also different."

Someone else showed up and said: "My eldest brother's youngest son has such tender skin! He is prone to rashes even if he is naked. Since I bought linen from the Bashu Textile Bureau, I no longer have rashes. Crying."

"That's not true. I heard that there is a hospital in Bashu that gathers doctors from all over the world. The things they produce must be excellent."

The nobles of Chu State were very happy to be flattered by the soldier Tao, and with a wave of their hands, they ordered linen clothes for their servants.

Soldier Tao looked envious and said: "My lord, you are so considerate of your servants. This money is just a small amount of money to you, but to the servants, it is a great kindness! Sir, do you want to order four-season clothes for them, or two?" Ji clothes?"

They are all praised so highly, and there are no less than one or two sets. Naturally, nobles choose clothing for all seasons.

Soldier Tao: "At first glance, my servants are different from other people's servants. They are clean, tidy and well-behaved. However, these linen clothes are easy to damage. Do you want to prepare two copies so that they can be changed at any time? This way, they will not fall when you take them out. share."

"Good!" I bought clothes for all seasons, but still need a change of clothes?

In this way, the linen in Bashu County swallowed up the linen market in Chu State with lightning speed.

Why do noble people pay attention to the little common people who live on linen?

These small handicraftsmen who were originally struggling to survive were directly bankrupted by this wave of dumping in Bashu.

Soldier Tao saw the right opportunity, recruited a large number of handicraftsmen who went out to find work, and then sent them back to Bashu Textile Bureau by boat.

After several trainings, these skilled craftsmen will continue to weave cloth for Bashu and then sell it to various vassal states.

On the Yangtze River, under the noses of Qin and Chu, merchant ships were like crucian carp crossing the river, docking day and night.

The river boats based in Bashu have fast sailing speed and large cargo capacity, and are very popular among merchants from all over the world.

Bashu County specially opened a river boat rental service for the routes between Qin and Chu.

If it is not a river boat from Bashu County, unless it comes to Bashu to do business, it will encounter difficulties from the Bashu Navy.

"It's so abominable! What's the difference between this and water bandits?" The Korean businessman was blocked on the river for five days!

The companions who were traveling with him complained: "At least the Qin people didn't kill you! I told you a long time ago that it's better to hire Bashu river boats! They can transport a lot of goods and travel smoothly along the way. Even the water bandits don't dare to harass you! But you can't bear it. That little rental fee." The Korean businessman retorted: "What does it have to do with the rental fee? You can safely put all your wealth on someone else's ship?"

"Don't worry. How big is the Bashu Chamber of Commerce? How much are we worth? The Bashu Chamber of Commerce is fine. Will Ding'an Lord be greedy for our mosquito leg meat?"

The Korean businessman said harshly: "What if they get hold of our cargo information..."

"Don't be stupid. How has South Korea been infiltrated by the Bashu Chamber of Commerce? Your purchase channels may be from the Bashu Chamber of Commerce."

The Korean businessman was speechless when he thought of the rumor.

Since the destruction of Wei, South Korea has been sandwiched between Qin and Chu, and its life has been very sad.

But South Korea can still show its military capabilities. The South Korean army is famous for its crossbows and swords.

It has been recorded in history books that Korean crossbows "cover the chest of a hole when it is far away, and the heart of a cave if it is close"; the sword "cuts off cattle and horses on land, and cuts off geese by water"; and "cuts through the iron curtain when facing the enemy."

Koreans are afraid that Qin will launch a war, but they are not that afraid...

In recent years, the Bashu Chamber of Commerce has had frequent exchanges with South Korea. Although it has brought abundant supplies to South Korea, it has more or less corrupted many Korean officials with sugar-coated bullets.

Many Korean businessmen vaguely heard rumors that Shouguanteng of Nanyang, South Korea, seemed to have defected to Qin under the influence of the Bashu Chamber of Commerce.

"Is this true?" Han Fei heard this from the merchant and immediately rushed to the governor's house to find a lot of fish.

Many fish put down their pens, looked at Han Fei intently, and asked: "So what if it's true, so what if it's fake?"

Han Fei was confused by the question, yes, so what?

"I thought you knew the outcome of South Korea." Duoyu said, "If South Korea has the power to fight, I will not force you to stay. But you have stayed in Bashu for so long, do you think Woolen cloth?"

A sense of astringency clogged Han Fei's chest.

Duoyu said coldly: "This is the last time I remind you that you are now an official of the Qin State, and the people who pay you are Qin people. Also, the story about Nanyang Guard Teng is true."

Once South Korea loses Anyang, the only thing that will greet South Korea is slowly waiting to die.

Han Fei's eyes were wet and he asked stubbornly: "Who attacked Han in the end? You, Lian Po, Meng Zhuan or General Wang Lu?"

"No, it's Shou Guanteng." Many fish said without raising their heads.

"After attacking South Korea, we will set up Yingchuan County in South Korea. If I were you, I would try my best to help Qin unify the six countries, and then strive to be the governor of Yingchuan County to protect the Koreans."

Han Fei silently bowed to the many fishes, and then returned to his residence in a state of confusion.

In fact, I had known this outcome for a long time, but when the day actually came, it was still emotionally difficult to accept it.

Well, at least South Korea wasn't the first to be wiped out. Han Fei thought happily.

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