Many fish wrote to Qin Wangzheng, stating the problem of labor shortage in Bashu County, and applied to trial the policy of establishing female households in Bashu County.

This application was quickly approved at the court.

The Xianyang court agreed that Bashu County was a private reserve for many fishes and allowed her to implement autonomy in Bashu County.

Not only that, Qin Wangzheng also sent 1 prisoners to Bashu to help alleviate the difficulties in Bashu.

Li Si once carefully tested: "Your Majesty, the policies implemented by Lord Ding'an in Bashu are quite unconventional, so you are not afraid..."

Qin Wangzheng's eyes seemed to have passed through the long river of time, and he was talking to the sixth generation of Qin: "I, the Qin Dynasty, have never been afraid of change. Lord Shang brought two reforms to the Qin Dynasty, the first time he brought the "Book of Laws" and the military title system. After a lapse of seven years, he opened the border, implemented the system of prefectures and counties, moved the capital to Xianyang, and established household registration."

"What do you think of the effect of Lord Shang's reforms?" King Qin asked Li Si.

"His domineering skills made the Qin Dynasty leap ahead of the six countries." Li Si understood. What Qin Wangzheng meant was that Qin Xiaogong dared to use the entire Qin Dynasty to reform Lord Shang. Naturally, he dared to use a Bashu County to reform many fishes. Pilot.

At least for now, the many fish in Bashu County bring far more advantages than disadvantages.

The 1 prisoners sent by Qin Wangzheng really solved the urgent needs of many fish!

"People, sir, we need people!" Han Fei said weakly.

It was too dangerous this time and it was almost impossible to collect all the food! What a sweet burden.

Many fish slumped on their seats and complained: "Do you think you are the rice in the field? You sow a handful in the spring and harvest a basketful in the fall?"

In order to grab the harvest this time, all Bashu County officials went to the fields carrying sickles.

Naturally, Han Fei also went to do farm work and deeply experienced the difficulties of being a farmer: "We can no longer reduce the population!"

"Let me think again." Many fish frowned.

Perhaps, we really need to consider the trade with Chu...

Many fish summoned members of the chamber of commerce who often traveled between Chu and Nandi.

"Hi, Tao, you often travel to Chu State, have you discovered anything?"

Because of his amazing business talent, Shizutao joined the Chamber of Commerce and worked with businessman Xi in the brown sugar business.

Shaping brown sugar into brick shapes was his suggestion.

After accumulating a lot of wealth through brown sugar, many fish happened to capture Chunan. He hit it off with the businessman and decided to cross the Yangtze River and do business with the Chu people!

Businessman Xi has always admired Lord Ding'an. If others in the chamber of commerce asked, he would hide something. Since Lord Ding'an asked him personally, he must have told everything.

The merchant rejoiced: "Chu people like the pearls and silk from the Baiyue Land very much, especially the nobles of Chu State."

Many Fish secretly remembered that Cai Ze went to Baiyue to trade and should be able to get back a large number of Dongzhu. Then we will see if they can be used.

Soldier Tao: "The villain discovered that because Lord Wu An conquered the ancestral land of Chu too quickly, the nobles left behind a large number of lowly craftsmen when they fled."

Many fish perked up, craftsman? !

During the Warring States Period, bronze ware and lacquer ware were a major source of national income, so the monarch usually gathered craftsmen near the capital.

Chu's handicraft industry was originally very developed and it was a major producer and exporter of lacquerware.

Many Fish: "Lacquerware from Chu State?"

Soldier Tao Zixin said: "It's far worse than before."

In order to increase credibility, Soldier Tao added: "Not as good as Bashu!"

The businessman glanced at the soldier Tao. How could he keep such important news secret?    Due to frequent wars and poor transportation, information between countries is very limited. Businessmen often make money from an information gap.

Many fish tapped the table and fell into deep thought.

The Chu State did not take away the craftsmen, which meant that their handicraft industry would regress, and the quality of life of the Chu State nobles who were originally accustomed to a luxurious life would be significantly worse than before.

If Bashu sells a large amount of goods, especially luxury goods, to the nobles of Chu at this time, is it possible that "Guan Zhong uses a deer to defeat Chu" will happen again?

If you want to "use a deer to defeat Chu", there are several key points: What to use as a deer? Who will host it? Does Qin have such huge financial resources to support a trade war?

Many fish think of the rapidly developing textile industry. In addition to inducing the Chu nobles to reduce grain planting, the trade war also had a common financial method in later generations, and that was currency war!

Two methods, which one is better?

Many fish frowned, and the space in the hall slowly froze.

Soldier Tao and merchant were so happy that they didn't dare to take a breath for fear of disturbing Lord Ding'an.

Many fish stood up and paced back and forth: "Tell me more about the situation in Chu. Tell me everything you know."

The merchant Xi and the soldier Tao looked at each other and spoke first: "Chu merchants under the lord of Chu State prefer to use gold coins to settle goods."

Many fish asked: "Are the gold coins exquisite?"

The businessman happily recalled the gold coins of the Chu Kingdom that he had come into contact with: "They are more exquisite than those in the capital."

Many fish wrote down one on the paper with a pen. The life of the king of Chu State was easier than that of the king.

This is really interesting. The king of Chu's control is so low?

In the Chu State, Qu, Zhao, and Jing were the descendants of the Qin royal family and the three largest feudal lords. They were the largest supporting forces for the King of Chu.

But in the battle at Yingdu, Qu, Zhao, and Jing suffered heavy losses, and the power of the King of Chu in the Chu Kingdom faded.

In addition, the King of Chu has no children...

Soldier Tao hesitated for a moment, then said: "Jun Chun Shen presented a daughter to the King of Chu. It is said that she is several months pregnant."

Soldier Tao scratched his head and seemed to find it difficult to say what he said next: "I know a palace guard. When he was drunk, he once mentioned that this woman had a relationship with Chun Shenjun."

The businessman happily lowered his head deeply. Such scandals are very common, but the problem is that in Chu State, Zhao State and Yan State, there are rumors that Qin Wangzheng is not the biological son of Prince Chu of Qin, but the son of Lu Buwei...

How similar?

Naturally, no one would mention the rumors about Qin Wangzheng in front of many fish.

Therefore, many fish did not realize that there was something wrong with the merchant's happiness, but focused their energy on the Chu Kingdom.

The incident between Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan is not only recorded in history, but also has its own handwriting in this life.

Therefore, the outcome of Chun Shenjun and Chu King is doomed. The uncertain factors are how much strength the three Qu Zhaojing families have left, and the attitudes of other feudal lords.

Many fish draw mind maps on paper, trying to organize their thoughts.

For Chu State, there are currently four ways.

One is to imitate "Guan Zhong used deer to defeat Chu", but use cotton seeds. At present, Bashu does not have a leading advantage in cotton. Is it possible to wait another year or two? Or use Shu Brocade?

Article 2: Currency war is very difficult to implement in practice and remains to be determined.

Article 3: Conquer by force, attack by land and sea.

Article 4...Many fish mark here with a big circle drawn with a pen.

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