Chapter 221 What? ! Boat cruise?
  "The agricultural officer brought us magical seeds, which are said to be able to cut two crops a year, as well as waterwheels, stone mills, step awls and other magical tools..." The woman was grateful with awe, as if she couldn't believe that there was such a thing in the world. Good ruler.

If I had known that the people of Qin were so good, I should have taken refuge there earlier, the woman regretted.

Many fish understood that this was the newly sent officials borrowing the ideological education system in the military to give ideological lessons to the locals.

In the face of real benefits, the effect of ideological courses is outstanding.

Many fish couldn't laugh or cry. After saying goodbye to the woman, the group of people returned to the port office.

People in the entrepreneurial stage are not qualified to take a break. Many Fish can spend two days with Cai Ze, which is time squeezed out of staying up late at work.

Now the construction and defense of the port city has come to an end, and all the reinforcements have been put in place. All that is left is to run in. After they get used to each other, Duoyu can leave this stall to Hu Feizi, and then return to Fucheng to take charge of the overall situation, liberate Li Bing, and let him continue to build Dujiangyan.

Many fish put down their bamboo slips and rubbed their eyes.

"The king's troops were divided into two groups. One group sent Lu Buwei to attack the Eastern Zhou Kingdom, and the other group sent Meng Zhuan to lead an army to attack the Wei Kingdom and occupy Gaodu and Jicheng." Cai Ze was shocked by the speed of the Qin army's victory. Perhaps Meng Zhuan was attacked by many fish. Exciting, this is so powerful.

Many fish took a deep breath and history changed forever! Meng Zhuang led his troops to attack Korea, which should have happened during the period of Qin Shihuang!
  Moreover, the operation of dividing the troops into two groups and attacking two countries at the same time is really risky! Even if King Qin agrees, the court ministers should not be so rash.

Cai Ze seemed to notice that there were many complaints on the forehead, and explained: "The ministers in the imperial court were very encouraged when they heard about your achievements! Lord Wu'an's old troops think that you are the second in line to Lord Wu'an!"

Many fish…

In one sentence, the Qin Dynasty was in chaos. King Qin thought that a girl could conquer Chu Nan, but how could a group of seven-foot men conquer a small South Korea?

The military generals lacked powerful talkers in the court and urgently needed one. Wang Hao has qualifications, but he is not popular with the king and he is too old. Meng Huan has been on the side of the king since the period of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, and he is not considered one of his own.

Now a lot of fish is born out of thin air. Her abilities and achievements are beyond words. What’s even better is that she is the disciple of Marquis Wu’an and is naturally one of our own!
  Many Fish: "What's Uncle Wang's attitude?"

The power left by Marquis Wu'an is very coveted. General Wang Lu was afraid of many fishes because of this.

After Cai Ze was silent for a moment, he said, "Your Majesty, General Wang Lu is full of praise for you."

This means that no matter what many fish think, the general group is actively sticking to many fish.

Many fish get headaches just thinking about it: "There should be no problem in the Eastern Zhou Kingdom, but there is still a Wei Wuji in the Wei Kingdom!"

The current political situation in Qin is similar to a pot of chaos.

Zi Chu wanted to divide his ministers into kings and kings. The ministers were divided into civil and military factions, and they were also divided into the Jiao faction, the neutral faction and the Gongzizheng faction. The situation of the generals group was slightly better, and they collectively selected many fish. Meng Zhuan's position was rather awkward, as he belonged to the King of Qin, but the King of Qin did not trust him as much as the previous king.

In the eyes of the King of Qin, I am afraid that only Lu Buwei is truly one of his own, so he wants to use the battle to attack the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to establish Lu Buwei's authority.

Cai Ze just came out of the whirlpool and felt even deeper: "As long as the six countries do not unite, General Yi Meng's ability will not be inferior to that of Lord Xinling."

Because of the intervention of many fish, Lord Xinling's performance was not as dazzling as in history, causing many people to underestimate his talent.

"Besides, if Wei Wuji accepted the largest city in Zhao as Tang Muyi, how could he return to Wei again?" Cai Ze put himself in Wei Wuji's shoes and thought, if he were Wei Wuji, there would be no way he would go back.

Many Fish sighed softly: "Mr.

Many fish remembered the contents of the secret letter: The King of Wei sent people to the Kingdom of Zhao to invite Wei Wuji, Lord Xinling. Cai Ze said indifferently: "Even if we fail to attack Wei, it's nothing."

In Cai Ze's opinion, it is a wise decision for a woman to choose to live with her husband. The geographical location of Bashu is too advantageous. After many years of hard work by Nu Jun, as long as the door is locked, it can be completely self-sufficient and no one can do anything to Bashu.

It would be the best outcome if Young Master Zheng can ascend the throne. If not, it is also a good option to defend Bashu together. Especially now that there are sea ships going south to Baiyue. I heard Nujun mention it, and further south, there is Nanyang.

Nanyang is a good place where crops can be harvested three times a year, and the land is fertile.

There are so many good places, why focus on the Central Plains?

How could many fish not know what Cai Ze was thinking? However, I am a person from later times! China should be unified! No separation is allowed! Even if we give up Nanyang, we must ensure unification!
  Many Fish, who were still hesitating at first, made a decision and called Wang Jian over: "How is the training of the navy?"

Wang Jian's skin became rough and dark due to the wind and sun on the ship.

It's just that Wang Jian was completely focused on the navy and didn't care about it at all: "All the warships took a turn at sea. Eighty percent of the soldiers have adapted to the rhythm of sea combat, but they still cannot meet the requirements of the adults."

Wang Jian lowered his head in shame. The master asked for money and people, but it turned out that the navy he trained was far from what the master described...

The goals that many fish set for Wang Jian were similar to those of the Ming Dynasty. They were inherently demanding and could not be achieved overnight.

Moreover, after Chu State captured Yue State, its navy was basically abandoned, and it was not easy to pick it up again.

Wang Jian's navy is now on the coastline and can almost walk sideways. The greatest danger may come from waves and reefs.

Many fish have taken out the Navy's schedule. Due to the material and manufacturing level, the speed of launching new ships has slowed down, but it is enough.

"Wang Jian, I have a task for you. Once the Wei State asks for help from the other countries, you will take the sea ship and circle along the coastline."

Wang Jian's eyes lit up: "Are we going to attack from the sea?"

Many fish corrected: “No, it’s a deterrent!”

Although Wang Jian regrets it, he can also understand that there are not enough sailors! Even if they mobilized troops from Da Qin, few of them have ever been to the sea. If they really had to be transported by sea ship, they would faint as soon as they reached the shore!

It’s just a pity that this advantage is lost!
  "What is the goal we want to achieve?" Wang Jian asked.

Many Fish: "Create a threat, drag down the troops of Chu, Zhao and Qi, and prevent them from uniting against Qin!"

To put it bluntly, the current coastline seems to be undefended, and Wang Jian can sail across it in a swaggering ship.

They also don't know how many Qin soldiers are on the ship and whether they will land on the beach...

Cai Ze sighed, the female monarch must crush the seven countries into a ball.

 Thanks to Lulu, caught., Lyra Wantang, Xiaoyao_Ce for their recommendation votes

(End of this chapter)

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