Chapter 207
As long as this seventh city is captured, a big river will lead directly to Eyi!
Wang Jian gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry!"

The lieutenant hesitated to speak. E-yi was once the capital of the Chu state in the Spring and Autumn Period. It was of great political significance. Capturing it would be a greater achievement than capturing the previous six cities.

In addition to its political status, Eyi has great geographical and strategic advantages, making it a battleground for military strategists.

Once E-yi is captured, it is equivalent to occupying an important intersection, that is, the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Han River, the two waterways used by Qin to attack Chu.

The Qin State could directly receive the supply of grain and grass from the two most important grain-producing areas of Guanzhong and Shujun in Eyi, and station troops in Eyi to store grain.

The Chu State opened its doors wide. Even though it still owned a large area of ​​land, it had no natural dangers to defend and no big rivers to rely on.

Hubei is an important frontier for the Qin State, just like Shangdang is for the Zhao State.

"General, the Chu State has built forts on both sides of Hubei. We will be discovered by them before we get close." The deputy general tried to dissuade Wang Jian from taking risks.

"Yes, general. According to the report from the spies, the main gate of E-yi is built near the water. The land in front of the city gate is narrow and it is not suitable for us to land." The young general advised.

"We have less than five thousand troops. Once we land, we will be heavily surrounded."

"If we stay on the warship, our supplies will not be enough. As long as the Chu army surrounds us, we will not be able to hold on."

"Let alone taking E-yi, we may not be able to take the two small cities in front of us."

"If we take away most of Bashu's will we explain to the Lord Commander?"

Who doesn’t want military exploits?But living military exploits are more valuable than dead military exploits.

Wang Jian smiled evilly and said, "Who told you that I would land in Eyi?"

The deputy general was stunned: "But you..."

Wang Jian patted the ship's railing, bang bang, the ship's railing did not move at all and was extremely strong. It could be seen that Bai Gong had tried his best.

Wang Jian: "There is a water gate on one side of the city in Hubei. We can drive directly along the river to the city wall. Now the river has surged, and our warships are tall enough. The soldiers can use the warships as siege ladders!"

The deputy general was so inspired that he felt itchy in his heart. If he really captured E-yi, the commander-in-chief would definitely not treat him and others badly.


Wang Jian glanced at the crowd and could see the concerns in their hearts: "We have sails. If the situation goes wrong, we can raise the sails and the Chu army will definitely not be able to catch up with us!"

The lieutenant general looked at each other and then replied in embarrassment: "The military orders we received do not include this item... In case of a full-scale war between the two countries..."

Wang Jian said confidently: "You traveled south and north with the county lieutenant, fought against Zhao, crossed the Fen River, and built a defense line across Hexi. You should understand the county lieutenant's temperament. Do you think that if the county lieutenant learns of the current situation, she will What choice will you make?”

"One word, just do it!" The deputy general thought of the county lieutenant, and his anxious heart instantly calmed down.

After reaching a consensus, Wang Jian began to storm the seventh city.

From early morning to dusk, the Qin army did not even get off the ship. They used the crossbows and trebuchets on board to break through the city wall.

Perhaps few people had ever invaded the interior of Chu, and the small city was unable to organize an effective defense. After seeing the city wall broken, they dispersed and fled into the mountains and forests.

"Send troops in batches to the city to replenish supplies and rest." Wang Jian ordered.

Lieutenant General: "Is it too dangerous? The Chu people are still hiding in the mountains and forests. If there is a sneak attack, we will not have time to react."

Wang Jian: "Nothing. Even if they have a city wall, they are just a bunch of rabble. The Chu people fight among small villages, only to grab the territory, not to kill the prisoners. Therefore, they will only run away and come back after we leave."

That night was indeed as peaceful as Wang Jian had guessed.

After a night, the Qin navy, which had rested and received supplies, sailed down the river in a mighty manner amidst the long steam of the river.

It wasn't until they were very close to the fort that the sentry in the fort saw the figure of the warship in the morning fog.The warship, which was as huge as a behemoth, broke through the confusion and sailed towards Eyi with an indomitable attitude. "The enemy is attacking! The Qin army is attacking!" Even if the sentry shouted his throat, he could not compare with the speed of the Qin army's warship!

Before they could prepare their flattery, the Qin army had already arrived at the city.

Wang Jian laughed and ordered: "Raise our flag!"

Two large flags, one on the left and one on the right, were hung high on the top of the giant ship.On one side is a black black bird, which is the symbol of Qin.On one side is a bright red flag, with a golden sickle shape shining brightly in the sunlight.

The guards on the E-city wall were so sleepy that they stared at these strange and huge warships after being struck by a flash of golden light.

"It's the Lieutenant of Bashu County! The Lieutenant of Bashu County has sent troops to fight!" The guards rushed around shouting.

He is so familiar with this red flag!The border residents of Chu State would always describe to them the scene on the other side of the lake.

There are waves of wheat all over the mountains and plains, black smoke like a monster casting a spell, sparkling salt grains, and impressive red flags!

The nobles of Chu thought it was a barbaric symbol of disrespect, and the wizards said the flag was so bright because it was stained with the blood of people from other countries.

The border residents believed that this was the witchcraft of Bashu County Lieutenant!If it weren't for witchcraft, how could the people of Qin love the county captain so much?If it weren't for witchcraft, how could Bashu become richer and richer day by day, just like picking up a cornucopia?

In short, the fact that the flag of the Bashu commandery is a red flag is widely known in the southern region of Chu.

The guard didn't know if he was scared or excited at the moment, he finally saw the legendary red flag!

"The captain of Bashu County is calling!"

"Bashu County Lieutenant is here!"

By the time the city guard general ran to the city wall, the city wall was already filled with soldiers watching the excitement.

"Where is it? Where is the Lieutenant of Bashu County? Is he on the biggest ship?"

"I guess so. Although this ship looks weird, it looks really grand."

"Is she casting a spell? I wonder who is more powerful, her or the wizard?"

"No need to ask? He must be a wizard!"

The general was so angry at this group of leisurely soldiers that he shouted angrily: "Get out of your place! Hurry up and close the city gate!"

The soldiers covered their faces and ran away in a hurry.

However, Wang Jian did not land on the beach and seize the closing city gate as the city gate general imagined.

He took the time to stop the ship and adjust its direction.

The defensive strategy of the city defender was quite satisfactory.The city walls of Hubei are very thick, so we don't have to worry about the lack of accuracy, so we rely on the luck of the trebuchet.

So after he ordered people to close the gate, he prepared hot oil and stones on the city wall to deal with the Qin soldiers climbing the wall.

Unexpectedly, Qin Bing did not get off the ship at all.

Because the warship was very close to the city wall of E, ordinary bows and arrows would not have enough range.

But Wang Jian has a Liannu improved by Mohist!
Wang Jian asked the archers to shoot arrows at the Chu soldiers on the city wall, and at the same time ordered the trebuchet to hit the top of the city wall!

 Thanks to zt novel fans for the recommendation vote


(End of this chapter)

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