Wu Shiruo thought to himself, if the Qin officials and guardsmen had not been moved by money and had not softened their hearts for a moment, both of his brothers would have died long ago. How could today's children walk in the market holding gold bricks?

It can be seen that if you want to live freely as a human being and not be regarded as an ant, you still need to have power.

Along the way, Wu Shiluo's mentality and thoughts have changed greatly. If he was just trying to survive before, now he wants to make a better life for himself and his family, and to become a master.

Since one's family background is not good, then one should find a way to buy one's status with money. Isn't that what Lu Buwei of Qin did?He invested in the young master Zi Chu, and now the young master Chu is the prince. Thinking with his toes, he also knows that Lu Buwei will get a satisfactory return.

I can't reach the nobles of Xianyang, so why not take the opportunity to invest in this female county lieutenant?No, judging from this noble man's tough behavior, he had no choice but to surrender.

But the fastest way to make money is written in the Qin Code, and business without capital is the most profitable.

However, after testing the situation with the shepherd boy, I discovered that the officials and social security in the Bashu region were far better than those on the border.The initial plan had to be abandoned.

In addition, if you want to make a lot of money, you can rely on the mining, salt industry, and breeding industries.Wu Shiluo compared his own advantages in his mind and decided to pursue farming.

First, get the temporary residence certificate "check and pass" through the county lieutenant. It is best to get the first funds from her to buy cattle and sheep, raise them for two years and then sell them, and then use the money from the sales to buy silk and silk from the Central Plains. Take them outside the Great Wall and give them to the Rong kings and rulers in exchange for more livestock.

In this way, one becomes two, two becomes four, and four becomes eight. In addition, the profit from the silk horse exchange is very huge. In the future, I will have a herd of cattle and horses, and I will earn more gold and silver than the grass on the pasture...

Wu Shiluo's eyes flickered, and his heart was filled with passion for the wonderful future.

"Okay, I will listen to brother." Wu Shiluo's younger brother only obeyed his brother's orders. It was his brother who saved his life and led him to escape the fate of being a slave.

Wu Shiluo touched his brother's head happily. Although he was not very smart, he was obedient and loyal enough.

"Luo, are you at home?"

Familiar children's voices sounded outside the shack.

Wu Shiluo raised a friendly smile and hurriedly got up and opened the wooden door: "At home, why are you here?"

A group of shepherd boys with bruised and swollen faces squeezed in with bared teeth and said, "Luo, you are so generous today! From now on, you will be my brothers!"

"That's right! I didn't expect you to stand up on your own!"

"This is two cents, you take it first. Two thousand cents is a lot, but we will make more money, and we will pay it back together!"

Wu Shiluo held the two cents that were warm and wet with sweat in his hand, feeling as if a condiment bottle had been knocked over, with mixed emotions.

When I first raised the issue of cattle theft, my motives were not simple.

First, I want to take the opportunity to make some money. After all, I can't just sit back and have nothing.The second is to conquer this group of shepherd boys. In Bashu, far to the north, there are only two brothers, so they are still weak.The third is to test the officials of Bashu and the county lieutenant.

Wushi Luo looked at the shepherd boys intently. They looked at Wushi Luo with gratitude and looked at their own people.

Wu Shiluo forced out a smile. The two cents in the palm of his hand made his heart ache. When he took away a group of cattle and sheep from the tribe leader's family, he only felt the pleasure of revenge, but the two cents were like a huge stone, pressing heavily on his head. In my own mind.

He couldn't explain what it felt like or why he felt this way, but he didn't dare to look directly at these shepherd boys.These shepherd boys were not of high origin and did not have many prospects. Wu Shiluo originally planned to include them in his future caravan. After all, how could Liangjiazi deign to be driven by him, a military merchant, to transport goods thousands of miles away?

In the Qin State, Liangjiazi refers to the military aristocrats of Guanxi, because they require that they have no record of breaking laws or discipline and no history of family crime for three generations.In addition, there are also requirements for net worth, including slaves, cattle and horses, houses and fields, etc., which must be worth more than [-] yuan.

Wang Jian is a son of a good family, and the guards and honor guards guarding King Qin in Xianyang are also sons of a good family. This identity is a gap that no one, no matter how talented or brilliant, can cross, because it requires the efforts of several generations.

Wu Shiluo chuckled. He and Xu Junwei had many similarities. He preferred young people with low background and no one to rely on. Xu Junwei preferred doctors, witches, merchants and workers. These were all valued by the people of Qin. The work is of the lowest quality.

After comforting the shepherd boys and seeing them off, Wu Shiluo stayed up all night.In his mind, he could see the poor days of being on the grassland with no guarantee of survival and being whipped. He could see the trusting and grateful eyes of the shepherd boys, and he could see the sharp eyes of Lieutenant Xu as if he had an insight into everything.

Early the next morning, Wu Shiluobian took his younger brother and all his wealth to visit many fishes.

When they first arrived at the Sheriff's Mansion, many fish, wearing crimson official uniforms and green ribbons with silver seals, were riding white horses and stopped at the door.

Hot steam was rising from her head, her cheeks were flushed from exercise, and her clear eyes were full of majesty.

She was obviously a girl with delicate features and outstanding appearance, but when everyone saw her for the first time, they were attracted by her superior aura and did not dare to look more.

Her momentum does not come from her birth, but from the fierce battle on the battlefield, from the unconditional support of the people of Bashu.

"Wu Shiluo, Wu Shihong pays homage to Lord Junwei!" Wushi Luo saluted solemnly.

Duoyu was not surprised at all by Wu Shiluo's arrival. After bringing the two of them into the governor's house, he went to wash up first.

Wu Shiluo waited honestly in the hall, and after many fishes came back, he told his plans and thoughts frankly.

Many fish were noncommittal about this. Wu Shiluo Xu was moved by the sincere feelings of the shepherd boys, but this touch was temporary and was not enough to change his mind.

What really made him determined was that he saw the current situation clearly and that only by relying on himself could he get what he wanted.

Wu Shiluo knelt down and kowtowed: "I am willing to serve as an ox and a horse for you, and I will let you drive me."

Many fish asked calmly: "What do you want?"

Wu Shiluo clenched his hands, his heart skipped a beat, and replied: "I want to have the identity of Da Qin! I want to go back to the North and start a silk horse business!"

"Is this enough?"

Wu Shiluo's nervous heart suddenly stopped. What did the Lord Commander mean by these words?
Many fish are too lazy to beat around the bush: "The Xiongnu are ambitious and harass the borders of the Central Plains. When I, the Qin Dynasty, are free to take action, it will be the time to fight against the border. However, I heard that Hu'er can ride a horse at the age of ten. If I, the son of the Qin State, were not limited by military horses, how could I Would it be worse?"

"I can give you an identity, capital, and even a guard. But I want you to go to the North and become a big businessman, selling luxury goods to tribal nobles and corrupting their minds! At the same time, I want you Transport the war horses back to Qin."


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