System: I let you have children, not fight for hegemony

Chapter 192 Who is saying bad things about me?

Zhang Qing and Zhang Jing's words caused an uproar among the women in Fucheng.

There may be some who disagree and feel that the two sisters are ignorant, but more importantly, their confidence is touching.

Mao Xue applauded and praised, and taught the girls in the textile workshop: "Love is only a very small part of life. Others treat you like a piece of shit, so why should you despise yourself because of it? Just pull it back with your backhand! Only someone like Jing Niang can be considered worthy. Nice girl from my weaving workshop!”

Mrs. Liu taught Liu Jiyi at home: "Your future wife must be as tough as a rock like Mrs. Qing and Jingniang. Only then can they be your backing and support a family! You must treat them well." His wife and children.”

Liu Ji was so depressed after being trained that he came to many fish to complain: "Why should a man worry about not having a wife? If one fish doesn't work, just change it to another one."

Many fish... knew that you would abandon your wife and children in order to escape for your life, but they didn't expect that you would think so.

Well, people have thousands of faces, and they all have their own fate and choices.

Time passed, and in the busy life, the New Year of the Ba people soon came. As important partners, many fish naturally had to attend.

This year's New Year celebration was more lively than in previous years. In the past, due to lack of supplies and everyone being poor, only the clan leader and the Bimo family had livestock.

This year, every household is scrambling to contribute money and effort. This year's feast is eaten from the beginning to the end of the year.

"Amei, thanks to you, our life in the west of Jianxi will be so easy!" Baya took out five jars of monkey wine in one breath, hoping to stay drunk with many fishes.

Yaduo put her son into Baya's arms: "Abba, you still have to take care of your grandson!"

Yaduo's son grinned and chattered, and seemed to be greedy.

Baya looked at his good grandson and hurriedly fed him meat porridge, as if he had a grandson and everything was enough.

Yaduo poured two bowls of monkey wine, one bowl for many fishes, and then drank his own bowl.

She looked at Meng Huo who was swimming in the compliments of his tribe, and her eyes couldn't help but turn red: "Auntie, I know he did something wrong."

Many fish looked at her intently. This girl has grown from a bouncing, innocent girl to a mother and the future leader of the village. How will she choose?Will she plead for Meng Huo?
Many fish would be understandable if they really begged for mercy.Because Meng Huo was her husband, the father of her son, and the most beautiful love in her entire youth.

Yaduo's tearful eyes and resolute look merged with that of the girl who boldly proposed to Meng Huo: "Auntie, don't worry about us, just do whatever you want. This is the price that people who have done wrong must pay!"

Many fish did not drink the bowl of wine, wanting to give Yaduo a chance to repent.

"Auntie, do it!" Yaduo finished another bowl with tears in her eyes.

Many fish sighed in their hearts, and then drank the bowl of wine.

"You are a qualified village leader in the west of Jian." Many fish touched Ya Duo's head and said softly.

Everyone agrees that Yaduo is the future leader of the village, but since many fish haven't spoken out clearly for a day, her position as the leader of the village is not stable.

Today, many of the fish finally relented.

Many fish were taken away by people from other tribes to celebrate, and Yaduo stared at the jumping sparks in a daze.

Baya on the side looked at her distressedly and advised: "You are the leader of the village. Without Meng Huo, there are others. What do you think of that bastard of the great witch? You two have been childhood sweethearts, but he has not married yet. .”

Yaduo said helplessly to Baya: "Abba, you look at men the same way as I do. Why didn't I learn from my grandma how to find men?"

Baya was so happy with the praise: "How many men like Abba are there in this world? If you can change a few more, if they can make you happy, then stay longer and try more, and you will always meet someone you are satisfied with." .”

Yaduo pouted: "Men will only affect the speed at which I make money!"

The many fishes that came to the center of the venue were surrounded by a group of Ba people. They sang and danced around the many fishes and sent their most sincere blessings. "Goddess, the gift you brought us this year is really great!" Zhuo Mulie said with a happy smile.

Many fish smiled and said: "I told you to cherish your slaves and use less blood sacrifices before, but you didn't listen no matter how hard I tried. Why are you not willing to use blood sacrifices now?"

Zhuo Mulie rubbed the back of his head: "In addition to doing chores, slaves in the past could only eat and drink. A slave cannot be as expensive as a sheep."

"Now slaves can help us transport goods, take care of our fields, free our hands, and there is no shortage of food for them in the village. Their value is far more than that of a pig or a sheep!"

The Ba people around him chirped: "There is no need for blood sacrifice, but I am a little worried about the anger of the gods."

"However, with the pottery figurines enlightened by the goddess, I think the gods will be satisfied."

"The people of Qin are so skillful. This pottery figurine looks exactly like a real person! One nose, two eyes."

"I heard that it was specially customized by Nujun and the Song family pottery, and it was made by Master Tao Shi, the master of the Song family!"

"When I die, I will also ask my son to bury several pottery figurines with me."

"You died and your ashes were scattered all over the earth with the breeze. Where can I send you pottery figurines?"

"Then make a pottery figurine of me and put it at home, so that I can watch my sons and grandsons make their lives better and better!"

It took five years, but the blood sacrifice was finally abolished.

Many fish looked at their hands in the bright moonlight.

These hands were stained with blood, and they also brought blessings and changed the fate of many people.Whether it is right or wrong, people are in the game and cannot see clearly.

The merits and demerits can only be judged by future generations.

The laughter and laughter of the Ba people woke up the sleeping and quiet mountains, and the celebration fires were like winding fire dragons, lighting up the gathering places of the Ba people in various places in the mountains.

They gave thanks devoutly and prayed for no disease or disaster next year and a good harvest.

They prayed that the goddess would never be affected by disasters and diseases and live as long as heaven.

The slaves were no longer chaotic like pigs and sheep. They knelt down humbly at the place furthest away from the many fishes and sent unspeakable blessings to the goddess.

Duoyu spent a few days relaxing and happy in the mountains. When she returned to the county magistrate's house, she was greeted by a mountain of official business and an urgent letter from Xianyang.

Hu Feizi: "The Prime Minister has written that we will attack Yangcheng in South Korea next year, and the default candidate is Zhao Xi."

Many fish frowned. They planned to submit a letter to recommend themselves for next year's expedition. With the help of Qin Prime Minister Cai Ze, they should be inseparable.Why was Zhao Xi picking peaches?

Zhao Xi was a member of the Qin clan. I had never heard of him having any great achievements before. Why would the King of Qin appoint him as a general?

Is it true that history cannot be modified?Historically, Zhao captured Yangcheng in South Korea and beheaded 4 people. He captured more than 9 counties in Zhao and killed and captured [-] people.

And I originally planned to achieve these military exploits and use them to be promoted to Zuo Shuchang!

"Who spoke ill of me in front of King Qin?" Many fish firmly believed that there must be a villain!

Thank you zt novel fan, Lulu for your recommendation vote

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