Half a month later, there was a wasteland lawn not far from the military camp, with a square piece of grass in the middle. Surrounded by a huge crowd of Qin soldiers, they roared with wonder or regret from time to time.

There is a short earthwork in the due east direction, and above the earthwork is a row of wooden chairs.

On Hu's chair were many fish, including Hu Feizi, Han Fei, Wang Jian and others, as well as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce.They were watching the fierce confrontation on this piece of grass that was divided into rectangles.

"The first Cuju competition has begun! The winning team will be given ten days of rest, ten cattle and sheep, ten cans of well salt, and one can of sugarcane syrup!" Wang Jian stood on the high platform and said energetically.

As the military judge who was guest referee sounded a copper whistle, Bedbug was dressed in black, with his chest, abdomen and limbs protected by leather armor.

I saw him taking a deep breath, taking a few steps back to run, then suddenly took off with a kick, and kicked the ball ten meters away.

The ball passed over the Qin soldiers in red and flew directly to the feet of four Qin soldiers in black.

One of the Qin soldiers in black jumped up suddenly and held the ball in his arms!
However, before he could start running wildly with the ball in his arms, he was stopped by the Qin soldiers in red in front.The red-clothed Qin soldier pulled and pulled, trying to snatch the ball from his arms.

While the two sides were fighting, Bugs came straight through from behind, and the two made a wonderful pass!

Like a wild bull with scarlet eyes, the bug knocked the red-clothed Qin soldiers to pieces, then threw the ball hard into the fishing net!
A brass whistle sounded again, and the onlookers Qin soldiers let out deafening cheers. Bugs slid to his knees on the grass, clenched his fists and roared to the sky!

"Well done!" Wang Jian laughed loudly. This is what a man should do!
Hu Feizi was eager to try it, but he couldn't let go: "Nvjun, this Cuju is really interesting. You can make a leather ball by wrapping pig urine bubbles in cowhide. It's really ingenious."

The people from the Chamber of Commerce asked about the sound of the string and understood its elegant meaning: "Ms. Jun, I think this Cuju is not that rare. Why don't you let the Chamber of Commerce make it in large quantities to increase the entertainment for the people of Bashu and encourage them to return to their hearts?"

Hu Feizi didn't react on his face, but he agreed in his heart. As long as everyone starts playing, it's normal to join in the fun by yourself.
Many Fishes: "Goodness."

Many fish have toothache. Originally, everyone was taught to kick the ball with their feet. Except for the goalkeeper, others were not allowed to touch it with their hands.

As a result, once on the court, there were physical collisions, you pushed me, tripped, ran rampant, and pulled the crotch... As long as there is no blood, it is not a violation!
So a good Cuju game becomes one with ten players on each side. They can use their hands and feet. As long as they can throw the ball into the opponent's goal, they will get one point.Whoever scores five points first or beats the opponent by three points wins.

Bedbug Xu gained an unprecedented sense of accomplishment and confidence in this game. His next moves became even faster, and he actually hit the fishing net with the ball and all the defenders.

"Ahhh!" Bedbug raised his hands and ran around the arena. The Qin soldiers around him gave him warm applause without hesitation!
The poor goalkeeper lay in the fishing net and couldn't get up for a long time.

Among the lively crowd, there are some people with ulterior motives who are like rats who dare not meet people.

They were excited by this competition, but when they saw the many fish sitting firmly on the high platform, cold sweat broke out on their backs.

In their eyes, this is not a game, but a battle!
A group of Qin soldiers looked like they were going into battle, wearing leather armor, or forming a line of five or five to defend their opponents, or holding the ball and running like crazy.

Another group of Qin army men, under the command of their respective commanders, blocked and pushed each other, looking for opportunities to break through!

They collided and fought hand to hand, or like a leopard catching a sheep, they knocked the opponent to the ground and pinned him down!

Fight, defend, cooperate, fight in the east and attack in the west...

This trains more than just the individual combat capabilities of individual soldiers?It is a great test of the overall situation, each soldier's strategic awareness and ability to adapt to changes!
If we face such a group of Qin soldiers in the future... one of them, an old man with white hair and beard, his eyes full of fear: "They are actually so full of martial virtue!"

"Yes, these many fish are really cunning! Cuju competitions are often held in the army. One is to occupy the soldiers' free time and prevent them from causing trouble. The other is to strengthen their cohesion. This competition cannot be won by just one person. !”

"Moreover, look at the crowd watching the game! Their hearts are surging and their fighting spirit is high!"

"As expected of Wu'an Hou Bai Qi's close disciple, he is very skilled in military training!"

"She is only in her teens, and she has made such rapid progress in the military. She is a natural talent! If she is given time to develop, she will become a serious problem!"

"Send the message to your lord quickly, and you must treat it with caution!"


If they can see it, the people on the high platform can naturally see it too!
"Although the game is simple, it's just passing, running, blocking, kicking and shooting, but the two sides are involved in defense, assault, and siege. It's like being on a battlefield, fighting with iron and steel!" Wang Jian clicked his tongue in surprise and was filled with admiration.

Hu Feizi's eyes sparkled: "That's true. In this game, you can see the strength of the army, the actual situation, the military shape, and the nine changes. Over time, the quality of the soldiers will be greatly improved!"

Thinking of this, Hu Feizi kowtowed to many fishes and said, "Please promote this game to the whole group! There will be comparisons between Ba people and Qin people, between villages and villages, and between women and women!"

Hu Feizi became more and more excited as he spoke: "If things continue like this, all the people in Bashu County will be soldiers! Men can go to the battlefield after putting down their hoes! Women can resist knives after putting away their looms! If a strong enemy attacks, they will be trapped in the mud!"

Many fish admired in their hearts that talents are talents. The only difference between them and the elites of later generations is their knowledge and cultural treasures!
Didn’t Hu Feizi think about people’s war and guerrilla warfare?
These two have proven their effectiveness in the battlefields of later generations, and many fish will not refuse!
"Shan! I leave this matter to you!" said many fishes.

After Hu Feizi got better, he couldn't take any time off.Just let him take charge of this matter, relax and be happy!

The game lasted from sunrise to sunset, and the Qin soldiers shouted until their throats were hoarse. Even so, everyone was still in high spirits. After returning to camp, they spontaneously reviewed and summarized the game.

During the war, none of them were as serious as they are now.

"Bug, you are so awesome today!"

"Yeah, one person scored three points in a row! The goalkeeper was knocked into the fishing net."

"Bedbug, next time you join our team. We are in the same camp, so we are on the same team!"

Seeing Bedbug's heroic appearance on the field, people who had bullied him in the past offered him olive branches.The world suddenly becomes beautiful!
Bedbug straightened his spine, feeling for the first time that he was an upright man!And all of this is due to this game and General Xu who proposed the game!

"You can join my team if you want, but you can't be disrespectful to General Xu in the future!"

Everyone in the camp looked at each other and said with a smile: "The county captain who can come up with such a competition will definitely not be a delicate and weak girl! We admire her!"

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