Chapter 178: Public Toilet Movement

After many fish admired the merchant Xihetao, they decided to return to the city.

On the way back, many fish did not bring an honor guard, but walked around casually, one person and one horse.

"Auntie, what should you do if you encounter an accident alone?" Yaduo was worried.

Many fish chuckled: "If I get stabbed in this realm, it will only prove that my work over the past few years has been in vain."

Yaduo couldn't defeat her, so he could only send her down the mountain and then watch her go away.

A sunset hangs in the sky, and the golden sunshine complements the golden wheat in the ground.

At sunset, the sun is not so poisonous, and the working farmers come out of their homes one after another and bend down to work.

This was a rare moment of relaxation, but it was unfortunately ruined by a fight.

"Shuzi! This is my family's feces!" A farmer picked up a hoe and pointed at a young man.

The young man had dark skin and an inch-long scar on the side of his face: "You call it, will it respond to you? The feces on my land, that's mine!"

"Nonsense! It was my eldest son who couldn't hold it in any longer, so that's why I dragged you into trouble!"

The two of them were talking and were about to start fucking!

After hearing the news, Tian Zuo officials rushed over and yelled: "Stop! What are you doing? If you delay the autumn harvest, you may face the consequences?"

The farmers dispersed in a hurry, leaving only the field official to curse at the field: "You know that excrement is valuable, so you keep it at home! You will be beaten three or four times a day for this matter, and if you do it next time, it will all be confiscated!"

Many fish were slightly startled, why would they start fighting over such trivial matters?If Tian Zuoli hadn't arrived in time, it might have escalated into a fight with weapons, and both parties would have to go to jail.

A group of children followed closely behind many fish, staring intently at the horse's butt.

Many fish…

It's really sensible to know how to carry things around the house at such a young age.

Many fish had no choice but to stop their mounts, pat their butts, and pull them quickly. If we didn’t pull them, these little devils would have to block us at the entrance of the village.

As if hearing the words, the horse plopped a few times, and while the children lowered their heads to pick them up, many fish hit the horse and ran wildly.

As soon as they entered Fucheng, they saw some residents unbuttoning their pants and pouring water in the corner.

There are many fish with black lines. Does this day have to be a delicious day?

I don't know if it's my own psychology, but I feel that the air in Fucheng is unspeakable.

"Nvjun, what's wrong with you?" Niu Buhui's medical skills are very superb. Hu Feizi can already get off the bed and walk a few steps, but his body is still weak and he still needs to rest.

Many Fish walked a few steps quickly and held Hu Feizi's arm: "I'm thinking about some things about farmers and common people."

Hu Feizi asked calmly: "Oh?"

Lots of fish: "In the "Tian Law" and "Cang Law", there are very strict requirements for farming. There are even regulations on how many millet and wheat seeds should be sown on one acre of land."

Hu Feizi nodded, isn't this normal?Farmers are so ignorant. How can we ensure production without detailed requirements?

Lots of fish: "Nowadays, acres of land are covered, prickly grass colonizes the valleys, and there are many manure fields. Everyone knows the effect of retting, but they are constantly fighting over the issue of manure."

This matter was indeed beyond Hu Feizi's expectation. Hu Feizi said, "Does the queen want to stipulate this matter? I'm afraid it will not be easy to implement."

"No, I want to build more public toilets." Many fish said.On the march, in order to ensure the safety and hygiene of the camp, craftsmen and soldiers would dig public toilets.

Hu Feizi was particularly supportive of this matter when he thought about the hidden weapons scattered throughout the city.

Therefore, in addition to the barracks outside the city, some "public toilets" of different sizes were also gradually built in the streets and alleys of the county.

The county secretary in charge of civil engineering supervised a group of craftsmen and prisoners to dig out a cesspit at the designated location, build the pit, surround it with adobe, and a simple public toilet was built.

The public toilets near official temples and counties and cities are covered with tiles, while the public toilets in the inner courtyard are cost-effective and have thatch roofs.

To show the importance of this matter, many fish personally issued official documents and posted notices.

The official document stipulates that government servants, county soldiers in barracks, and garrison soldiers are required to use public restrooms from now on!
Li Zhengmen was called together to learn the spirit of "building a civilized new city"!From now on, anyone who defecates anywhere in the county will be treated as a crime of discarding ashes on the street and will be heavily fined!

In order to supervise the implementation of this matter, many Yumingli prison gatekeepers wear "health and safety officer" armbands and patrol each block.

"The county captain is too strict, why do you even have to take care of such small things?"

"Oh, this is the disadvantage of a girl being an official! She pays attention to trivial matters!"

Some fish that slipped through the net deliberately provoked.

A Qin man scolded angrily: "What do you know? There has been a long history of this matter! At the beginning of Shang Yang's reform, a law was introduced in Xianyang that those who throw ashes across the street would be punished! If you don't chop off your hands, it is already a merciful woman!"

"That's right! Have you ever been to Xianyang? Do you know how clean Xianyang is?" People who have been soldiers in Pakistan worship many fish and cannot bear to hear anyone say anything bad about her!
snort!The Ba people had no intention of pooping, but in order to express their support for the female monarch, they went to the toilet with toilet chips.

Not to mention, this public toilet is more spacious and tidy than the one at home.The public toilets not only have walls blocking the view, but the floors have also been hardened so that you won't get muddy when you step on them.

What's more, it's free!
When the farmers learned that public toilets would be built in the village, they lamented that it would be difficult to clean up the manure in the future!
Fortunately, the government will distribute manure for uniform use.

And in order to handle this matter well, each county added an additional clerk, with some guilty prisoners, who were responsible for collecting feces from public toilets. They used bells as a signal to encourage merchants and craftsmen's houses facing the street to also move their houses. Take out the toilet and empty it.

Although the public toilets have made Fucheng much cleaner, many people still have complaints.

Niu Buhui, who was at the free clinic, couldn't laugh or cry: "You are just thinking about this, causing trouble for you. But do you know that plagues such as plague are spread through feces?"

Everyone exclaimed: "How is it possible? We are not ignorant children who would put feces in our mouths!"

"Do you wash your hands after relieving yourself? When dirt flows into the river, do you boil it before drinking it? Do you know that snakes, insects, rats and ants crawl through the dirt and then get into your rice vat?" Niu Buhui said without changing his expression. said.

The more everyone listened, the more they felt that the poison of this plague was everywhere!
"It turns out that the female monarch is curing the epidemic demon!"

"Yes, after the flood, the queen asked the magpie to lead the team to fight against the devil!"

Niu Buhui...

If you think so, there's nothing wrong with it.What you have done is indeed a lasting contribution and will benefit all people!
After all, for the nobles, these are not a big problem.They have someone to take care of the washing.

Meng Huo, who had just returned, felt disappointed after seeing the turbulent public toilet movement: "I originally thought that I would collect feces on a large scale when I came back..."

His good friend Xi reminded him coldly: "The feces matter is related to agriculture. Do you think I can safely hand it over to businessmen?"

 Thanks to Lulu for the recommendation vote


(End of this chapter)

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