As soon as Que finished his words, a dusty figure rushed in: "I told you to take me with you. You must dislike me for not being good at riding!"

Many fish were overjoyed and hurriedly got out of the way: "Niu Buhui! Come and show Hu Feizi!"

Niu Buhui put his hand on Hu Feizi's wrist. After looking around and questioning him, he said: "The body is empty, like a lamp that has run out of oil and withered."

The tears of many fish remained unconsciously.

Niu Buhui frowned: "Thankfully I came in time, otherwise there would be no way to save the day."

After saying that, Niu Buhui took out a thin needle and pricked Hu Feizi's many acupuncture points: "Your body needs to be nourished. Pay more attention to your diet and don't overwork yourself. I will perform ten acupuncture treatments on you. Day, if there is a next time, it will be really hard to save me!"

Hu Feizi thanked him angrily: "Thank you so much, doctor."

Niu Buhui: "We both work for the female monarch. If you help me more, the female monarch will be less affected and sicker."

Many fish are moved in their hearts, but Niu Bugui is so loyal?

Niu Buhui continued: "This way I can have more time to do other things."

Many fish... Bai was moved.

Seeing Hu Feizi sleeping deeply, Duoyu returned to the study to deal with the matter of catching the traitor.

"Ms. Jun, the people are very cooperative with the city-wide manhunt." The leader of the garrison hesitated to speak.

Many fish asked pleasantly: "But are you encountering difficulties? Tell the truth."

Team Rate: "Things went a little awry."

Many fish were not surprised. Lieutenant Li had been in Bashu for many years and it was impossible that he had no way of escaping. He would definitely be prepared before deciding to defect.

"How many people escaped? I ordered the city defense to assist you in the pursuit."

The team leader scratched his head, as if he didn't know how to say: "Catch them all and bring them to justice."

This is really unexpected. The ability of the garrison is so outstanding?

"Then what's the problem?" Many fishes were smiling. They have done such a good job. Are they here to be rewarded?

Team leader: "Based on the clues provided by the people, we also arrested many spies."

Many fish leaned forward and asked with interest: "Tell me more about it."

"There are spies from Chu State, spies from Bajun, and some gangs of thieves..." The team leader looked in a daze, as if he was dreaming.

In the past, catching these people was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and often only a few could be caught in a year.

This time, in just one or two days, this group of spies were like stupid fish, and they could catch a lot in one net.

Could it be that this is the female queen’s magical power?As soon as she returned, these monsters and monsters threw themselves into the trap.

Many fish were speechless, and the enthusiasm of the people in Fucheng reminded her of a mysterious group - the enthusiastic people in Chaoyang.

Sure enough, no matter which dynasty we are in, the power of the masses is great.

Many fish were naturally delighted to see this scene: "You follow this line and continue to investigate! If you find a big fish, you will be rewarded! In addition, after the traitors are escorted to Xianyang, we will hold a commendation meeting to reward all the heroes. !”


By the time the award ceremony is held, perhaps even Hu Feizi will be able to go to the ground.

It was time to take advantage of this opportunity to announce his return, reward the soldiers and enthusiastic people, and increase the cohesion of the county.Many fish quickly get into a busy working mode.

There are still three to five days of regulations for the army, how to distribute these personnel, and how to arrange their food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Who should be sent to escort the rebels?
How should I write a document to the new king?
We also need to send someone to notify Uncle Li Bing and deliver the gift.

Without Hu Feizi, many fish would be completely helpless, but in just a few days, their faces would look haggard, as if they had been squeezed dry.

Many fish washed their faces with cold water, and their chaotic heads regained some clarity.

"Come here, call Han Fei over." Many fish decided that since Hu Feizi was optimistic about Han Fei, it was time to reuse Han Fei!

After several days of recuperation, Han Fei's body has improved a lot. As expected of a young man, his recovery speed is faster than that of Hu Feizi!

"Han Fei, I now appoint you as the county magistrate, in charge of the affairs of the county." In fact, only the county magistrate can handle this matter, but Li Bing has quite delegated power. It can be said that many fish are now in a state of minding themselves.

Han Fei was stunned, did he get an official title just like this?Still such a big official!No more assessment?
In the Qin State, the county magistrate was appointed for counties with more than [-] people, and the county magistrate was appointed for counties with less than [-] people.

The population of Bashu County is not as dense as that of the Central Plains, with most counties having less than [-] people.

Many Fish waved their hands: "Someone will arrange the official residence and servants for you. After you finish handling all the official duties, there will be a clerk to take you there after you leave the office."

After many fish picked out some trivial matters and handed them over to Han Fei, they went back to the bedroom to catch up on their sleep.

If I don't rest, I'm afraid I'll die suddenly!
The system is a waste, it can only push people, it can't even help with official business.What kind of artificial intelligence is this? It’s obviously artificial intelligence!

Han Fei looked at the backs of many fish leaving quickly, and sat in front of the desk in a daze, working at the desk.

I was busy until I lit the torch, and then I was shocked to realize that there were so many things to do, which made my head spin.

"Sir, the official residence for you has been prepared. Do you want to rest first?" the clerk asked softly at the door.

Han Fei rubbed his sore eyes and said, "Good."

The county magistrate has a bronze seal with a yellow ribbon, a rank of [-] to [-] shi, and has his own courtyard to live in, so he does not have to live in a dormitory with ordinary county officials.

This was one of the reasons why Han Fei agreed. Since he came to Bashu, he had lived in the same courtyard with others, which was very inconvenient.

While guiding Han Fei to the small courtyard with lights on, the clerk smiled and said: "Most officials will bring their maids and servants with them when they take office. The courtyard is large and can be accommodated. The female monarch specially ordered that We have selected suitable official slaves for you. If you don’t like them, you can tell me directly.”

Han Fei stuttered and didn't like to talk much. He just smiled and nodded, thinking that he could fire the hired coachmen and slaves and save a lot of money.

The clerk knocked on the door, and the door was opened from the inside. The person who opened the door was an old official slave with gray hair but very energetic.

He held a torch and saw that it was the new county magistrate, so he quickly welcomed Han Fei and the officials in.

Han Fei glanced at the firelight and moonlight and found that the courtyard was indeed very spacious as the clerk said. The stables alone could accommodate four or five horses.

A brick and stone structure house with one room and two rooms is Han Fei's official residence.

In the front yard there is the residence of the old official slave who is responsible for the gatekeeper, a vegetable patch surrounded by a fence, a well, a toilet, and a kitchen.

There was a cook busy in the kitchen, cooking for the master who came home late.

The backyard is Han Fei's residence. There are four main rooms. The largest one is covered with new couches and bedding, and the arrangements are very considerate.

Compared with Han Fei's home and the school building in the college, this environment is much different.

But this is the remote and poor Bashu. I am neither a child at home nor a student in a school, but the head of a county!
Han Fei touched his chest, and agitated emotions surged in his chest. Maybe he wouldn't be able to go back to South Korea. (End of chapter)

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