Before leaving Hedong County, Duoyu once again paid a visit to Wang Ji: "Master County Sheriff, we have traveled a long way and been excited many times, and our weapons have been severely damaged..."

Wang Ji saw that many fish were generous, so he readily allowed many fish to go to the Hedong County arsenal to select equipment.

According to Qin law, the county guard has no right to do this.But who told Wang Ji to be recommended by Hou Fan Ju?
The King of Qin gave Wang Ji three years of exclusive power in Aiwu and Wuxia, which meant that within these three years, all personnel appointments and financial allocations in Hedong County could be made by Wang Ji alone.

There was a continuous drizzle in the sky, and many fish, Wang Jian and others, led by Zuo Bing Cao Shi, came outside the tall warehouse.

Looking at it, this is a solid fortress. The thick wall is two feet high, about two hundred paces in length and width, and is guarded by hundreds of armed county soldiers.

"General Xu, the arsenal has arrived."

Baya looked at the weapons and vehicles in the warehouse and took a breath. So this is the real strength of Da Qin?The arsenal of Hedong County is so magnificent, what about the one in Xianyang City?What about all of Great Qin?
Bayana said: "My dear, what should the arsenal of Xianyang City look like?"

Cao Shi, the left soldier, heard Baya's exclamation and chuckled: "The Xianyang arsenal is located next to Xianyang Palace and is garrisoned by guards. It is much more than here. The number of soldiers, armor, chariots and carriages stored in it is large and sophisticated. After all, it is the most All the good Mohist craftsmen gathered in Xianyang."

At this time, the arsenal officer trotted over, saluted, and entered with many fish and others.

Once inside, many fish found that the walls in the warehouse were thicker and the guards were tighter. They couldn't help but feel lucky that they didn't have to make any dangerous moves.

Cao Shi, the left soldier, seemed to enjoy seeing everyone's surprised and envious looks. He led the way and said: "The arsenal is the most important place in the county. In any internal strife or siege, the most important target is the arsenal!"

Baya nodded thoughtfully. Amei once taught him that during a war, he could attack the enemy's troops, food and fodder, baggage, arsenal, and transportation facilities.

I didn't understand why I wanted to attack the arsenal before. It wasn't until I saw the arsenal in Hedong County that I truly realized how big the equipment gap was.

"The arsenal is divided into three parts: chariots, armor and soldiers. I will show you the chariots first." Cao Shi, the left soldier, led the way.

What caught everyone's eyes were thousands of carriages and carriages of different shapes, all lined up in the arsenal, and it was impossible to see them all at a glance.

There are ramming vehicles used for siege, light vehicles used to attack the enemy, and heavy vehicles carrying military supplies such as ordnance, rations, and clothing...

These vehicles are usually maintained by dedicated personnel, and each vehicle needs to be registered in the warehouse. In wartime, they will transform into the most ferocious beasts and trample the enemy's body.

Cao Shi, the left soldier, looked at the wooden calf signed by the county governor: "According to the county governor's order, you can choose 20 chariots."

After saying that, Cao Shi, the soldier on the left, went through the formalities with the warehouse officials to make the delivery, while many fish and others were in the carriage, touching on the left and touching on the right.

"Mei, this drum cart is so impressive!"

"Nvjun, charge the car, trap the light car, and the heavy car!" Wang Jian blinked at the many fish.

When I joined the party, I got so much food and grass, and this time I got so much ordnance that the heavy vehicles are not enough!
Many Fishes: "4 heavy vehicles, 8 rush vehicles and [-] light vehicles each."

Baya glanced at the drum cart regretfully.

"Go and see Jiaku and Hyogou. You can take away 300 pieces each." Zuo Bing Cao Shi said reluctantly.

This is a free gift!The kind that never comes back!It hurts!
The most abundant items in the armory were the Zhishi leather armors of the Qin soldiers, as well as bronze jackets, leather shields, and even vests for chariots and horses.

The weapons in the arsenal are also very complete, including swords, guns, spears, halberds, chiefs' spears, barbarian spears...most of them are bronze, and there are not many iron weapons.

This is no different than Zhao State, which is the most important iron ore producing area and ironware production center among the seven countries due to its rich iron ore resources. "200 shields, 100 vests. 150 chief spears and [-] barbarian spears each." Many fish made their choice without hesitation.

Zuo Bing Cao Shi glanced at many fish without trace, and it could be judged from her choice that she had a relatively large proportion of cavalry.

But cavalry has no advantage on the battlefield.Sure enough, he still lacks experience, so trusting Liang Cheng must be a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

Many fish and other people left the arsenal in buckets, and Zuo Bing Cao Shi kindly sent people to deliver the weapons to the camp.

"Where is that?" Baya asked, pointing to a place not far from the arsenal.

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

A harsh knocking sound came from afar.

"It's a workshop." Many fish have already touched the distribution of the county and city.

Because this is not the age of machines, the workshops are all run by manpower. Even if there is assembly line production, it still requires a lot of labor.There are tens of thousands of servants and concubines in this workshop.

After Baya was silent for a long time, he asked: "Amei, is this one of the reasons why you joined the war?"

Many fish pointed to the workshop and said softly: "In a war, what you can see is tens of thousands of people fighting. But behind this, there are several times more people's efforts."

"Leather armor needs to be made from the hides of countless beasts, chariots and chariots need all kinds of wood and craftsmen, and arrow feathers need the feathers of poultry and birds. These are all natural resources."

"For these resources, workshops, hunters, merchants, farmers, etc. must be mobilized."

"Brother, how can we in Bashu County accumulate such a rich family fortune just by relying on us?"

Of the 5 troops brought from Bashu, there are now only [-] left.Among them were those who died in battle, those who were injured, those who fell behind, and a few who escaped...

How could Baya not feel heartbroken when he saw familiar faces buried one by one in a foreign land, without even having time to perform the soul-returning ceremony?
Baya occasionally wonders why the county captain was not allowed to lead the troops during the conscription?If Amei wants to take full power, the worst she can do is put the county captain under house arrest.

Even though the sky is high and the road is far away, Da Qin will not do anything to them.

It wasn't until he came to Hedong County that Baya knew that Amei was right.

Da Qin's strength is definitely not something that Bashu can compete with.

Baya looked back at the carts of ordnance, and then thought about the leather armors and weapons in the camp. He silently said to the deceased tribesmen in his heart: "Rest in peace. Under the leadership of the goddess, our days will surely pass." The better!"

Wang Jian sat on the military chariot and kept sighing: "What a loss, what a loss!"

Many fish said angrily: "If you can buy weapons with money, just enjoy it secretly."

"If this money can enter the Great Qin treasury, then I have nothing to say. However, this money clearly goes into Wang Ji's pocket! He is ashamed of his trust in the King of Qin and of Great Qin!" Wang Jian said impassionedly.

"Please keep your voice down, we haven't left Hedong County yet." Many fish raised a mysterious smile, "Who said that if it goes into his pocket, it won't come out again? If you eat mine, you will have to spit it out. come out!"

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