Chapter 139 Thought Construction
"Muzhuangzi, who was born as a minister, was trapped in the team, beheaded for five levels, and regained his free status! Ask him if he is afraid when he kills the enemy?" The military judge motioned to the young man named Muzhuangzi to stand in front of everyone.

It was the first time that Muzhuangzi spoke in front of so many people, and his tongue was a little unruly, but when he thought of the past, he started talking nonstop.

"I was quite scared at the time. As a trapper, you have no armor, only short soldiers. You stand in front of the whole army and take the lead in launching a charge against the enemy. Oh, the enemies are all wearing armor and holding spears. It's scary. Dead people.”

There was a burst of laughter below, and those who were originally worried and aggrieved suddenly felt that this little kid was down-to-earth, that's what happened.

Even Qin Zu, who was watching the show, couldn't help but prick up his ears to listen.

Wooden Zhuangzi became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke: "There were a total of 20 of us at that time. The commander said that as long as we capture five heads of the enemy, those who should have been executed before will be exempted from the death penalty, and those who were previously subordinates will regain their freedom of status."

The military judge had said this to other ministers, but it was a pity that no one took it to heart.

Wooden Zhuangzi: "If anyone cowers, in front of thousands of people, he will be punished with tattoos and a broken nose! You don't have to think about how to choose between the two. I also thought beheading was impossible at first. Things accomplished.”

They listened quietly and carefully to the young man talking about his own journey.

"But when your short-hand soldiers pierce into the enemy's body, you will find that they are actually nothing special. They have the same two eyes and one mouth."

Everyone responded to the boy with thunderous applause.

Wooden Zhuanzi's eyes were bright, and a hint of red could be seen on his dirty face.

Some brave people asked loudly: "What does it feel like to be free again?"

Wooden Zhuanzi puffed up his chest, which was not generous, and said proudly: "I feel so comfortable! For the first time, I can take off the wooden tongs and walk on the street without any scruples, and I will no longer be looked down upon by others!"

What an enviable life this is.

The eyes of the officials below were red.

In the dark night, the flames on the fire were like elves dancing, and the dancing firelight was reflected in everyone's eyes.

Xu Shi hides in the dark night and brings courage to everyone.

Someone then asked: "Then why do you continue to fight bravely against the enemy?"

Muzhuangzi answered word for word: "Because my mother is still working as a Chengdan pounder, and my two younger brothers are still minor officials in the county."

The laws of the Qin State stipulated that if one could be beheaded and gain a title, he could redeem his family's life.

"I want to redeem my mother and brothers!"

Wooden Zhuangzi's firm words were inspiring.

The subordinates who were tortured by life were shocked to realize that they still had their families in their distant hometown. They were looking forward to their safe return and their military exploits to save them.

The military judge winked, and Wooden Zhuangzi hurriedly followed the military judge, leaving everyone deep in thought.

The military judge came to the group of people with wooden stakes and saluted respectfully: "My lady. The mission has been successfully completed."

Many fish nodded with satisfaction and said in return: "Thank you for your hard work. I'll take credit for you."

Only then did Muzhuangzi realize that the person speaking was actually a girl, and there was only one girl in the army, and that was the supreme commander of more than 3 people!
"General, general!" Mu Zhuanzi, who had made an impassioned speech just now, began to get tongue-tied again.

Many Fish smiled and comforted: "No need to be nervous, you just said it very well. From now on, you will follow the military judge every night and tell the ministers about your life and goals. People, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, you will Persevere in desperate situations.”

"Here!" Mu Zhuanzi shouted angrily.

Many Fish turned sideways and continued to say to the lieutenants beside them, Wang Jian, Heidu and others: "You can also follow this method in each department. Anyway, the soldiers will not sleep peacefully at night. Why not talk together." Zhuo Mu Lie scratched his head in embarrassment: "But, there are no subordinates among my subordinates."

Many Fish guided: "Let's talk about the good life after having military pay and a title, and then compare it with the poor days when the village was precarious."

"Once we can't go back, or we are defeated, the good days will be gone forever."

Zhuo Mulie heard this, his body trembled three times, and he said decisively: "I will definitely complete the task! I will never stop living the same life as before!"

Wang Jian's eyes lit up, and he drew inferences from one instance to another: "For ordinary Qin soldiers, let's talk about their titles, and compare the miserable lives of subordinates and sin slaves..."

Many fish gave Wang Jian an approving look. He was worthy of being a general that Bai Qi favored. He was smart!
At the same time, many fish also gave themselves a thumbs up in their hearts.

These 3 soldiers and horses have complex composition and have never been trained together, so their coordination is zero.

In order to keep the army moving smoothly every day without causing chaos, many fish and other people have exhausted their energy.

So, many fish began to think, how can these people form a rope?

Hearing the military judge complaining and scolding that those who escaped were traitors and the enemy's lackeys, many fishes suddenly had an idea. Isn't a certain army in later generations the best at ideological work?
Of course, you can't talk about ideals and beliefs with Qin people, but you can talk about titles and feelings!

Muzhuangzi's speech tonight was very effective.This confirmed many fish's ideas, so many fish decided to promote this method to the entire army!

In fact, the Qin soldiers at this moment are like a taut string. If more pressure is added, the string will break and bite back on itself.

With only the thousands of soldiers and horses brought by many fish, they have been invincible and know their goals well.

The Qin soldiers from Xinliang City experienced many twists and turns - being surrounded - the general surrendered - the general being killed - being rescued - working together to kill the enemy - and being abandoned by Wang Lu's army. Fortunately, they had relatively high military literacy. , fearing the harsh Qin law, otherwise they would have fled long ago.

What I picked up on the road was the remnant of the defeated army, just holding on for a breath.

"Go home!"

"Regain your freedom!"

"We are invincible!"

"A title! I want to become a man with a title!"

"I want to get a wife and have children!"

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed.

After getting used to the symposium, many fish started to live again.

That is, before the end of the symposium, add a procedure to ask everyone to shout out their expectations three times in a row.

At first, the Qin soldiers were too embarrassed to let go. After many fish and senior generals took the lead in shouting, the Qin soldiers suppressed their shame and spoke loudly.

Not to mention, after shouting, the Qin soldiers were full of energy!

The ideological construction work of the army once again united the frightened Qin soldiers.

Everyone held their breath and returned to the army without stopping. If anyone dares to block their way, just wait and see the Qin army fighting for their lives!

(End of this chapter)

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