Chapter 128

After seeing this scene, many fish no longer felt sleepy. Their bodies were exhausted but their spirits were as full as a clockwork alarm clock. They swelled up and down, unable to relax at all.

Many Qin soldiers suddenly appeared behind them. They pushed aside many fish, carried the wounded, and hurried to several camps in the open space.

Many fish consciously stepped aside, and in the panic saw a touch of white that was incompatible with the black and red. That was their own brocade clothes!

Many fish took a closer look and found out that it was the captain who had injured his femoral artery.He was being carried by the little Qin Bing, and his long legs were hanging on the ground, looking a little funny.

"Sir! Doctor Jinshang is back! You will be saved soon!" The little Qin Bing cried like a little cat.

Many fishes realized that the camp was actually a camp for wounded soldiers.

With nothing to do, many fish simply took the black dolphin to the wounded barracks to have a look.

Many fish once asked the magpie whether they could establish a medical school to train more doctors.

But Que said that he was a disease doctor, mainly treating headaches, brain fever, and other diseases. He was only slightly involved and was not proficient in it.

Only then did many fish realize that at this time, there were many categories of doctors.

There are food doctors, usually found in the palace or in the homes of big nobles. They mainly treat intestinal diseases such as indigestion by adjusting diet.

There are veterinarians who specialize in treating livestock diseases.

There is a pediatrician and a gynecologist, that is, pediatrics and gynecology.

There are also ulcer doctors, also called golden ulcer doctors, who are equivalent to surgeons and specialize in treating trauma and sword wounds.

When I opened the tent curtain, I was greeted by the strong smell of blood and rotting meat, mixed with the unspeakable smell of medicine. Many fish were almost vomited by the smell.

"Ah!" A nobleman howled like a killing pig.

I saw a middle-aged man with a short beard holding a knife with an expressionless face and scratching his wounds again and again, as if the person lying in front of him was not a human but a cow or sheep.

The short-bearded man taught the apprentice while operating: "Binding wounds, acupuncture, applying medicine, and scraping. These are the four commonly used techniques. The key to scraping is to scrape it thoroughly!"

This wounded man was injured by an arrow, and the apprentice should have taken care of it. Because the injured position was a bit close to his lifeblood, the short-bearded man took action himself out of empathy as a man.

"Next." The short-bearded man handed the knife to the apprentice. The apprentice first washed the knife in hot water and then grilled it over the fire.

Although they didn't know the principle behind it, a lot of actual combat let them know that if they didn't wash the knife clean, the probability of high fever would increase for the next wounded person who uses the knife.

Many fishes have bright eyes. Look at the doctor's skillful skills, and every move he makes has the air of a general, as if this small tent is his battlefield.

Isn't this the talent I long for?Bring back!Be sure to take it back!
Before many fish could come up to talk to him, the new wounded man was carried in.Coincidentally, this is an acquaintance of mine - a very lucky person!
The short-bearded man's originally casual eyes froze when he saw the straps on his long thighs.

Although there was a saying in this era that wounds were bound before fighting, and wounds would be wrapped with cloth, they were all rough and casual.

Shi Chang was using first aid techniques such as a triangle scarf and a tying stick. Although the short-bearded man had never seen this before, he understood its purpose after thinking for a moment.

The short-bearded man studied the binding method seriously and couldn't help but ask: "Who tied it for you?"

Shi Chang had already fallen into a coma due to serious injuries and was unable to answer.

Many fish saw the opportunity and hurriedly said: "It's me!"

The short-bearded man who had been ignoring Duoyu and others finally gave Duoyu a look.

After looking at it for a moment, the short-bearded man seemed to have confirmed something, his face changed drastically, and he shouted angrily: "Nonsense! What are you doing here, a girl?"


The wounded in the camp all looked at him in various ways.There are women in the army, but they are all in the logistics force.This woman dared to put on armor and swagger into the military camp. The Qin soldiers were deeply offended.

"The queen is a doctor personally conferred by the king. She is in charge of important affairs in Bashu. This time she was ordered to come for reinforcements. Why can't she come here?" Black Dolphin's tall and strong body stepped forward and a sense of oppression enveloped the short man. Bearded man.

Everyone was shocked. The king personally sealed it?How can it be?How virtuous and capable is this woman?

Black Dolphin swept around the wounded barracks in a vague way and dropped another bomb: "The female monarch studied under Wu'an Hou Baiqi and is amazingly talented. If we hadn't rescued him, Fencheng would have fallen into the hands of Lord Xinling!"

Black Dolphin's words were like a bolt of lightning, stunning everyone.

Wu'an Hou Baiqi?The God of War is coming for free!She turned out to be a disciple of the God of War!

The word "Bai Qi" is as important as Mount Tai in Qin Bing's heart. Even if he just reads this name, he will feel confident.

Since he was accepted as a disciple by Marquis Wu'an, he must be something special.

"It turns out to be a female monarch!" The guard of Youfen City said in surprise.

"The one who killed Wei Jun was actually a female monarch?"

"It's so powerful!"

"Not only that, she also rescued patients on the city wall. She was the one who saved me when I was a child!"

"That's right, the female monarch is still teaching medical techniques on the wall."


When the short-bearded man first heard that this girl was Bai Qi's disciple, he was a little surprised, but he didn't think it had anything to do with him.

It wasn't until he heard the female queen imparting knowledge that he looked at the many fishes with approval.

Many fishes greeted the short-bearded man respectfully: "May I ask the doctor's name?"

"Niu Buhui, a native of Xianyang, is in charge of medicine." Niu Buhui relaxed his expression and introduced himself.

Many fish pretended to ask for advice and explained: "We came from Bashu. There is a shortage of doctors in Bashu and the army is not equipped with enough golden sore doctors, so we came here to ask for advice."

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the prototype of military doctors already existed.In the army of Qi State, there are "two alchemists, who are responsible for hundreds of medicines to treat golden sores and cure all diseases."

The same is true for Qin.However, many fish still put money on their faces. What does it mean to be under-equipped?Not at all!
The medicine and doctors in the army are all based on plundering powerful people from major aristocratic families...

The qualifications of doctors are uneven, but the main one is to just let nature take its course.

Niu Buhui was not stingy about the exchange of medical skills, so he started discussing with Duoyu.

After Duoyu demonstrated how to bandage and stop bleeding, Niu Buhui felt happy and in return, he gave his unique prescription to Duoyu.

The apprentice beside Niu Buhui looked at the many fish with starry eyes in admiration.

"Sir, you are so talented! It would be great if our army had people like you." Many fish hinted.

Niu Buhui didn't understand the meaning, but said enthusiastically: "Nujun is so complimentary. If necessary, Nvjun can send someone to my camp to communicate."

Duoyu didn't say anything more, he was not Long Aotian, and countless geniuses knelt down as soon as the tiger's body shook.

 Thanks to Weng Lai c, a fan of zt novels, and Liuliu for the recommendation vote

(End of this chapter)

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