Chapter 121 Earn while walking
All this is thanks to many Mohists, who had the habit of recording mountains, rivers and seas when they walked around.

When I first heard the news that Juzi was in Bashu, Mohists from various countries traveled thousands of miles to Bashu and basically knew the roads leading to Bashu from all countries.

Bashu is far away from Zhao State, about 1400 kilometers.King Qin ordered reinforcements to Fencheng, a distance of about 1000 kilometers.

Based on the average march of 30 miles per day, it would take 2 months to arrive.

The Qin soldiers' individual ration reserve is 50 days, so they are destined to replenish supplies along the way.

The King of Qin was so stingy that even the Shu soldiers had to bring their own food, so they couldn't count on him at all.

and so……

"Female Queen!" Meng Huo suppressed the excitement in his heart and saluted respectfully to many fishes.

Many fish looked at Meng Huo's shining eyes and understood the excitement in his heart: "The army will only camp here for one night, and will stay for one day when they reach the big city ahead."

"Thank you so much, Madam!" Meng Huo almost jumped up and hurried out of the camp to tell the people at the Chamber of Commerce about this and seize the time to sell goods.

That's right, many fish allow the caravans in the Chamber of Commerce to follow them all the way.

What is this concept?It's equivalent to the Chamber of Commerce's trip. As long as you don't encounter enemy troops, you'll be safe!
Of course, it's not for nothing, you have to pay protection fees...

This is more suitable than hiring someone by yourself. The caravan is the queen's own business and will not be embezzled.If you hire someone, that's not necessarily the case...

"Great! Hurry up and sell it!"

"There are some small villages nearby, which provide practical things, such as cloth, wells, salt and so on."

"But, sir, if the interests of local powerful people are touched..."

Some members suffer from this. Sometimes the goods they bring over mountains and ridges are obviously very expensive in the local area. Once they sell them at a lower price, they will be forced to sell them to powerful people at a low price.

A companion next to him poked his head: "Who dares to make trouble with us? Look how many troops this is?"

"The Qin people naturally don't dare. But this way they will rub the border between Chu and Wei. They have now formed an anti-Qin coalition."

Meng Huo chuckled: "You know a lot. It's okay, they are more afraid of us entering the country."

During the day, caravans walked behind the army.The army is not fast, they can keep up.

When the army stopped and camped, the caravan was reluctant to waste time. It immediately took out the goods and scattered them for sale. It was not until the sun completely set that they returned with torches.

Sometimes I am too lazy to set up camp, so I sleep with my clothes on.

With so many people around, the wild beasts would naturally not dare to attack.

"How do you sell this pheasant?" A soldier was really greedy and asked the caravan for a price.

"Hey, I exchanged it with the villagers. If you want to eat, I'll give it to you." The person from the Chamber of Commerce complimented with a smile.

When the soldiers heard this, they turned around and ran away like the merchants were ferocious beasts.

People from the Chamber of Commerce...what's going on?I didn't hear the drumbeat for emergency gathering.

But the soldier really couldn't bear to part with the meat. After lingering for a long time 800 meters away from the merchant, he stamped his feet and ran back into the shack, dragging the captain with him.

The businessman's heart was pounding: "Sir, I didn't offer a high price."

Wu Chang glanced at his subordinates, who smiled flatteringly.

That’s all, they all came from the same village, who doesn’t know his virtue?
The corps commander said in a rough voice: "I already understand the whole story. There are eight disciplines in the military, and we are not allowed to take other people's property privately. Just ask the price normally."

The businessman was stunned. Eight disciplines?

"3 money."

The captain's eyebrows stood straight up. The businessman immediately knew what the captain meant and hurriedly explained: "This pheasant was given as a gift from the villagers. It's really not expensive."

Although coins are widely used, in many areas it is still customary to exchange things for things.The salt from the caravan is urgently needed by the villagers, and it is much cheaper than official salt, so it is naturally very popular.As for whether it is a private relationship, you don’t say it, I don’t say it, and everyone doesn’t say it. Who can know?

When the situation becomes urgent, the worst possible outcome is to pack up a bundle and flee to another country.

When the soldier heard that he only needed 3 coins, he took out a small sack from his belt without hesitation, counted out 3 copper coins and put them in the hands of the merchant.

The businessman looked at the soldier carrying a pheasant, and was scolded by the captain. Then he looked at the coins in his hand, and he didn't know how he felt.

"What's wrong? Are you being bullied by a soldier?" his companion asked worriedly.

The little money that small businessmen make is really earned through hard work.

The businessman looked confused and said in an erratic tone: "No. He paid. There are eight disciplines in the army."

The businessman looked at his companion hotly: "Tell me, are there really any soldiers in this world who don't rob?"

For ordinary people, natural disasters are disasters, wars are disasters, and soldiers are also disasters.

Sometimes, the soldiers themselves are more terrible than death in war.

But the companions didn't believe it: "Our caravan is the female monarch's caravan! Who among them doesn't know this?"

A glimmer of light flashed in the businessman's eyes: "You have been on the road for so long, won't you know it if you look along the way?"

"You won't be stationed in the next town?" The caravan will not follow many fish to Fencheng. Instead, when it goes to a big city, a group of people will be left behind to do business.

After selling the goods, you can choose whether to return by yourself or follow the army.Most will choose to return on their own.

The businessman said firmly: "No, I want to follow the queen to Fencheng!"

The army marched slowly, and green seedlings of millet and wheat were already growing in the fields beside the street.

The scattered farmers were bent over working in the fields. They straightened up and wanted to take a rest, but they saw an army approaching from a distance.

The farmers were stunned and hurriedly ran back to the village as if they had seen a ghost.

On the next road, the gates of several villages that the army passed by were closed.

The farmers hid in the shack, opened a small crack, and looked at the soldiers wearing strange armor through the crack with horror and fear.

They were worried that they would trample through the fields, but no one dared to stop them.

This is the reaction of ordinary people when they see the Qin army. There is no way to welcome them.Although the Qin army inspected the heads very strictly, all actions prioritized the convenience of marching.

Trampling on the fields is a common thing.

But unexpectedly, this group of Qin soldiers would rather go far away than trample on the fields.

When a baggage train accidentally overwhelms a young seedling, a few soldiers will stay behind to carefully lift the fallen young seedling.


A group of soldiers drew their swords and cautiously walked towards the small mud pit in the field.

"Come out! Who is it?!"

Although the Ba people speak Qin dialect, they have a strong accent and it is difficult for someone unfamiliar with them to understand what they are saying.

"Hey." The two children, covered in yellow mud, hugged each other tightly and looked at the fierce looking soldiers in fear.

"My son..." A farmer couple bit their lips and burst into tears.

The two children were playing in the field at that time, but they were nowhere to be seen when he ran away. He thought he was hiding in a neighbor's house, but he actually fell into a mud pit?
The peasant woman closed her eyes in despair. She was over thirty and had given birth to seven children, four boys and three girls. Three of them died of illness and two of them starved to death. The only two seedlings left at home...

(End of this chapter)

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