Chapter 119 Internal worries
Galloping horses carry the latest battle reports to Xianyang day and night.

The rapid sound of horse hooves makes people panic.

"Did Handan be captured?"

"Looking at the expression on the post soldier's face, he is so serious. Something must have happened."

"Nonsense! How can the Zhao State be a rival to our Qin State if it has ten houses and nine empty houses?"

Except for Xianyang, speech is relatively free in various parts of the Qin State. As long as rebellion is not discussed and there is no disrespect to the monarch, there is basically no problem.

"Chu, Wei, how dare you!" King Qin covered his chest and gasped violently.

"Your Majesty!" Fan Ju quickly called the medical officer, "Your Majesty, Chu and Wei are all defeated by us, so there is nothing to fear. Don't be angry."

King Qin was not only angry, he was furious!

In his early years, he was a hostage in the Yan Kingdom. In the early days of his accession to the throne, his biological mother was in power and his uncle Wei Ran was the prime minister.After finally taking over the government, he was able to make great achievements.

Over the years, he once captured Luoyi, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, ended the rule of the Zhou Dynasty, and became the two emperors of the East and West together with King Min of Qi Tiandi.

Consolidate Bashu by yourself, eliminate Yiqu, conquer east and west, devour whales, and occupy Handan and create great achievements. The result!

A breath was stuck in King Qin's chest, unable to move up or down.

The medical officer only dared to ask King Qin to relax and stop being anxious and angry.

"Your Majesty, your health is the most important thing!" Fan Ju expressed concern from the bottom of his heart.Only when King Qin is good can you be good.

King Qin breathed a sigh of relief and tried to adjust his mood.

"Report! Our army is defeated, General Wang Lu led his army to retreat to Fencheng!"

King Qin's expression turned from white to black, and he was silent for a long time before he decided to visit Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an again.

Bai Qi said he could not afford to be ill and refused to lead the army.

Seeing that King Qin's face was getting more and more ugly, Bai Qi felt a sense of joy in his heart: "Your Majesty, you didn't listen to me at the beginning, what is the situation now? If after Changping, Handan is captured in one fell swoop, how dare King Zhao be capricious?"

King Qin couldn't suppress the anger in his heart and walked away.

How could Bai Qi not see the dissatisfaction of King Qin?But I also feel infinite grievances in my heart.

Back then, if he hadn't secretly escorted King Qin all the way back to Xianyang, and if Wei Ran and Empress Dowager Xuan hadn't helped him, how could King Qin have ascended to the throne?
Wei Ran had been prime minister for many years and worked hard for the Qin State and made countless meritorious deeds.

I have participated in more than 70 battles, large and small, without any defeat. Not to mention credit, it must be hard work.

How did King Qin treat these people?

He even banished his two brothers from the court and treated him coldly.

How could I not complain in my heart?
King Qin was very angry at Bai Qi's place. On the way back to the palace, his face was so gloomy that it could drip.

"Your Majesty, Marquis Wu'an is really arrogant and proud of his favor. Is it possible that he is the only one in our Qin Dynasty who can accomplish this?" Fan Ju is the best at observing words and emotions, especially trying to figure out the King of Qin's intentions.

King Qin finally felt better after Fan Ju said the words that were difficult for him to say.

But as news of the Qin army's defeat continued to spread on the battlefield, and seeing the rising death toll, King Qin's anger was like a barrel of explosives.

Either blow yourself up or blow up someone else.

If Bai Qi had agreed to lead the army, how could things have reached this point?Is he still devoted to Wei Ran and complaining about Wei Ran?

Did he think that Qin could not do without him?joke!In the world, only those who can't live without their monarchs can't live without their ministers.
Ministers are like crops on the ground, you can get as much as you want!
Why is he unique?That's because I value him and give him more fertilizer and water!
Ungrateful, wolf-hearted and dog-feeling...

"Come here! Demogate Wu'an Hou Bai Qi to an ordinary soldier and leave Xianyang immediately!" King Qin's head felt hot and he ordered.

After the king's order was issued, King Qin calmed down and felt a little regretful.The name of Wu'an Hou is very respected among the Qin people, and many Qin people follow Bai Qi as an example.

When Bai Qi made no big mistake, it was more or less unjustifiable to demote him to an ordinary soldier.

When the envoy came back to report, Bai Qi applied for temporary stay in Xianyang on the grounds that he was seriously ill, and the King of Qin agreed to borrow the donkey from Poxia.

However, the gap between monarch and ministers is difficult to bridge.


The county captain who received the order from King Qin directly assigned this job to many fish.

The King of Qin did not expect the soldiers in Bashu to make any contribution or achieve any strategic goals.

Just think of it as a mobile blood pack that Wang Hao can use at any time when he needs it.

Anyway, this group of Bashu soldiers brought their own rations and weapons and did not need the Qin court to pay for them.

"My lady, take care of yourself all the way." Hu Feizi led everyone in the chamber of commerce to see off many fishes.

God favored it, and the sun was shining brightly on the day when the army set off.

Hu Feizi firmly believed that this was a good luck, and the queen would definitely achieve her wish and return in triumph.

Many fish are riding on horses, and behind them is a long snake-shaped army, which is vast and stretches for dozens of miles.

There are many mountain roads in Bashu, and some mountain roads are narrow and can only be walked by two people side by side, so a long snake formation is most suitable.

Many fish wear the best armor and hold long guns. The head of the gun is a 30 cm long iron triangular prism with a blood groove on it. The gun shaft is made of ash wood and will be more elastic.

This was co-produced by Mao Ying and Zheng An.

The red gun cherry on the spear was made by Mao Xue and Jing Niang using the first batch of silk thread produced in the textile workshop, dyeing it, and weaving it into multiple strands.

The existence of the gun cherry is to prevent the enemy's blood from flowing down the rod after killing the enemy, which will affect many fish's ability to grasp the spear.

Many fish took a deep look at Hu Feizi and the people seeing him off, then waved their spears and shouted: "Let's go!"

The whole army is like a long snake, slowly squirming its body and crawling towards the prey.

Weapons were distributed to the soldiers. The short ones held spears and halberds, the tall ones with broad vision used crossbows, the strong ones held up the banner, and the brave ones held the golden drums.

The several months of training were not in vain. The soldiers were well behaved and magnificent.

It was completely different from the chaos when I first arrived.

"Is this the female gentleman's sergeant?"

"Are they really Ba people?"

"Oh my god, how can Ba ​​people be so brave?"

"Perhaps the female queen really has magical powers..."

This is the first appearance of the army after closed training.

This appearance completely shocked everyone. Some people wiped their eyes. Are these soldiers who are as clean as bells and stand like pine trees really the Ba people who are like wild monkeys?
Members of the Chamber of Commerce also felt that their money was not wasted when they saw the radical changes of the Pakistani people.

As long as this group of people returns safely, wouldn't they be veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles?
Aren’t the soldiers of the female monarch the soldiers of the Chamber of Commerce?This is so safe!

On the contrary, the county captain couldn't tell what he felt in his heart.Many fish merchants can make money for themselves, so of course I hope she can return safely.

It's just that he can't help but feel jealous in his heart.He had gained his title step by step. She, a little girl, could be called half the master of the land of Bashu, and then let her control the military power...

(End of this chapter)

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